
Sunday 2 February 2020

Your '2 Ways' challenge cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all stayed safe in those High Winds yesterday, goodness me it was blowing a gale around here, we have a cover on our big car as it only gets used once a week and I honestly thought it was going to take off like a hot air balloon at one point as the wind was getting under the cover and lifting it right up, apart from a few rogue branches falling in the garden we had no damage.

I was interested to read some of your reactions to us leaving the EU yesterday, I guess we will have to wait and see how it truly affects us all, kind of feels sad though (to me), I can't help but wonder how it will change things from our day to day lives to the little things like our summer holidays after this year, as we spend a good 3 1/2 weeks travelling through France and Spain, part of me feels that they are going to try and make an 'Example' of UK for leaving, making things as hard as possible for us but that remains to be seen I guess.
By the way this is just my opinion and I'm not trying to force it on to any of you, I would never do that.  I just felt kind of sad and wanted to talk about it.

Enough of the serious stuff, lets look at your cards...….


Four amazing designs from Janet for our '1 stamp 2 Ways Challenge', I love them both, such unusual stamps, it's nice to see something different to the 'everyday' designs, you have some incredible stamps Janet.
I will add Janet's description below:

"Both my offerings are made from a  stamp set of 'CHOCOLATE BAROQUE'
This is their latest stamps..

my first card is made using the stamp 'CALA LILY BLUEPRINT'
my second card is made using the stamp'WILD CORNFLOWER BLUEPRINT'

The backing papers on the coloured prints are also from Chocolate Baroque and are made to fit the set.

The blueprint part of the stamp are from original blueprints found in a clearance when sorting out drawers/cupboards and are really aged."

Thanks so much Janet for four amazing Challenge cards XXX


Karen has used an old Spellbinders die that she found in a Bargain Bucket  to create her Challenge cards this week, I have to say Karen that you have achieved 2 totally different looks with this set, I love them both but the first one really grabs the attention, it just goes to show what a different effect you get with different colour card and patterned paper!

Thank you so much for taking part this week my lovely XXX


Lilian has used a lovely Silhouette stamp to create her '1 stamp 2 ways' challenge this week.
Using different masks/stencils and a different colour makes the world of difference, I also love the little touch of adding the black ink around the edges of your coloured card, which slightly mutes the colour, that little touch of black really ties the whole card together.

Thank you so much Lilian for taking part in this weeks challenge. XXX


Michele gets an extra point this week as she used up a Background that she made for another Challenge to create her challenge cards for this week, very frugal Michele, brilliant idea!

These two cards have different embossing folders and different sentiments, nothing else has changed but they work for perfectly for their designated theme.

Thanks so much Michele for finding time to take part in this weeks challenge XXX

Well that's all for today's post Ladies, I hope that you all enjoy what's left of the weekend, thank you so much to all of you that took part in this weeks challenge. 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    What great challenge cards, I had so many more ideas that didn’t get beyond the “ideas “ stage!

    Yesterday went in a blur-hairdressers in the morning then we went to see my Father in Law in the afternoon. We got home earlier than normal as he has the Rugby on TV at full volume & wouldn’t let us turn it down. He was chatty but not making much sense as I think he was tired so we were gone by 6:30pm.
    Housework this morning then issng yo continue in my craft room .


  2. Good morning ladies Lovely cards on display
    Isn’t it great how we differ Life would be so boring otherwise
    Now that it’s happened I don’t know how I feel apart from being worried/concerned about how it will affect us all But then I’m a bit of a scaredy-cat about everything just lately!
    What a fantastic amount of money your village raised CHERYL I bet it was a lovely evening
    It’s very dark and dismal here and my “get up and go” is still in bed at the moment
    I think we’re going into town a bit later for a new house number and doorbell We certainly know how to live it up 😋
    Take care everyone xxx

  3. Morning everyone.
    Lovely cards on show this morning, some very nice stamps around. Sorry I didn't send mine in but not happy so will give them another go someday.
    OH is out for the day so I got the day for myself, not sure yet what I'll do but it wont be any walk as the heavens have open.
    Still looking for a machine, what do you think of the Gemini Ladies if you have one ?
    I wish you all a nice Sunday and sending many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  4. Hi Sanda & ladies
    Lovely two way cards today. I’m not to sure that us eventually being out of the EU will make a great difference to going abroad. Apparently the EU have said that nothing much would change. Although we won’t be able to use our eHIc cards. I don’t remember us having to much trouble before we entered the EU. When I was in Croatia last year ( they aren’t in the EU ) we had to have our passports checked going through borders, but it didn’t delay us too much.
    Not much going on here today but it is very cold and very windy.
    Great reviews yesterday Michele so that you for that. I’m looking forward to seeing what you make from your new crochet book Karen.

  5. Hello All, hope you are having a lovely afternoon.

    Lovely cards from you all today.

    I have been sorting all my fat quarters today, all pressed and coloured sorted, stops me ordering more if I have it already, fabric being so expensive these days. Like card I have rather a large stock.

    Hope those of you that are not well, will soon be feeling better. Hugs to all, Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a fantastic Display of challenge cards you are so clever lettuce each card is a masterpiece and itself. XX

    It was very windy here as well yesterday Sandra, We (the Royal ‘we’) pegged out the washing, it was all dry by lunchtime and smelt so lovely when it was all brought back indoors.

    Nothing much happening here today, Although- there is an on going incident just a mile or so up the road in Streatham, I’m sure we will get the full report on the news later. Last week a young man was stabbed at East Croydon Station, it’s worrying there are so many people who feel the need to carry knives - WHY ? We can’t let them rule our lives, I always used to look at people walking towards me and often smile or share a few words - but these days you avoid making eye contact, how sad is that......... SORRY didn’t intend to get on my soapbox - but there are so many knife related incidents lately.

    Think I will put the kettle on, I need a cuppa xxx

    Take care everyone, have a good week, Love Brenda XXX

    1. WOOPS Don’t know how lettuce got in there ‘Ladies’ ...... predictive text!!!

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Great challenge cards today everyone. You all show just how a few tweets can completely change a die/ stamp etc. Thank you x
    Sandra, I hope you have managed to get a bit of rest over the weekend to help your leg my lovely. The Ramadan cards you made are beautiful and are perfect for it. I love the colours you used on them. I must say that this weeks challenge will get me thinking. I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with xx
    Karen, I’m sure you already know but if not ALDI have loads of gorgeous wool in at the moment. As soon as I saw it I thought of you and your beautiful crochet and knitted goodies you create x
    Lilian, ALDI also has some fat quarters, including several character ones such as Peppa Pig, Peter Rabbit and Mary Poppins, but it sounds like you are trying not to buy any more, at the moment anyway 😁 x
    Maria, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the full size Gemini as your next machine. It is worth every penny and you won’t regret it, especially with your achy joints. Make sure you shop around for the best price though as it varies so much from shop to shop. Good luck x
    I’m not sure where the last few days have gone but have got lots of silly little jobs done.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Mum, Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Thanks Sue, will see if I can get OH to take me to Hobbycraft tomorrow. Probably have to leave him in the coffee shop next door tho 😊 Hope to see you soon xx
