
Tuesday 7 January 2020

Super Simple Daffodil Delight !

Good Morning Ladies,

Well I had a very eventful end to the weekend, hence the very simple card today!

We decided on homemade Lasagne on Sunday instead of Roast, I hadn't made one for a while so didn't mind at all, got it all made and in the oven and one of the girls had asked for homemade coleslaw to go with it, which prompted me to try the Vegetable Spiralizer that I bought back in the summer and was yet to try, I opened it all and cleaned it, Lucy came down and helped me do the 'spiralizing' (it's actually quite fun) the only issue is that your carrot is in one long spiral strand, so trying to serve it was like serving spaghetti, we made the coleslaw and put it in fridge to chill, Paul took the machine to wash and I warned him to be careful as the blade was like a razor, he washed it and set it to dry, I wanted to clear up though so I could sit down after dinner knowing it was all clean in the kitchen, so I started to dry the machine, the bloomin tea towel got caught in the blade and it slipped out of my hand, without a thought I went to grab it, my thumb catching it by the blade, it sliced a big horse shoe shaped chunk out of the pad of my thumb, all I can say is that the pain was like no other, agony, there was blood everywhere, I had to go and lie down as I felt like I was going to pass out, Paul tended to my finger, he looked a little pale and just put a big dressing on it as soon as he could, he always remains so incredibly calm somehow.  Needless to say that it had me up all night, every time my thumb touched anything I could feel the bit moving under the dressing and it was so sore.   The girls insisted on changing the dressing today and cleaning around the wound, i did manage a look and I think it is going to take a while to heal as it's quite deep.  I will add that you do not realise how many things you use your thumb for until you can't use it !  
If you could have seen me trying to ink up a stamp yesterday afternoon, you would have found it highly amusing, so I only managed a simple card today, I quite like how it turned out though.

For today's card I took a 5 1/2 inch square card and stamped the Honey Doo Daffodils Stamp on the front, slightly over to one side.  I wasn't sure how I was going to colour it but ended up with the least messy option of my Derwent Colorsoft Pencils, blending three shades of yellow for the daffodils and a fresh green colour for the foliage.  
You have no idea how hard it was not to 'mat and layer' the image etc but I decided to stick with simple, the sentiment came from the SU Golden Afternoon stamp set, I just love the font and the sentiment is just lovely.
So no ribbon, no gems, no mats and layers, just a simple one layer card !  

Pat is coming over today, it seems like ages since we last caught up, so I am looking forward to that.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your Card is really lovely. How you managed to colour that with the injury to your thumb is remarkable. Well done you!
    You might need Steri Strips in it to close the cut plus the plasters with silver in really do help the healing process.

    Busy day today and my boss is meant to be going for a training day at Aintree hospital but hot a phone call lasts last night to say her Mum had taken a turn for the worse(she’s been in hospital since Christmas Day) so I’m not sure what’ll be happening. Never a dull moment!


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope today wasn’t to busy for you today.

  2. Morning Everyone
    A beautiful less is more card this morning SANDRA.
    Now how many times do you tell your children about blades etc etc and then you go and play with sharp ones.
    Seriously though please go and have it looked at as MICHELE says it might just need Steri Strips for it to heal properly.

    Well my plan of finishing Mrs C went well and so today I can now start back paper crafting.I have one or two purchases I made just before Christmas from La Blanche to open so I will be having nice

    The CAFE is OPEN -usual hours-waiting for you all to pop in.
    HUGSS are on their way to you all.Take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. Beautiful card SANDRA
    Ooh I feel your pain! Sounds like you should have gone to A&E or an Urgent Care Centre I hope it heals ok I have a Podiatry appointment this morning So hopefully they’ll discharge me after my foot injury
    Seeing all of the girls last night was lovely We really were a good team
    Some wool arrived yesterday So tonight I hope to get into some knitting which will feel strange after doing so much crochet I’m looking forward to the change
    Take care all xxxx

    1. Hope the knitting goes well Karen. Although I have new glasses I read your post as I had some wood delivered. Rather than wool.

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sorry to hear that you have cut your thumb my lovely. Instincts take over when you see something falling don’t they! As Michele said Steri stripes are a good idea, I have never used the silver plasters but Michele obviously has so get Paul to buy some on his way home to help speed up the healing process.
    I love today’s card, it may be simple but shows the beauty of a daffodil perfectly. You have done a great job especially the colouring considering your thumb being bandaged up xx
    Yesterday’s card is another bright and cheerful one which is just what we need now all of the decorations and tree are down.
    Mum, glad you can up the meds. Fingers tightly crossed that you see more improvement. Sorry I couldn’t come with you. Blooming migraines! Love you xx
    Lilian, I misread your comment about the leak and thought it was inside your home to start with!!!! Thank goodness it wasn’t. I agree that we don’t appreciate having water on tap do we until it’s not there. We had a few hours without any water a couple of weeks before Christmas when there was some repair work going on near our house. We don’t get any warning as the letter Thames water should have sent didn’t arrive as they missed the four houses in our little close so we didn’t get the chance to fill up kettle etc. On the other hand we can’t complain as usually it’s ok and I’m always thankful that we don’t get flooded like so many poor people do. I do hope you get yours back on soon though x
    Lynda, how are you doing? Missing you on the blog. Sending you and Terry big hugs xx
    Karen, how lovely that you got to catch up with old friends/work mates last night. Enjoy your knitting. Please share a photo of the finished item x
    Janet, I would love to see your knitted Christmas family too please x
    I’ve got lots to do today, don’t know to start at the moment so going to have a cuppa and make a list to decide the priorities! Have a good day whatever you do.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra ouch that hurt!! Your card is simply
    The PD nurse has upped my tablets. Sending hugs to all love

  6. Afternoon all.
    Oh Sandra I could feel the pain reading what you done.
    I used one of Son's new knives before x-mas and cut a nice bit out of my thumb too but luckily have good healing skin so hope you got the same. Silver plasters are really good.
    Lilian- hopefully you soon get some water back. Don't realise how much we use every day. When we did our kitchen we put in a hot tap and so many times a day we have a tea or coffee, it's working hard.
    I hope you all have a pretty good day and not in too much pain. Sending gentle hugs for you all.
    First ww back after x-mas, no surprises there and now we are going away for a week so no chance yet too eat right. Promise as usual to have a cream cake for you Pat 😉
    Hope you girls having a nice day together.
    Love Maria xxx

    1. Yes please do Maria. I hope you enjoy your time away. I’ve never been to Zell em See when they’ve had snow. You can always eat sensibly when you come back.

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card today Sandra. It looks much nicer in the flesh as you’d embossed the image which doesn’t really show up on here. A simple card but it looks lovely.
    I’m glad you had your finger covered up when I came over. Hopefully it’ll heal and you won’t need a stitch.
    We had a lovely car patch up as it’s probably about 2 weeks since we met up. Seems and age doesn’t it. Sandra & I are at a groovy class on Thurs so a double meet up this week.
    Hugs to all who are still feeling under the weather.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a trooper you are Sandra, even with your thumb injury you persevere and manage to make this beautiful card, a card that says spring is on the way. Thank you. xx
    I also had an accident before Christmas was with the blade on the food processor. I was washing the blade section and managed to almost completely take the tip off the third finger on my right hand. Even when it healed the tip was sensitive for a week or so. I was so cross with myself because I’m always saying be careful with any blades.
    MARIA have a great holiday. xx
    MARGARET hope you feel the benefit of your meds being increased. xx

    Sleep well everyone, Love Brenda xxx
