
Monday 6 January 2020

Pretty Yellow Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

All back to normal now, Paul has gone back to work, that 2 weeks went so fast, I made him promise not to leave such a big gap between taking leave this year, for his sake as much as mine.
Sophie doesn't go back to University until nearer the end of January, so both of the girls are around today which is lovely.
I need to start some reorganising and planning though, so I have my journal ready to sit and think about planning blog posts and videos for the next few months.  I have also asked Sophie to help me re-do my Cotswold Crafter Facebook page, I have neglected it over the past year or so but I want to start using regularly again. So lots to keep my mind busy for a few days.

My Challenge card uses Categories:  Die cut/Flowers/Twine

I used SU So Saffron Card and Ink to create this card, I used a flourish stamp for the background and the Petite Petals Stamp and Punch to create the flower and a foliage die with some Old Olive card for the leaves behind the flower.  I added some Old Olive Twine to the bottom of the card and some sparkles to the centre of the flowers as a finishing touch.
I think that this card makes me feel like Spring is in the air !!!

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous Card, nice & bright-cheery.
    I honestly don’t feel like I’ve had any time off over Christmas. I’m looking forward to my days off in March. We haven’t got anything planned but it’ll just be nice to be off work.
    I can’t believe it’s Monday already-let’s hope the day is problem free.


  2. Morning Everyone
    A very pretty and cheerful card SANDRA.Just the thing to brighten up a very dark/very windy and cold Monday morning.

    For me today will be finishing touches for Mrs C and hopefully then a look at this week's Challenge.

    The CAFE is OPEN nice and warm and looking a little sparce now all the decs have been taken down but clean linen on tables and little vases of greenery cheer it up.
    Everyone is welcome to pop pop in for a cuppa and a chat.

    Hugs are winging their way to you all.Take care and stay safexxxx

    1. I’d love to see photyof your Mrs Christmas and the others you have made

    2. I’d love to see Mrs Christmas as well Janet please.

  3. Morning ladies,

    A bright and cheerful card to cheer us up on a dull grey day.
    I opened the blinds then shut them quick, now working in the glow of my daylight bulb in the craftroom.

    I think I may have already done my challenge card, wow, most weeks fly past and I have missed the challenge.

    Book club today in the Library at 2pm. I didn't really enjoy last month's book, so dreary and an 'I' tale. I prefer to get to know the characters over the first 2-3 chapters so someone writing about themselves to me is an ego trip and 'Look how good I can make myself appear knowing so many long words'. A bit like reading someone's private diary.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. It’s my first day back to work after 2 weeks off I didn’t achieve much but was lovely to just not be at the mad house
    We went to Salsa yesterday afternoon and bumped into someone that we hadn’t seen for like 15 years It was lovely to see him and have a catch up
    Going out for a meal later with some old work colleagues Our old boss is over from Oz and some of those I haven’t seen for about 10-15 years!
    Take care all How’s the hip LYNDA xx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely cheerful card today on a dull and miserable day. Not doing much today. Need to pop to the works in Yarnton if its still there. Sandra and I had a shock when we went to Lechlade as the works & Bon Marche had disappeared.
    Hugs to all who are still feeling 7nwell.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra that is a beautiful & bright card this
    I see the Parkinson this afternoon, hope she up's the tablets. Sending hugs to all love

  7. Hi Sandra and all crafting ladies.
    Lovely and cheerful card in yellow, very nice to see on this pretty dark and wet day.
    I hope you all have had a nice day and some crafting mojo's have reappeared.
    Cheryl- hopefully you like this month book a lot better.
    Margaret- hope the tablets are helping and can slow the illness down. Hugs for you and Pop. Sound like you had a good day with Sue and the children.
    Lynda- hope the pain is easing and you find it easier to walk around.
    Cleared the tree and decorations away, does feel a bit empty and cold so heating have been on all day. Had a nap this afternoon and now sitting with a mug of tea and a biscuit before tackling the dusting and hovering.
    Sending warm hugs to you all, Maria xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I wrote a comment this afternoon, nodded off, OH slipped the iPad off my lap just in case I dropped it, being the neat a tidy person he is he closed it down - Oops comment lost, hadn’t the heart to say anything, his intentions were good.

    Beautiful card Sandra as you know I love the SU So Saffron colour, it the best shade of ‘yellow’ ever. I use what I have left very sparingly!
    Did you and Sophie manage to sort your Facebook page sorted out?
    Lovely you will company for the next few weeks, having both girls at home is going to make each day a special one.
    MARGARET fingers crossed your appointment with the Parkinson’s Doctor was helpful. xx

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx

  9. Hello All, we have had a major water mains burst so only had a trickle all day, still not back to normal. You only realise how you depend on just turning on the tap, when there is no water. Don’t know how my parents managed when they had no mains water.

    Sandra love your card, so bright and cheerful, just what I need.hugs to all Lilian
