
Wednesday 8 January 2020

A Groovi Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I can hardly believe it's Wednesday already, the week is going faster than I thought I would, I imagined that it was going to drag with Paul being back at work, it's helped having the Girls home, they go back to work tomorrow though.
I had forgotten that it was Groovi Class tomorrow though, so that worked out really well, Lucy will drop me off before she goes to work and Paul will collect me afterwards (all being well).

Pat came over yesterday, we had lots of catching up to do so there was no shortage of conversation, we had lovely fresh cream Meringue filled with lots of cream and fresh strawberries, they were delicious, (we did eat lunch first)!! We both got down to some Groovi work after lunch, there is nothing better than chatting and crafting at the same time.
My thumb continues to be an awkward thing to work around, you need it to apply pressure for so many different things!

Today's card is one that I started soon after I got my Groovi starter kit, I had popped it in my folder and never finished it, so while I was looking for all my plates I came across it, saw it was started in the Spring Colours so decided to finish it off with some yellow pencil and add some sparkles that I coloured with my Stampin Blends. I used for tiny white brads in the centres of the daisies to secure the vellum to its background, to finish them I coloured them yellow with a Stampin Blend marker too.  I then decided to mat and layer onto the Night of Navy as it shows both the white work and the yellow colouring, matting that onto yellow to tie it all together, I placed the finished piece onto a 5 1/2 X 5 1/2 inch card base.
I quite like how it turned out, it uses Categories:  Flowers/Die Cut/Birthday .

Lilian I do hope that your Water is back to normal, we have had water off for whole day a couple of times since we lived here and it's surprising how much we get through xxx

Lynda, I hope you are in less pain my lovely, can't wait to have you back to 'normal' (whatever that is teehee) xxx

Karen I hope that Podiatrist appointment went ok, it seems like forever ago that you went there. xxx

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, so much detail on it. Glad you managed to have a catch up with a Pat plus get some crafting done with your injured thumb.

    Yesterday was truly horrible at work and so was glad to leave albeit late. Once we’d eaten I sat and watched tv then read my book as I was too tired to do anything else.


    1. Hi Michele sorry your day wss horrible yesterday. I hope today is better for you & runs smoothly for you. X

  2. Morning Everyone
    A beutiful piece of Groovi SANDRA.
    I really must get my plates out but I just seem to have so many other crafty things at the moment.
    I'll be glad when everything gets back to normal (well one can hope lol)

    I having a big tidy up job today as the piano tuner is coming for his annual visit tomorrow morning as as the piano is next to my crafting table you can just imagine what it's like craft everywhere. Ah well needs must.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in for a cuppa and a chat whenever you can. Shortbread is in the tin so help yourselves.
    HUGSs are on their way to you all.Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Hello Sandra and ladies
    I thought i would comment first as i don't seem to have to have any go in me later in the day
    SANDRA uour card is gorgeous i don't have any motivation to craft
    Yet it's very hard to get in there as my chair is a swivel one & quite difficult to get in & out of it. Still in pain as well. The nurse said i wouldn't be able to to walk properly for at least 6 month's or more with out any pain i have a follow up appointment on Friday with the doctor. Love Lynda xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Today’s card is gorgeous, so pretty and I love the yellow/navy combo. I hope your thumb is starting to heal well. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow my lovely xx
    Lynda, it’s good to hear from you but sorry that you are still in a lot of pain. Sending hugs to you and CU. How is he? Xx
    Mum, speak to you later. Love you xx
    Karen, I hope you have been signed off from podiatrist x
    Lilian, I hope you have water “on tap” again and that the decorating is going well x
    I have scouting paperwork to finish so I can hand over to the new leader later on so that’s my day sorted. Have a good one ladies. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a beautiful card hope your thumb is
    Lynda lovely to see you, I am sorry you are in such pain, hugs to you &
    Sending hugs to all love

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra your Groovi card is beautiful, the navy with the yellow really makes it pop, you certainly are getting into Groovi, I should be ashamed because I haven’t looked at any of my mine for ages, but as Janet said I also have so many other crafty things I want to try. Enjoy your class tomorrow with Pat and Sue. xx

    LYNDA lovely you manage to pop in, sorry to hear you’re still in pain and that it shouldn’t go on for quite a long time, sending hugs. xx

    LILLIAN hope you’ve got the water back on and the decorator is making some progress, I’m sure it will be lovely when it’s all finished. xx

    MICHELE sorry to read work was horrible yesterday, hope things have improved today.

    Had dentist first thing today, Just a checkup everything fine and no follow-up appointment - hooray!!!

    Hope everyone’s having a good day, sending hugs to those who are feeling under the weather and hope life improves very soon.
    Love Brenda XXX

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely card Sandra. It’s funny how the navy card behind the groovi design makes the colouring pop.
    I’ve been sorting my plates out last night and today. Listing them so Ronk knows what plates I have.
    Took her Doreen’s birthday in to her today. Also went to the garage for them to look at the runner for the drivers seat. It’s started making a clunking noise when I move it. Nothing they could do today. The car also needed a service so it’s booked in for Friday. They’ll give me a lift home while it’s geing done. A new service they said.

  8. Lovely card SANDRA I hope you enjoy your class tomorrow
    Work was a pain in that I was asked to do a job that was needed by tomorrow and so I didn’t finish work until about 3.30 (2 1/2 hours late)
    I haven’t been discharged from Podiatry only because she’s not sure how much damage I have done and how the nail will grow back
    I won’t need to send a photo of what I’m knitting SUE as it’s the usual baby jacket I make - hence I had to order the yarn online as most wool shops don’t seem to stock that colour anymore!
    I need to start a couple of cards So I’m going to make a start before dinner
    Take care all xx

  9. Evening everybody,

    A mixed feelings day today started off with my SIL ringing at 5.48am to let me know BIL Eddie, Pete's brother, had died from a heart attack. It brought back emotions I had buried following Pete's departure from my life and the unkindness I received from wife No.2's children.
    Then as I was packing and getting ready for my trip to the Midlands for Linda's funeral on Friday brought home to me how fragile our lives really are. One minute you are here the next gone.

    Hope all goes well for you Lynda, baby steps to start with then bigger ones later on.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. So sorry to hear your BIL passed away and you also have a funeral to go to on Friday. Never easy getting older. Sending you hug and take care xx

    2. Thank you Cheryl for your Comment. So sorry you had bad newathis morning & a funeral on Friday not easy sending big Hug's take care of yourself xxx

  10. Evening everyone.
    Gorgeous groovi card Sandra, have fun tomorrow. Hopefully your thumb is not too sore.
    Lynda- gentle hugs for you and wish your pain away.
    Karen- good you are signed off but wish the toe feel better.
    Lilian- hope you got some water back and the decorating goes without any hick-ups.
    Nearly managed to make a couple of cards, just need to put them together tomorrow. Have been cleaning the fridge out and wiped down some cupboard doors, did take some time tho as I paced myself, not an easy thing to do. Need to go out tomorrow to get some dinners in for Thu and Fri. Can't wait to not have to cook for a week, yay
    Sending many hugs and love to all, Maria xx
