
Friday 13 December 2019

Your next Challenge

Good Friday morning my lovely Friends,

No news from our Lynda yesterday so I have everything crossed hoping it means she was having surgery!  I will let you know if I here anything x

Brenda how lovely that your hairdresser has kept all of your cards,  it must be fun seeing your 'crafting through the years' and its not vain at all, i love to hear things like this. X

Sue, Pat and I had a lovely day at the Witney Groovi class, the card was very technical this time so I will finish mine at home, the White work is the thing i find hardest, getting the right pressure is an art i think! Luckily the lady that runs it writes really clear step by step instructions so following those it should be easy enough to try and finish at home, i will say though that the picot cutting on this card is very fancy!! 
Sue kindly took my to Sainsbury's after club and pat joined us for a coffee, Paul picked me up from there and we stopped at our Polling Station on the way home, we arranged to meet the girls there to assist them with their first vote, in true Riley style we laughed and joked through the whole thing, the very posh lady at the desk looked horrified when she heard me say to the girls "bear in mind if you vote labour you'll be homeless "!  We were the only ones there at thst time of the evening,  especially in sleepy town! 
We have been talking about the election over the news with the girls this past few weeks, they were thinking of not voting because of not understanding,  we would never try to influence them either way, we just wanted to make sure that had a vague idea so that they felt like they could vote.
Let's just all hope that whichever way it goes the country won't be bought down even further,  I for one would love to hear the end of ,'Brexit', I actually voted to remain but the Country decided differently, we just need to have an end to it.

Next week's Challenge 

I thought that it would be nice to see some 'shaped' cards for our next Challenge. 
Basically I mean anything 'other than' a rectangle!! 
So it could be:

Any shape: Circle, Rectangle, Diamond 
Use a die to cut the card base, (like the card i have shared with you today).
A 'fancy' fold 

I am excited to see what you all design,  I hope you enjoy the Challenge. 

Paul is getting the Christmas tree and decorations out of the loft when he gets home this afternoon,  so that will be our entertainment this weekend.  Have you all got yours up?? 
I would love to see some photos!! 

Whatever you are doing I hope you have a lovely weekend. 

Love and hugs to all of you 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great challenge & I love your shapes card.

    Looks like you won’t be homeless according to the BBC news! I voted to “remain “ like you. We are already seeing the effects of the vote to leave the EU as we regularly can’t obtain critical medicines and yes, we’re told by the drug companies that it’s because of Brexit.

    Thank goodness it’s Friday. I’m going to give blood straight after work-this will
    Be my 76th donation. I’m O negative so they’re always desperate for my blood Group.


  2. Morning Everyone
    from an extremely wet and windy Sheffield.
    Yet again yesterday was one of those days that we had to have lights on all day as it never seemed to get proper daylight.It is so draining getting up each morning opening the blinds and seeing wet/windy and very soggy everywhere.
    Sorry rant over.

    love your Snow Globe SANDRA.Such a beautiful picture inside.
    I have to sent off my CC before I do anything this morning and then of course it's that 'swear' word day.

    LYNDA-I hope you have had your surgery.
    BRENDA-hoping that your injection went well and that you'll get some relief.

    The CAFE is oPEN usual hours so pop in when you can.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with loads of extras for all Dear Friends not feeling too good.Take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. Morning all.
    Lovely card Sandra and a good challenge for next week.
    Another day of rain and cold winds so heating and lights will stay on.
    I have some cards to finish off today and hopefully some is good for this weeks cc. Up early to move our old bed into the garage and our new one should be here soon so going to hover and dust while I got the opportunity because when the bed is in I can't swing a cat in the bedroom as so many boxes with crafting is sitting on the floor.😊
    Thinking of you and sending warm hugs to you all. Take care.
    Maria xxx

  4. Morning ladies,

    Lovely idea for the next challenge, now Cannington Christmas is all done and dusted I won't feel so guilty going to play in my craft room. I have recently purchased some brayers and foam rollers so itching to get all my inks out to make my own backgrounds.
    Fantastic Election result, now maybe we can get Brexit done and dusted and put the Great back into Britain. I have long complained about being under the thumb/yoke/laws of unelected MEP's who only want to be on the gravy train for as long as they live.
    I'm afraid I have to agree with the 'posh' lady as it is an offence to talk about any party, even jokingly, inside or immediately outside the Polling Station.

    Friday today and that dreaded swear word is not happening in my home as many cards need inserts attached then addressing the envelopes and going to PO to send them off on their merry little way.

    I wish you all a wonderful weekend, unexpected circumstances have delayed Pete's Memorial darts match tomorrow night until next year.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Rest assured ny friend we were the omly people in the whole place and my children are free to choose their path in every aspect of their lives in our family we deal with things with humour, it has become our survival tool through some pretty tough years!! Happily everyone was celebrating about the election result over breakfast!

  5. Great challenge SANDRA
    I am just glad the election is over
    We’re off to London today to watch The Nutcracker Another one to tick off the bucket list (go to a ballet)
    Must get dressed Will be back later

    1. I so hope you get some better news from LYNDA I wish we could all visit, craft and cause mayhem
      I hope the injection is giving you relief
      As we’re off to see The Nutcracker later OH kindly took me to one of our local residential homes that wanted the Twiddle Muffs Hopefully they’ll post me a photo of one of them being used We then went on to Harlow to collect an order from Hobbycraft - I used my £5 birthday voucher they give on your birthday- I obviously spent more than the £5 hee hee!
      Take care all xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Today’s card/this weeks challenge is simply beautiful. I also love snow globes so right up my street.
    I had a lovely day yesterday too at the Groovi class, after that moment of having to make myself walk into the room on my own. I met five ladies for the first time and they were all lovely and welcoming as they greeted me with smiles on their faces. We all chatted our way through the day learning about each other’s lives as you do when talking to likeminded people and it was time to pack up before I knew it. As usual crafting makes the time vanish! I will continue to work on my Groovi card at home. I will be leaving out the picot snipping this tome I think though but have the “how to” tucked away for the future. I also held my last Beaver meeting in the evening so it felt like a very long day! I’m off to the scout group Christmas party for all of the children tonight then I can “hang my wood beads up” (they are part of the scout leader training and uniform) after nearly 24 years so it is going to emotional I think!
    Lynda, my love and hugs for you and hoping that you have had the op at long last dear friends xx
    Brenda, nothing new with me getting muddled with dates but I am glad you have had the steroid jab and that it works well for you , and how good that you can have lots of yummy veg that you are normally restricted of ( why is it always the healthy foods that are good for us that end up being restricted or removed from our lives ☹️) x
    Mum, missed seeing you today but will ring you tomorrow to have a chat. Love you xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Oh dear I’m really thinking about next weeks challenge, I’m not into shaped cards, but promise to give it serious thought. Lovely card today to get us thinking about shaped cards.
    Thank you for your lovely messages ladies, the steroid injection seems to have helped as I have not had the excruciating pain I have been having, fingers crossed it will continue.
    We had a shopping day today,went over to Wimbledon, I like to go to Morrison over there, bought some braising steak, I buy quite a few packages and cook them all at the same time, let them cool down and pack into meal size portions, so have lots of ready meals in the freezer. It just works for us.
    LYNDA if you look in we are all thinking of you.
    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx
