
Saturday 14 December 2019

Mixed Craft Saturday Featuring Michele's Magazine Review

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and ready for the weekend, will you all be decorating for Christmas?

Lynda had her operation Thursday to clean our her wound, they had to go a lot deeper than they had anticipated.  (Which they probably wouldn't have had they done the operation a week ago when the Consultant first noticed the problem), I think it's a disgrace.
Lynda had a very low blood count after and as a result she had to have  Blood Transfusions yesterday, she was in a lot of pain yesterday bless her, fingers cross she is feeling brighter today. Hopefully that's it all sorted now and Lynda can start preparing to go home, Lynda if you are well enough to look in today, we are all sending you lots of love and hugs xxxxxxxx

Today I am sharing a little project I have been working on this week, it's another of my swap projects.
I used the Octagonal Box die set by Christina Griffiths (Card Making Magic), instead of using the die set as a flat box as it is intended I added higher sides so that I could pack the inside with some lovely goodies. See the photo below...

I made the base of the box with Old Olive and Cherry Cobbler Card, I found some beautiful papers that complimented the base colours perfectly, I decided to accent with Gold Mirror card to give it a touch of luxury, I used it to die cut some little lattice panels for the edges of the base and lid.  I also decided to finish the edges of the paper by adding narrow gold borders down those corners.

I needed to have something to hold the goodies inside the box, so I used the Octagonal Frame die set also by Christina Griffiths to create these three little trays, I made the little frames in Cherry Cobbler card and added a Vellum Doily and topped that with a Paper Doily, I then pierced a hole in the centre of the trays and added a loop of Red Gingham Ribbon through, securing underneath and covering the 'workings' with a smaller die cut Octagon. I filled all three with Candles, Choccies and some Craft goodies.

The photo above shows the trays ready to pop into the box, (I haven't shown the craft goodies just in case the recipient looks in, unlikely but could happen)!

This photo shows the Gift Box all filled and ready to go!

What do you think?


Karen has had a really busy week, finishing off those amazing 'Twiddlemuffs' which she donated to a local Residential Home where they will give great comfort their Recipients, Karen it must be so rewarding knowing that your work is going to give someone such comfort and maybe help them to relax.
Karen's second craft project of the week now, how amazing are these absolutely incredibly cute 'Amigurami Alpacas'. Karen made them for the Lady who gave her the photo as a guide, I think that the Alpaca's look hilarious in that photo, the one on the right looks like it is wearing a wig and has had lip implants!.  They are such funny animals aren't they?!
Karen you have done an incredible job, I know the lady that asked for them will love them.

Thank you so much for sharing your makes with us XXX

Michele's Magazine Review

Hi Ladies,

Papercraft Inspirations has a great set of Dies free this month.

Here’s some ideas of what’s inside the magazine.

Just look at the different projects you can make using the free gifts.

Here’s part one on Inspiration for Gift tags.

And part two.

Interesting article on Retiform Stamping-not something I’ve heard of before.

That’s all for this week,

Happy Crafting
Love Michele

Thank you Michele for another Fantastic magazine Review,  I love the free dies that you get with this month's issue, they are quite delicate looking and look very versatile, the inspiration page shows their versatility.  The article on '10 things to make with Gift Tags' is brilliant, I love some of those ideas.
Lastly is the article on 'Retiform' stamping, I have never heard of this technique, it's exciting to find new techniques to explore, it looks like it's a stamping stamping technique that requires you to mask off areas around your stamping, the end result looks almost like decoupage.
Really interesting article, I am going to look into this more.
Thank you so very much Michele for taking the time to put this review together, I really appreciate it XXX

That's all for today Ladies,

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA-whata glorious box and I love the trays.Something I will try in my next box sessions.

    KAREN-fantastic Alpacas and those 'twiddle' muffs are such fun.

    Off on our usual shopping trip this morning and to say I'm not looking forward to it is...........
    I really have to get the last present shopping done as I'm so behind this year.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in when you can.
    HUGE GENTLE HUGS to LYNDA-fingers and everything crossed that all goes well this time.

    HUGS on their way to you all.Take care and stay safe.
    Cream teas this afternoon so help yourselves.xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what an absolutely beautiful gift you have made. It’s stunning & I’m sure the recipient will be thrilled with it.

    Karen-great projects especially the Twiddle muffs.

    I felt shattered yesterday evening after my blood donation so apart from doing 2 lots of washing, I just sat and read. Didn’t sleep very well and have been awake since the early hours!
    We’re off to see my Father in Law after lunch & will take their Christmas cards & gifts as I’m not sure when we’ll be able to visit next.


  3. Fantastic box SANDRA I love how you have created layers and not just “shoved” it all in
    I do hope that this op is an end to it all LYNDA and you’ll soon be home As SANDRA said perhaps if they’d done the op sooner ...
    Thank you for the magazine review MICHELE I hadn’t heard of retiform stamping either I’m going to YouTube it later
    Thank you for showing my “stuff” The lady loved the alpaca and got a little emotional I wasn’t at all sure As they are going to adults I wish I’d bought some toy safety eyes as obviously black on black isn’t easy to see
    The Muffs were very well received I hope the Activity Coordinator will send me a photo of one of the residents using one I have to give a huge shout out to my friend GAIL who helped knit some
    The ballet was amazing I am not a ballet fan but I thoroughly enjoyed it
    I’m looking after Oscar later (hooray!) This morning I need to make 2 birthday cards
    Take care all xxx

  4. Good morning ladies
    What a wonderful box Sandra and so many layers inside for some little treats. I love it.
    Karen, the Alpacas are so cute and the fiddle muffs are nice. I'm sure they are well received.
    Lynda- if you are looking in I so hope this will at last be your way to recovery. Thinking of you and sending special hugs for you and Terry.
    Sending many warm and special healing hugs to anyone who need some today.
    Been sitting here from before 7 as Casper is meant to come and pick up their mattress we not keeping but no luck and now got a message saying they might not come,aargh not happy at all as the garage is packed up now with old divan and the mattress so can't get in. Thought it was to good to be true.
    Stay warm and possible dry, it's raining here. Many hugs to you all and take care xx

  5. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    I seem to have missed a couple of days. Lovely cards were on show. Amy came over yesterday. We picked up Doreen and took her over to Hilltop Garden Centre. We sat and had coffee & cake which Amy paid for. We then had a good look round and Doreen bought a Venus fly trap for one of the carers. Missed We’d blog as well as I was up at 5.30 out by 6.30 to go the Christmas Extravaganza at the Royal Albert Hall.i must say I throughly enjoyed it.
    A great box today Sandra filled with goodies.
    Love your Alpacas Karen. You are so clever knitting these.
    As usual great magazine reviews Michele. I do look at the magazines when I go to Sainsbury’s but don’t generally buy one as I’m no longer die cutting or stamping.
    The roads by me are full of water so if yours are the same please take care.
    Lynda gentle hugs coming your way, and I hope you let home soon.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a gorgeous swap Sandra, brilliant idea to make the contents of each layer different. Love it. xx

    LYNDA I hope you will soon be allowed to go home. It’s disgusting that you had to wait over a week for your operation, you certainly have grounds for complaint. Stay strong. Sending love and hugs xx

    MICHELE Another great review - thank you.

    KAREN Oh my you have been busy, the muffs look great, what a challenge you took on with the Alpacas - the results are gorgeous, well done. Hope you have had a great time with Oscar today.

    Good night everyone, Love Brenda xxx
