
Sunday 15 December 2019

Your Challenge cards

 Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all enjoying the weekend and that the weather has been kind to you, we did have a break in the torrential rain thankfully, the river has once again burst its banks, as a result of the rain we had last week, it's odd to see the fields flowing along side the river, I dread to think how it affects the farmers crops and the condition of the soil, the swans were loving it though, they looked like they were having fun floating around the hay bales!!

Lynda messaged me to say that she has had four pints of blood and IV antibiotics, bless her she is feeling very downhearted, she asked me to pray for her, it just breaks my heart, so if you can say a quick prayer for our lovely friend xxx

Let's get to your lovely cards...….


Brenda has been trying out some new embossing folders this week and the cards that she made are beautifully 'Clean & Simple', perfect for this weeks Challenge.
The first card uses a 'Cut & Emboss' folder from Hobbycraft, it's fantastic E Folder,  I can see that beibg used loads. Brenda has embossed a pretty yellow card and added a die cut butterfly for embellishment.
Brenda's second card uses a Embossing folder (also from Hobbycraft), this one is brilliant as it creates the whole card front for you, perfect for thode no 'mojo' days that we all suffer from from time to time! The beauty of it being that all you have to think about is the embellishment!!  
Brenda has used some delicate little flowers arranged beautifully with a narrow ribbon bow, simply exquisite Brenda !!
Thank you so much for taking part xxx


Janet has shared 3 fantastic cards for this weeks Challenge,  now Janet's cards are always really luxurious with ribbon and pearls etc so I knew that this theme would really be a 'Challenge ' her!  Having said that, Janet has (as always) smashed the Challenge, I love all three of your cards my lovely.
I love the dies that you have used to create both of the black and white cards and the 'art deco'' style looking corner punch you have used, it really draws your eye in to that lovely image.
Thank you so much for taking part xxx


Wow Maria I love all three of your cards, the first one with acetate and snowflakes is stunning.
The second card with that gorgeous snowman is adorable and I love the simplicity of your design. The sparkly snow on those snowballs is just a genius touch.
Your third card is amazing, i love any music score background, so clever using it behind the carol singers, adding the ivy is the perfect finishing touch. 
Thank you so much for 3 very inspirational cards Maria xxx


Karen has made 3 incredible 'Clean & Simple' Christmas cards for our Challenge this week.
The first two look completely different although they both use the same die, they both work brilliantly, I have to say that that 'Eternal' Embossing Folder from Sue Wilson had always been one of my favourites, it works for every occasion and any gender, it certainly is the perfect backdrop for your Christmas card Karen.
The second card used that same 'Noel' die cut but this time on a Kraft Card background, perfectly 'Clean & Simple' Karen.
Karen's third card uses the SW Paper Cuts Edger die 'Merry Christmas', Karen has simply die cut it on an angle using some incredible paper, I love all of those angles in that paper, I have never seen anything like that before, it gives the illusion of a rocky background.
Thank you so much Karen for 3 fantastic Challenge cards xxx


Lilian is like Janet and finds 'Clean & Simple' a real 'Challenge!! (Lilian's words). 
Just look how amazing Lilian's clean and simple card is !! I do love that sentiment die, I believe it's one of Crafters Companion's older dies, that beautiful embossed border that you have teamed it with works perfectly, the detail that you would easily overlook but makes the world of difference is those embossed lines that frame the sentiment, it just looks amazing.
Thank you so much Lilian for taking part in this weeks challenge xxx


Michele's 'Clean and Simple' Challenge card was a request from a friend, I think you are brilliant for coming up with such a Funny sentiment Michele, it's not your 'Traditional' Christmas card but will certainly be perfect for someone.
I love your design Michele, you are just genius to have come up with such a brilliant design.
Thank you so much for taking part my lovely. xxx


Now Lynda would have given anything to be taking part in this weeks challenge, so I searched through my 'Lynda' folder to find cards from our last 'Simple' challenge and found these two fantastic cards!
Both cards are made using Stampin' Up! stamps, Delightful Dahlia and Very Vintage, both stamped in a lovely shade of Blue.
They are both amazing 'Clean and Simple' cards Lynda, I hope you like having another look at them, looking forward to having you taking part in the challenges again very soon my lovely xxx

What a stunning display Ladies, you smashed this challenge, your cards are all completely different and all amazing.
Thank you all so very much xxx

I hope that you enjoy whats left of the weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Oh what beautiful 'clean and simple' cards this morning.Again all so very different using the same theme.

    Well our shopping trip yesterday turned into something of an endurance test-I think I can call it that.
    We did our food shopping first as usual and then went on to do the last of the present and stocking filler shop.
    All went well until Jim left me to go to the bank and I to go into Marks to buy Gracie-Leigh's birthday present (she is going to be 4 on New Year's Day) I wanted some pj's for her.We arranged to meet at Starbuk's Coofee shop outside Marks.I went into Marks on the upper floor and made my way to the lifts. With the aid of an assistant I called a lift; got in and pressed for the ground floor (you might by now where I'm going with this tale) Yep, down to the ground floor we went with just me; the lift stopped but the doors didn't open.I pressed all the door buttons but no they were just not playing ball. I rang the emergency button; a young couple came to get in and saw me standing there. They tried to open the doors no. The young lady fetched an assistant who came saw what had happened and sent for an engineer. After half an hour I was set free. The lady assistant and Engineer were very very kind wanting to call a first aider to make sure I was OK;take me to their coffee bar for a drink etc. I told them of our plan but still wanted to get me some help.Anyway after really re-assuring them I was OK the lady went and brought me a beautiful plant and a box of choc biscuits for being so patient with them and then escorted me to get some pj's and then took me to the nearest pay point so I didn't have to wait in line to pay.The engineer came and found us again to thank me and they told me if Starbuk's was so busy we had to return to the cafe where they would see we had drinks etc.
    Needless to say when I found Jim in the coffee shop he was sat there thinking I had done some extra shopping but had decided to stay put as he didn't want to miss me in the crowds in Marks.We had our coffee which he had ordered and then came home for a quiet afternoon. I shan't be going into a lift on my own for a very long time I can tell you even though walls of the lift are glass and I could see out and I was on the ground floor.

    The CAFE is OPEN and beginning to look very festive with cards etc.
    Today's lunch is roast pork so place your orders.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.Take care and stay xxxx

    1. Oh JANET Not a nice experience for you At least you could see “the world” Our M&S one is all black walls

    2. Oh dear Janet what an ordeal. I hope your over the experience now.

    3. Oh my goodness Janet. What an ordeal. You should be very proud of yourself as although you were on the ground floor and able to see out it still must have been awful x

    4. Oh JANET what a nightmare, pleased you were given star treatment. XX

  2. Morning Ladies

    What an amazing selection of challenge cards today. Also lovely.

    Janet-oh my goodness...what a day you had. Glad you survived the lift ordeal though.

    I set off into Southport (despite the torrential rain plus winds of over 50mph) as I needed to return some ankle boots to M&S. when I arrived at the store (the rain having turned to sleet & hail) I realised I didn’t have the receipt! Quick visit to a few other shops and I returned home! The boots will have to wait another week.
    We went to see my Father in Law yesterday afternoon-he was quite bright & chatty. He’s in a new room in the Nursing Home, it’s a larger room and in the ground floor which makes moving him (in his Specialist chair) much easier. The visit was ab5 hour round trip and as we’re not sure when we’ll be going next, we left their Christmas cards & presents but I haven’t heard from my Mother in Law since I messaged her telling her where the gift bags were.

    Housework this morning then hopefully I’ll get some time to play in my craft room.


  3. After torrential rain yesterday we have woken to bright sunshine although very windy
    I had blood sugar problems during the night so OH (keeping an eye on me) has let me sleep in So I’m a bit behind with everything

    Everyone’s cards are amazing I had to do a double take on MICHELE’s card It wasn’t until I read SANDRA’s comment that I realised what it actually said Very clever
    Looking after OSCAR was adorable He has huge problems but he is just so easy going
    Out this afternoon to a Salsa event Now I NEED to finish a card

    If you’re looking in LYNDA As my son would say “Hang In there” Big hug xx
    Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope your blood sugar levels are now back to normal. I hope your enjoying your dancing tonight.

  4. Hi Sandra & all ladies in café,
    Sandra lovely lot of cards on display this morning & the last 3 days. I have missing but had trouble with fingers they with not doing what I
    Karen lovely crocheting & knitting
    Janet what an experience pleased you coped. Roast dinner
    Lynda thinking of you hope & pray that is the end, hugs to
    Sending hugs to all love

  5. Hello All, not sure what I’ve done, but today, blogger is letter me post.

    Love all the cards, I decided not to buy any new stamps or dies this year.

    Sandra loved your box yesterday, also Michele very useful mag review.

    Janet what a horrible experience, many years ago when I worked in the blood group reference labs, there was only a lift for taking packages around, one day we a storm, with lightning which stopped the lift, wasn’t for long, but I won’t go in a lift on my own now. ( that was a bit of a ramble sorry) .
    Still finishing my Christmas cards, taking me ages this year. Hugs to all. Lilian

    PS. Lynda if you are looking in sending great big healing hugs to you.

  6. Hi everyone.
    Lots of lovely cards today.Well done ladies.
    I did look in this morning to comment but then got distracted and forgot to post. Must try to make some more CAS cards, not easy. Couldn't find my Holly die hence the Ivy. I really need to sort them out (again) and stamps are everywhere.
    Karen- take care regarding your diabetes. Hope you felt better today. Glad you had a nice time with little Oscar. I can't wait to see Louis on x-mas day, he is a real character these days.
    Oh Janet, so glad you got out of the lift and it didn't take them too long and Jim was not too worried about you.
    Thoughts are with Lynda, you take care. Hugs for you and Terry.
    Margaret- sorry your fingers not working as you want them to. Would cross stitch be too difficult to do anymore ?
    I removed the pictures on the wall up the stairs when new bed was delivered so not get damaged and gave the frames a good dusting. The once i got to do one day are put under the mattress for now. The one in the garage is still in the garage, no one came to pick it up and next slot probably next Saturday, how annoying is that.
    I hope the rain stop soon and we get some nice cold days. Floods and problems everywhere not what you want to see.
    Hope you are ok Lilian down in Cornwall.
    Dinner is nearly done, OH have moaned the last hour but it his fault who want beef stew tonight so he just have to wait Lol Have a nice evening, many warm hugs for you all. Maria xxx

    1. I hope you enjoyed your beef stew this evening Maria. I got some chicken out to do a chicken casserole today. But I’ll be doing it tomorrow now.

  7. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    A wonderful selection of simple cards. Very clever wording Michele. Well we’ve had rain again. Can there be any more up there I keep asking myself. I did some washing this morning. The rain cleared up a bit just after lunch so I put it out. Not that my thick top & towel dried very well.
    Craig called in this afternoon he’d popped up to see Karen first but she wasn’t in. Anyway Karen rang to let him know she was back from town. Keith was replacing all the taps in the house. Mind you they haven’t worked properly for years. Mind you the house is falling apart before their very eyes. Keith can turn his hand to any job just a shame he never does them. Nor pay for someone else to do it when he can, but never does.
    Soap box put back in the corner. Not to sure why I’m complaining as it’s not my house that’s literally falling apart.

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    A fabulous lot of CAS cards ladies. Sometimes they are harder than ones using lots of embellishments.
    Lynda, thank goodness you have had the op at last and I really hope you will be going home in the next few days dear friend. Don’t let the *%#*** grind you down. Keep reminding yourself that you will soon be back in your craft room making your gorgeous cards and listening to your lovely hubby snoring away while you can’t 😴 Sending you gentle hugs. xx
    Karen, I hope your bloods are back to normal now. How lovely that you got to have time with your little Oscar x
    Brenda, so glad to hear that you are in less pain now. My fingers are firmly crossed that it continues x
    Maria, how annoying that the mattress hasn’t been collected. I hope they get it soon x
    Lilian, I don’t blame you not using a lift on your own after getting stuck in one, nor would I x
    Mum, sorry you are still struggling with your fingers not doing what you want them to! Love you xx
    The last few days has vanished even quicker than usual. We have put the tree up today and little Chris put some baubles on with a little help from Chris. Now he has gone home I will “tweek” it😘 We are off to London for the day tomorrow with Gem so I do hope the weather is nicer than it is at the moment!
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a fantastic collection of challenge cards. Think Sunday’s on the blog should be called INSPIRATION DAY. Every time I look in on Sunday I think ‘why didn’t I think of that’
    Today we have put the Christmas tree up and a few decorations, managed to stop OH going OTT.
    I hope everyone has had a good weekend, LYNDA you are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Sweet dreams, Love Brenda xxx
