
Thursday 12 December 2019

A Couple of older Clean & Simple Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

I had a bright and early message from Lynda who had just been informed that she hadn't made the Operation List again today, I just feel so sorry for her, I want to call them myself and ask them what on earth is going on (Not that I would of course)! I have been where Lynda is after my second hip replacement I went through hell, I got a bone infection and then my femur broke, meaning that the reconstruction surgery I had waited years for had to all be removed, I waited in hospital on Traction for weeks for my surgeon to get back from a trip to do my surgery (as he wouldn't let anyone else do it), as the days and then weeks go by you do get more and more depressed, people come in, have surgery and then leave and you are stuck there. When I left that hospital I left with my mental health in pieces, I don't think that they understand that when they keep knocking you back.  So Lynda if you are looking in I do understand how you feel, you keep your chin up and don't let this get you down my lovely friend, I so wish I lived closer so that I could come and craft with you every day. Sending you huge hugs xxxx

Exciting day today, it's Groovi Club day, we are having a Christmas buffet lunch today and a Secret Santa Card Swap, I am not as anxious this time as I know exactly what to expect.
My lovely girls are taking me there, having them both driving has made such a difference, I went to the GP's for a Blood Test today without Paul !! Sophie took me because I went with her last week, it meant that I had to put on a brave face too, having Blood taken always makes me feel peculiar, Sophie reminded me a few times that I told her that it wasn't 'too bad' last week when she had hers, (little did I know that they bought some 'Emla (numbing) cream on line and she had liberally applied it to both elbows, quite smart really and this morning I was regretting turning her offer of using some down. (they always have problem finding my vein)! 

I thought we would have a walk down Memory Lane today, these cards are from back in November 2017, the first card is a 'Clean & Simple' Sympathy card that I made using a Stampin Up stamp set,
I simply coloured the stamp on the block using SU Blending pens and the ink pads. then stamped it onto the card and layered with the matching coloured card stock.

The second card is one of Michele's I chose it for it's 'Clean and Simple' style, this is using one of those lovely Embossing folders from Craft Stash, using Black and white just adds to the simplicity but gives it a touch of WOW too, it must have been good as it was a runner up in a magazine at the time!  Lovely card Michele xxxx

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great Card & Thank You for sharing my card. I’d forgotten I’d made that-might try to create one similar.

    Didn’t do the Tesco shopping last night as hubby wanted to look round Dobbies (20% discount for cardholders)....we bought 2 plants! I’m doing the Tesco shopping tonight. Hubby is off to London to Head Office to complete his Interview training.


  2. Lovely CAS cards
    Ooh LYNDA How awful for you It must be so upsetting building yourself up to have another op and being let down I bet you and your family are tearing your hair out
    Dentist was OK (thank goodness)
    Last night I managed to finish some UFO’s - Some Twiddle Muffs And 3 amigurami animals Feels good to get them out of the way
    Enjoy your Groovi lunch SANDRA
    Take care all xxx

  3. Hello Sandra and Ladies,

    We have been out all day, not long in and enjoying a cup of tea. This morning we left home early to go to hairdresser friend, she makes me laugh, all the Christmas cards I’ve made for her (except one that I had put both her and husband’s name on, he died almost two years ago) are on display, she packs them away with the Christmas decorations only to bring them out the following Christmas. It’s quite a compliment, I enjoy seeing them all together - sorry didn’t mean to sound vain. Left her house early afternoon did a little shopping, to kill time before I went for my injection, which was OK, just praying I get some relief, if it doesn’t work she will consider injecting in to the tendon. I had to sit and rest for half an hour just to make sure there were no side-effects, after that we were allowed to go on our way, so made our way home via the polling station. The people there looked cold and fed up it’s a very long day for them, They must feel exhausted by the end of the day. LILLIAN I thought of R sitting doing the same job, I hope he’s a lot more comfortable than the people staffing our polling stations. AND while we were out Hermes delivered the parcel that should have arrived yesterday, it was left in the side passage, fortunately we have a sidegate and OH had left the padlock off when he pulled the dustbins out this morning. But we have had rain all day, so the box is very damp, it’s now sitting beside the Radiator in the kitchen to dry it out. The contents appear to be alright 🤞It’s Ciara’s Christmas Present.

    SANDRA I hope your Groovi class went well. You have been making some beautiful cards.

    Lovely cards today - walking down memory lane, That’s what I do this time of year when I go to my hairdresser friends house! Your sympathy card is gorgeous, I absolutely love the stamps you’ve used, I have indeed fit so many occasions and just beautifully elegant. MICHELE your monochrome card is stylish and really lovely.

    LYNDA I think we should all come down to Kent to visit you in hospital, cause havoc on the ward, they soon get you sorted out just to get rid of us! Take care love and hugs xx

    Time to get the dinner on.
    Hope everybody is as well as can be expected, love Brenda XXX

  4. Hi all,
    Love the cards, nice going down memory lane to see them again.Hope you had a nice meal with the Groovi ladies Sandra.
    I like your idea Brenda that we should all go to Kent and see Lynda.Get a mini bus ready . So upsetting that nothing being done. My thoughts are with you Lynda and Terry.
    I wish that the injection for you Brenda will help soon. Take care.
    Michele, hope the shopping didn't take to long and the queues was not too bad at Tesco. We are going to ours in the morning and I heard it's crazy already from a neighbour.
    Today we were to Ikea, had breakfast first then walked around and came home with some bits and pieces, nothing big and of course some herring for x-mas eve. Very disappointed they stopped the red cabbage and some other things but SON managed to get me a few things from Okado. Now time for some tea and cinnamon buns and a movie on tv with OH so I wish you all a nice evening. take care .Many hugs to all xxx
