
Tuesday 10 September 2019

Simple Green Card

Good Morning Ladies, 

I am writing today's blog in the car on the final leg og of our journey home, from 'Orleans to Calais' and then from Dover to home.  My heart is a little heavy as today is the very last day of our holiday and Paul is straight back to work tomorrow, which is the part I am dreading most.
It's as if the weather knows our mood as it's very grey and over cast, in fact there is no break in the clouds.
Janet I'm not sure if you and Jim travel around Paris on the 'Peripherique' (ring road), it has to be the most depressing part of the journey,  the roads and verges are just crammed with all kinds of litter, every possible surface has been dedaced with Graffiti, even in the underground tunnels and on the overhead gantries that hold tye road signs,  the buildings are mostly dilapidated with windows smashed etc.   After driving through there countless times it has put both Paul and I off of wanting to visit Paris as tourists.  It is a relief to be out of Paris and back on the Motorway,  it may not be quite as picturesque as the first day of the journey but the views are still lovely, everything has started to turn from crisp shades of Green to the yellows and oranges that signal the start of Autumn .

Today's card is a simple design, nice and flat for posting.  
I started by tearing a piece of copy paper to give me an interesting border, I then took a few different green inks and started blending away from the torn edge of my paper (so that the ink didnt bleed underneath).
Once I was happy with my background I used the sane ink to randomly stamp my foliage stamps, I picked a few of my favourite leaves, choosing mostly small ones as the card was small.
I matted the card onto matching card and then onto a white card base.
To finish I stamped my sentiment and matted it on to green card and added some foam pads.
Simple design but quite a nice Thank you card I think.

Oh ladies I must tell you that I had a bit of a reprieve,  Gigaclear aren't arriving until Wednesday,  so I now have a whole day to sort my craft room out, phew!!! 
I can't tell you how relieved I was,  as our journey progresses I get stiffer and my legs tend to swell making them quite painful,  so the thought of having to race in and get straight in to clearing all of my craft area was filling me with dread, It felt worse as Paul was insisting on helping and all I want him to do is sit and relax when we get home, he will have driven 370 odd miles, or about 7/8 in hours, so I want him to have an early night as he will want to be up at about 5.30am to get ready for work.  
The only job I will insist he does is to catch all of the spiders that moved in while we were away, bearing in mind we seem to get at least 4 daily, I vacuumed every last web before we left, even behind radiators etc.  We also set mouse traps just in case Milo and Bella smuggled gifts in while Matt was at work. Paul will only use humane  traps, so I hope that they are empty! 
I always put clean bedding on before we leave so I can't tell you how excited I am to get back  into my clean, super comfortable bed!! 

Wow this is a long post, I wonder how many of you will manage to read it all ?! Haha

Congratulations Karen on your amazing achievement last weekend, I am sure each and every one of your adorable creatures will be in the arms of a new owner by now, how did you feel after the Fun Run?? You really are an inspiration xxxxxx

Sending love to all of you, 



  1. Morning ladies,

    Woke up so early this morning, couldn't relax so spent time on my PC. Now I can go back to bed for half-hour's shuteye.

    Striking vibrant green on your card today Sandra, it perked me up seeing it, what a good idea for if you have ripped a piece of paper.

    My friend Pat's funeral was absolutely spot on for her. Her two daughters planned it to perfection. No usual black but plenty of bright colours made it truly a Rainbow farewell. Her wicker coffin even had rainbow trims. Her last musical piece was Judy Garland singing Somewhere Over The Rainbow whilst we watched a montage of photos from her early days to present time,so moving.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Wow A really sad occasion but what a way to go It sounds like her daughters really did her proud

    2. Such a sad occasion but what a lovely way to celebrate her life. We had somewhere over the rainbow for Pete as well. No black clothes either.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely card. Glad to hear you don’t have to panic and clear out your craft desk until today. That would have been too much to do last night if you were late getting home.

    I’m expecting today to be busy at work-fingers crossed it’s all organised rather than chaos! I’m off out to see a friend-the one who is giving up crafting. She’s meant to be sorting more Dies out for me to sell on her behalf so it will be interesting to see what’s she’s found.


    1. I hope today isn’t to chaotic for you. I wish I lived closer as I’d send my stuff over for you to sell on my behalf. I still have loads of files and stamps that I no longer use.

  3. Morning Everyone

    A pretty card SANDRA and it really does your favourite colour justice.

    We don't travel round Paris anymore. That part of the journey just got too much what with the amount of traffic it carries; the poor state of the roads and of course the great number of road works so we now go straight down the A26 from Calais and leave the motorway at the signs for TROYES and then down to TONNERE into the MORVAN National Park and eventually MARIGNY. It takes a little longer but much better and far less stress.

    It's K&N this afternoon so a busy day for me.
    The CAFE is OPEN and I believe there's a Lemon Drizzle cake just waiting to be eaten.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.Take care and stay safe xxxx

    1. Enjoy K & N this afternoon Janet. I love lemon drizzle cake.

  4. A very pretty card and an ingenious idea to use torn copy paper
    I hope the clearing away isn’t too much like hard work
    Thank you SANDRA We all get issued with the same T shirt and is quite emotional seeing all these T shirts walking/running around the course I will send you a photo That’s become more difficult with the children wanting to race around and do things like have their face painted or hair braided!
    I have a friend coming to craft this afternoon She’s just started card making in her retirement I gave her some crafting essentials as a leaving present
    Take care all xx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra that journey through Paris sounds horrible, hope you arrived home not to late. Your card is
    Late this morning not sleeping very well so will send hugs to all love

  6. Hi ladies.
    Sweet card Sandra, nice words and easy to post. I'm sure the postage have gone up again.
    Going around Paris do sound horrible to drive. We did it long time ago now going to Disney. Paris is lovely otherwise to visit and walking around.
    Hopefully Matt had some time over and have run the hoover around for you and the traps are empty.
    We walked to Ikea and back this morning so will take it easy this afternoon and hope to have the mojo around for some card making when OH is watching the footie.
    I hope you all have a nice day, many hugs to you all. Maria xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love your CAS card Sandra, LOVE the colour you have used. (sadly I have run out of it) Hope today has been a restful day for you. You certainly covered a lot of miles yesterday, the journey around Paris sounds horrible, but you needed to get back home in time for Paul to rest before going to work today. Maybe another time you could allow extra time and take the scenic route! 😃

    Have a good evening everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies
    Over cast all day. Mind you I had a lot of ironing to do so pleased it wasn't as hot as it has been
    We had another walk down Broadstairs again after lunch. I like to try & go for a walk if I can but it really takes it out of me very painful.
    SANDRA a lovely card from you today very pretty. The drive round Paris sounded like a nightmare. Hope you get your craft room sorted without too much stress.
    MARIA I think your right about the postage I agree it's gone up. All my Christmas cards this year will be small & flat for posting. It's such a shame not to be able to put dimensions on anymore.
    KAREN well done on the amount collected for Gary's charity.
    Many Hug's love Lynda xx
