
Monday 9 September 2019

Good Morning Ladies,

As I am writing today's blog post we are driving through some of the most breathtaking views,  this part of France is stunning, there are mountains surrounding us, the only downside is that our eyes keep popping!  I keep wanting to stop and take photos!
We have 315 miles to do today, fortunately it's a little overcast so it's not so harsh on your eyes, luckily Paul doesn't mind driving, we also get some quality time together which I am super grateful for!!
I was a little cheeky at breakfast this morning,  they had the most delicious fresh baguettes,  so I managed to make a couple of ham and egg rolls for our lunch, so much fresher than buying the plastic wrapped ones in Service Stations, I filled the flask too so that we can have a hot drink with lunch.

Today's card works for a Challenge card as I pooked online at ideas for this  Chloe die, I saw the style on pinterest (used with a different die) .
I placed the detailed part of the die to the right of my card front and then added the cutting edge, so that my butterflies were flying up the edge of my card.
I used some of the free Butterfly  papers from SU (last year). I used the pretty butterfly paper for the front and a plain green pattern for the inside,  I then used the butterfly dies that came with the larger die to die cut butterflies, picking colours from the patterned paper and decouaging the butterflies with the die cuts.
To finish the card I layered some pretty blue ribbon with some polka dot tulle and tied that down the side of my card.  I finished that with a 'Birthday wishes ' tag and some gems on the butterflies!
Hopefully our journey tomorrow is smooth, as I forgot to pack up my craft desk before we left for our holiday,  Gigaclear are coming to install our new Fibre Broadband ar 8am on Tuesday,  so I have to pack up on Monday night, they need to access the point where the cables come into the house and thats behind my craft desk!!

Please cross your fingers for no delays or detours, last year closing the Motorway added 3 hours to our journey!!!

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-lovely Card & perfect that it fits two “technology “ categories for this weeks challenge.

    Fingers crossed there’s no delays for you especially as you need to pack up your craft desk?!

    Busy day yesterday-stayed at my Dads until 1pm then after lunch (at home) I started in the housework. Not looking forward to 5 days in work.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope work isn’t to hectic this week.

  2. Safe trip back SANDRA Enjoy your precious time with PAUL I can’t wait to see some photos
    Yesterday went really well and. HUGE thank you to BRENDA and PAT for your very kind and generous donation I will have a final tot up and let you all know how much I raised I even got interviewed by Harefield Hospital radio I was fighting back tears and really don’t know what I said in the end But BIL said it was a job well done
    I have a GP appointment first thing and then dreaded work I am so grateful I work part time
    Then I must tidy my craft room as I have a friend coming to craft tomorrow afternoon
    Take care all I may not mention you by name but you’re all in my thoughts xx

    1. I’m glad you had a lovely but sad day yesterday and have raised lots of money. Hope the GP appointment went well, and enjoy your crafting this afternoon.

  3. Morning Everyone
    Safe journey SANDRA today and I'm sure you'll manage to make room for the workmen tomorrow.

    I'm home alone this morning as Jim's on duty so I'm hoping to make a start on my CC though I also have to keep my ears open as we're having a delivery of wood so we can put a fence up on the front of the house between us and our new neighbours. Less said about that the better.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in for a cuppa and a chat. Have a good day everyone take care and stay safe xxxx

    1. Oh dear Janet sounds like you have problematic neighbours. As I’ve said before the neighbours that are attached to me have 3 teenagers and you’d really think the house was empty. It’s always been like that. The Mum & Dad always speak but the children never did unless asking for something that had gone into our garden. Very odd I think for them to virtually live in their bedrooms. The other side is a young couple with a 2 yr old who are lovely.

  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra have a safe & trouble journey. Sorry I didn't comment yesterday, I tried to but it wouldn't let me the cards were all beautiful & your card today is lovely, I love that paper. Good luck with your
    Karen hope you made a lovely lot of money, & well done on broadcast, Gary would have been proud of
    Sending hugs to all love

    1. I hope your medication is helping you Margaret.

  5. Hi Sandra & Ladies.
    Lovely card today. I hope you have an uneventful journey home and that you manage to get your desk cleared ready for gigaclear.
    Sounds like you had a lovely day at Harefields yesterday. How lovely that you were interviewed as well. I hope you’ve raised lots of money.
    I’m off on holiday on Sunday to Croatia. I’m looking forward to it but not the pick up time which will be at 1.20am.

  6. Hi rain again now, but looking brighter. Very chilly.

    Sandra very pretty card, hope journey going well.

    Janet sorry your having neighbour problems, we have a very peculiar older couple next door, can be very nasty, so we have nothing more to do with them.

    That’s it from me , hugs for all, Lilian

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a pretty card Sandra. Butterflies are real go to the card makers they always work whatever size they are. Hope the journey is going well and you don’t find it too cold when you get back on UK soil. Good luck with sorting out your desk, hopefully this new broadband will improve your Internet connection, I take it that’s what it’s for.
    I have had a cooking day today, we have loads of big tomatoes, so have been batch making soup. It will go in the freezer when it has cooled down. Also made a couple of quiches, I will slice one of them up and pack in portions and freeze, just nice to pull out and have a lunch when we want to change also cooked some Bramley Apples ready for a pie filling. After all that activity I’m ready for a sit down before I get the dinner on.
    Have a restful evening everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  8. Hi ladies,
    Pretty card Sandra. Hope your journey back is fine and no problems with any delays etc. Drive safe.
    Hope you all had a good weekend.
    Take care and many hugs to you all, Maria xx
