
Wednesday 11 September 2019

Michele's Shine Bright card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today I am sharing one of Michele's cards with you all, this is a perfect example of this weeks Challenge theme, as Michele has used a CDrom (or Digital images) to create this card.
I love it's bright cheerful design, it could be used for Birthday, well done or even get well I think.
You will have to let us know where the images are from Michele.
Thank you so much for sending me cards to share while I have been unable to craft XXX

Well we made it home at about 9pm, we were hoping to be earlier but as Calais Port was it's usual scene of chaos, we arrive there with hours to spare and end up making our ferry with minutes to spare, I think we will book earlier next year to make sure we can use the Channel Tunnel, that was much better organised.  Journey home was busy because of timings but wasn't too bad.
The cats were so pleased to see us, it was lovely to have such a warm welcome.
The house wasn't too bad, Matt had vacuumed around and the girls had made sure the kitchen was clean, which I was thrilled about.
The first thing Paul always wants is a cup of tea, we then sat for five minutes, I went on a spider hunt before we both got a shower and fell into bed.  We both made a real point of checking our dressing gowns etc, Paul was banging his slippers too, I stripped the bed back, just to make sure it was all clear of creepy crawlies, I did vacuum a few webs etc as the girls had said they had seen a HUGE spider by the door, everything checked we settled down to sleep.  I was woken a couple of times by Milo who just wanted a fuss, thankfully he quickly settled, next thing I knew Paul was up and having a shave, I heard Lucy come down and heard "Daaaad, can you come quick Bella has bought a Frog into my bedroom and its currently sitting in the cup of my bra on the floor!!  I heard him sigh and go to the rescue, so I thought I would get up and make him a cup of tea, I put my dressing gown on as boy did it feel cold, I felt a bit of a tickle by my neck so went to brush my hair back to only to look down and see that HUGE harvest spider on my hand, I let out the loudest scream and shook my hand which sent in flying onto the bed and under Paul's pillow, he comes dashing down, frog in box in his hand to see if I am ok, but he could instantly see I wasn't I pointed in the general direction of the spider and he went to investigate, he removed all pillows etc to the end of the bed and checked everywhere, it had gone, so he went back to his shave and I put the bed back to rights, as I moved his pillow the bloody think ran across the bed, I hollared, he came dashing back and manage to catch it, phew, I climbed back into bed, (it was only 6.30am) huddled in my dressing gown, quilt pulled up to my chin, heart going like the clappers!!  I was trying to physically make myself calm down, I then felt a bit of a tickle on my leg, so threw back the quilt, sheets etc, I then thought don't be daft it's just the label in your dressing gown!  Covers back over, kindle in hand, control breathing, I feel it again, this time I was a convinced I was going mad, pulled covers back to see the HUGEST spider on the back of my knee, he must have been in there with his mate the whole time, I grabbed the jug put it over the spider and went and sat on the stairs waiting for Paul to finish in the bathroom, my Knight in Underpants recued me for the second time this morning, I think he was actually quite glad to leave for work to get some peace!!
On a better note, It took me all day but I did get my craft desk cleared for the engineers tomorrow!!!

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra -goodness your arrival home was quite eventful! Hopefully that’s all the spiders removed. Glad you managed to clear your craft desk-how long so you expect the engineers will take?

    My card was made using an image from the latest Ella’s Design CD-ROM. There’s a fantastic amount of choice & styles on this CD.

    We have very heavy rain and string winged yet again here today despite the forecast showing cloudy & a slight breeze! At least it’ll be warm & dry in the Hospital.


  2. Oh SANDRA I feel for you I am so scared of spiders I hate them I can’t even face looking at a photo of them
    Crafting went went and my friend went away with some simple Christmas card ideas Some embossed card and borrowed a die She’s promised to keep me up to speed with her “homework”
    Today I have another work colleague coming to “play” She makes the most beautiful glass items She has her own kiln She wants to play with my A4 embossing folders as she has a Big Shot and see if gilding flakes etc would work set into glass
    I love the design of your card MICHELE Looks perfect for posting too
    Have a good day ladies I hope you’re not suffering too much after your walk into Broadstairs LYNDA

    1. Karen your friends work sounds very interesting. Would love to see some of her work. I’m also not a fan of spiders.

  3. Morning ladies,

    Lovely card Michele. You do have the most interesting cd's.x

    Sandra glad you're home safely but don't like your welcome committee! Not keen on spiders or frogs. Glad you managed to get sorted for engineer today.x

    We've been warned of a serious storm coming our way and in fact it's just started spitting. Off to crib later. Thank goodness we can play inside if necessary.

    Hugs to all.

    1. I hope the storm doesn’t cause to much havoc Val. Have a lovely time at crib.

  4. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Michele a fantastic card today using one of your cd roms.
    Sandra I’m glad to hear your journey wasn’t to bad after the initial chaos at Calais. Good to hear as well that Matt had vacuumed and the girls had cleared the kitchen up.
    Mind you I expect Sophie/Lucy is getting ready for Uni. Can never remember which ones going. Mind you I wouldn’t fancy driving backwards and forwards every day. Much easier I think to get lodgings or going into halls and coming back at the weekends. Especially now that we’ll be going into winter. Poor Olivia whose training to be a chef in Oxford will now have to catch a train to Reading College each day she goes. Apparently Oxford College are having the kitchens refurbished. They are supposed to pay her train fare, but her first day was yesterday and had to pay her own fare. Hopefully she’ll soon get her ticket from them and be reimbursed for the days she has to pay for herself.
    I thought Gigaclear were coming this morning not tomorrow Sandra ?. I expect they changed the day again.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra so pleased you have arrived home safely, despite your welcome with spiders & frogs. xxx
    Michele your card is lovely.
    Sending hugs to all love

  6. Hi everyone.
    Oh jeee spiders and I do not go together so I really feel for you Sandra for the welcoming party.
    Hope the electrician wont be too long so you get your crafting desk back asap.
    I'm still sorting my stuff out and it look a bit better around my side of the bed but the kitchen look like a bomb gone off so that's my job for today. Very windy outside and look like rain so nice not having to go anywhere today.
    Michele, like your card. A lot of nice pictures from that CD-rom, you have made some lovely cards.
    Pat, I have found 3 magazines for parchment crafting and wonder if you like to take them off my hand ? they were freebies from other craft magazines but I don't think I will make anything with them so I can send them if you like ?
    Give me a FB message if interested.
    Love and hugs to you all and wish you a nice day, Maria xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Very windy again & dull looks like rain again.
    MICHELE your card is lovely I have loads of cd-s must go though them all and see if I can make a CC today. I think I might take a lot to the charity shop as not using them.
    Have a lovely day everyone many Hug's love Lynda xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a homecoming you had, lovely that Matt and the girls tried to make everywhere look nice for you both. See that nagging didn’t fall on deaf ears! Not sure about the welcome you had from your other visitors! I definitely would have freaked out especially if they had been in my bed and even worse on my leg - I am shuddering just thinking about that one. Thank goodness Paul was still home to come to your rescue - what a hero!

    Hope you got the broadband sorted out and life can go back to normal, I’m sure you missed your craft room while you’ve been on holiday.

    Michelle your card is lovely and a great inspiration to those of us who do not use CD ROMs I can see everything coordinates beautifully, I have some that are collecting dust on a shelf in the craft room. I’ve had them forever, they are possibly not even compatible with the computer I have now. Will go and check in a while.

    Thinking of you all and sending extra hugs for those who are under par. xx

    Love Brenda xxx
