
Monday 16 September 2019

My First Challenge Card

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

As I am writing this post I haven't had an update on my Mum, she went down to theatre at around 1/2pm, they said that it can take several hours so, I guess it's just a waiting gain, this is where I find it so frustrating being so far away.  My Brother and sisters have been good at keeping me up to date though. All being well I think we will go over on Friday to visit.

I hope that you all had a good weekend, we spent it mostly in the garden, Paul was weeding, I was mostly pegging out washing and pottering about, we did take a couple of hours to sit and read though, I think that we can get carried away with doing chores and all the little jobs that you are too busy to do in the week, forgetting that the weekends are for relaxing too, so I made a point of taking Paul's book outside and a cold drink and he sat and relaxed for a couple of hours.

Today's card is one that I made before we went on holiday, I used the Creative Expressions Sunflower Edger Die, this time I actually die cut it in silver mirror card, I then changed the colour by adding Alcohol Inks, I had great fun playing with the colours, I used Butterscotch, Bronze, and an Orange one the name of which I can't remember! I just used a blending tool and some Blending solution and played, I kept the centres of the sunflowers darker with the bronze colours and used the lighter colours everywhere else, I was quite pleased with the results, it looks mostly gold with flecks of other colours through it.
The background I made using a daisy mask, I placed it over some watercolour paper that I had spritzed lightly with water and then I  sprinkled Pixie Powders over the mask, spritzed again with water and then lifted the mask, It's hard to pick out in the background but it worked quite well, I chose to use it with this card because of the bright sunny colours.
I made a frame with white card and used a piece of the leftover background to stamp my sentiment on, backing it with a piece of the same mirror card that I used to die cut the sunflowers from.
This card looks so much better in your hand as you can see the sparkle from the mica and the shine from the mirror card.
Categories used for this card Gold/Die cut/Heat Embossing

I had a message from Val yesterday, letting me know that she was safe as she is on slightly higher ground, which was such a relief. x

I hope that you all have a lovely day Ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card is gorgeous, I love the colours you have used. Hope you get an update today about your Mum.

    The weekend certainly went quickly-we had rain on + off yesterday so no gardening so once I’d done the housework, I had a play in my craft room. Didn’t produce much but it was nice just playing.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Lovely card SANDRA very pretty.
    Hoping you get more news today about Mum and how the op went.

    We had alovely afternoon yesterday. The rain managed to keep away but no sun and it was quite chilly out in the garden though of course the children don't feel the cold do they. It's always nice to see Grandchildren and Great Grandchilden all together.

    Today's task is to make a chart on my CC though at the moment I haven't an idea at all what to do. Loads of coffee first I think to get my little grey cell

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual and I've put a chocolate cake out so help yourselves Dear Friends.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. A very pretty card SANDRA I really like playing with these edger dies You can make a very quick effective card using a patterned paper or like you really juj it up. I love the effect the alcohol inks give
    I hope your mum is doing well
    I had the perfect weekend The weather was beautiful and very warm too Pub in the Park on Friday afternoon and visited daughter and family on Saturday to give her her birthday card and pressie and Sunday we looked after Oscar whilst her and partner went out
    Back to earth with a thump today as work is a bit manic and the atmosphere is very low in the office with the impending moves
    Take care all I hope your SIL is getting along ok MARIA
    And you enjoyed your trip out MARGARET
    Hugs to everyone xx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Gorgeous card Sandra and I do love all the edge dies but so far not bought one. I like the flower ones best I think as you can use them all year around.
    I wish you mum op have gone well and she soon be on her feet again. Take care
    Had a good weekend and sat outside reading which was nice but today we got fine drizzle of rain. Had a horrid night so feeling like a zombie so might have a nap.
    Have not heard from SIL today, her husband probably call tonight.
    Take care everyone and I hope you have a nice day. Sending hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love your card, how clever to put alcohol Inks on top of the mirror card it really does make quite a difference. I must have a play with my inks, I haven’t had them out for ages, good excuse for them to see the light of day. Ha ha

    Hope you get some news of mum today. It must be so hard for you not been able just to pop down to see her, Lovely that your brother and sister are keeping you informed, Friday will be here before you know it. XX

    Margaret Hope you enjoy your trip out today. XX

    Val pleased you are safe and well. How are the Christmas cards for the shop coming along? XX

    Karen Hope work wasn’t too bad, it’s horrible when the atmosphere in your workplace is low, I hope things improve soon. XX

    Maria Hope you have good news about your SIL soon. XX

    Take care everyone, love Brenda XXX

  6. Good evening Sandra and ladies
    Late again I did comment on this morning but just went on & my comment has disappeared. SANDRA
    Your card is gorgeous love the colours are gorgeous.
    MARGARET how did you enjoy your trip out in your wheelchair. I hope Pop's better at stearing than Terry
    He hits all the signs in Tesco & bumps into the food displays on the end of the islands. Then he just leaves me & wanders off.
    Some man said to me you still here I said he just leaves me think he hopes someone will take me. 😂😂
    It is so nice to get out though.
    We go into Broadstairs & sit & people watch. Depending on the weather.
    MARIA hope you had a nice face time with your family.
    VAL glad your OK where you are xx
    KAREN hope work was OK & not too stressful must be horrible dredging going to work.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxxx
