
Tuesday 17 September 2019

A Lovely 'Lynda ' card

Good Morning Ladies,

I was a little disappointed with the weather yesterday,  I thought that this 'heatwave' was supposed to last longer than 2 days! I eneded putting washing out, the fetching it back in and believe me when I say that's a major ordeal for me!
Great news about Mum, she came up from Surgery and within 40 mins she was asking for food and demolished a bowl of Soup, Hotpot and a yoghurt!  She clearly recovers better than i do, i am always sick for about 48 hrs post surgery!  I had a chat with her and she seemed fairly positive,  she seems to think that she will be home by mid week, which is going to be a bit of a tricky one to explain!  They are planning on sending her to a rehabilitation centre first.

Sophie had her first day at Coventry University yesterday, I was like a 'cat on hot bricks' all day, wondering if she got there ok, did she get a parking space etc, she seemed very positive when she came home, very tired too after the long journey (but that was her choice)!

Today's stunning card is one that Lynda kindly made for the blog whole I was on holiday, I didn't get around to posting it then so I am excited to share it with you today.
Lynda started by embossing the background  of the card, she then added a trellis die on the left hand side (hidden by all of those beautiful flowers). To embellish the card Lynda has die cut lots of beautiful flowers and foliage and arranged them over the trellis.
Leaving the perfect space for that Happy Birthday die cut.
Thank you so much Lynda for sharing such a beautiful card. XXX

We had the traditional post holiday Roast Beef  dinner last night, it was too warm on Sunday so we delayed it a day!

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-what a beautiful card, so pretty. Definitely deserves its day on Sandra’s blog!

    Sandra-I think your Mum might be in for a shock when she’s discharged but fingers crossed she remains positive.

    We have sunshine here at the moment but it’s quite breezy at not that warm-definitely autumnal weather.


    1. Thank you Michele for the lovely comment on my card. X

  2. Morning Everyone
    OH LYNDA what a beautiful card and so YOU. Love every bit of it.

    I managed to make a start on my CC yesterday so had a good day. Not sure what I have for today but I'm sure something will turn up it always does.

    SANDRA- good news about your MUM. Yes I'm sure she is in for a few surprises over the next few weeks.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in for a chat and a cuppa.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with many extras for Dear Friends not up to the mark.
    Have a good day whatever you have planned.Take care and stay safexxxx

    1. Thank you so much Janet for your kind comment on my card x

  3. Pretty cardLYNDA Making all of those wonderful flowers must have taken ages
    I am so relieved that your mum is fine
    Sparks were flying at work yesterday which isn’t surprising with all the changes that are happening So I wonder how things went in the afternoon and what it’ll be like this morning Ho hum!
    Take care all xx

  4. Thank you KAREN for liking my card.
    Hope work goes OK & not too stressful for you.

  5. Good morning Sandra and ladies
    Thank you for sharing my card Sandra we have sun so hope the washing dry.
    Pleased to hear your mum operation went well. SANDRA Hope she is OK with going in a rehabilitation home.
    Nothing much happening today so will go in craft room & finish my CC card.
    Wishing you all love & Hug's Lynda xx

  6. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra that is good news about your mum and just the sort of news you wanted to hear, great that you are to talk to her as well. I hope she accepts the chance to go to the rehabilitation unit, she will have the support of carers and nurses around all the time - which is just what she needs. Hope Sophie manages her commute to Coventry every day, it’s quite a commitment. I’m sure you will be on tender hooks. She’ll cope - but she’s going to be tired and still has college work to do when she gets home. GOOD LUCK SOPHIE.XX

    Lynda Your card is absolutely beautiful, a real labour of love, you have put so much work into this beautiful creation it deserve a day on its own. Hope you are coping and the lovely Terry is looking after you. XX

    Margaret did you get your trip out in your new chair? XX

    Have a good day everyone love Brenda XXX

  7. Morning ladies,

    WOW! stunner of a card Lynda.

    Gorgeous sunshine again today, cloudy start yesterday then out came the sun to play. Time for the washing to be on the line then maybe an hour of gentle gardening....deheading and cutting back stray branches before autumn really does take hold.
    As much as I love the changing colours of Autumn with it's cold misty days and darker evenings, it does bring quite a lot of heavy work via falling leaves, annual and biennials needing cutting back or digging up to split, the last grass feed of the year, lawn edges tidying up, pots cleaned out ready for new plants next year and so on and so forth. I'm tired already now..I might do it tomorrow lol

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra great news of your Mum. Great Sophie enjoyed her first day. Hope you washing dry
    Lynda lovely card I think Alan will be parking me when shopping as well, love
    I really enjoyed my trip out.
    Sending love & hugs to all

  9. Hello All, lovely day again, washing very dry, slightly crisp if you know what I mean.

    Lynda what a super card, love all those flowers, you must have a lot of patience.

    Sandra, good news from mum, hope she takes the offer of care, although if it was me I’d want to be home.

    Spent all morning sorting out my sewing machine, was working fine yesterday, tried it today, would not even sew one stitch, unscrewed every thing and put it all back and after 2hrs decided to go again.
    Hope you all enjoy this lovely weather while it lasts. Hugs Lilian

  10. Hi ladies.
    Oh Lynda what a beautiful card, so many lovely flowers but no Butterfly ? hihi Hope you had a better day pain wise.
    Good luck to Sophie and hopefully her journey back and forth to Uni won't be too tiring.
    Glad you mum is fine and hope she will recover quickly.
    I hope you all had a day of sunshine and now have a good night. hugs Maria xxx
