
Sunday 15 September 2019

Your Challenge Cards


Good Sunday morning Ladies, 

Well sadly yesterday didn't quite go as planned, I was woken by the house phone around 7am, which always sends me into a panic, it was my sister Emily, she was calling to tell me that mum had gotten up at 4am to use bathroom, she said she she saw a 'flash' that made her jump and she ended up on bathroom floor instead of on toilet, she cut her elbow badly on the sharp corner of the radiator and Emily said that her leg was out at angle of 45 degree to her body, despite this she managed to crawl over the landing and downstairs to phone my sister claire (as she is closest), Claire said that when she arrived mum was sat on second stair up, with her leg going off at an odd angle, she called ambulance,  she had an Xray at around 8 am  which confirmed that her femur was broken just below the hip joint.
Fingers crossed, she should go into theatre this morning, I thought she would have to wait longer but they haven't even tried straightening her leg, it is sticking out of the side of her hospital bed!  Bless her she can't have the strong painkillers either as her blood pressure is too low!  My sister's spent all day with her yesterday,  she ate some lunch which was good to hear.  I felt that we should have gone over to see her, but in all honesty we are better waiting until after her surgery, the ward she is on has very odd visiting times: 11-12, 2 -5, 6-7pm! 
Fingers crossed all goes well today, she decided yesterday to have a 'Do Not Resuscitate' which really upset my sisters, I just explained to them that she is tired of living without my Dad, everyone copes differently.

Michele set us a very different Challenge this week that involved using a computer to create a card, I must say I was a little apprehensive,  but as always you all made some amazing cards.
Thank you so Michele for Challenging us and for making some inspiring sample cards. XxX

Val, I have been worried about you all day, I cam't believe how horrendous the weather is around you, people have lost their lives, which is unbelievable.  I hope you are safe and dry sweet friend XXX

Your cards........


You all saw mine the other day, it wasn't  complicated and I love  the colour! 


Lynda made a fantastic Tim Holtz style card, using images that she download (after a fashion, as her computer decided it needed updating) that always happens when you are in a hurry! 
At first Lynda could only get inages the size of a postage stamp, so she ended up having to take the image into the 'My Craft Studio' program to increase the size, and add the sentiment,  she also got the background from there to.
I love your card, those water drops look realistic.

Thank you so much for taking part Lynda XXX


Cheryl has made a gorgeous card, that Octopus is just so cute, it is of course one of Ella's Design Digital Downloads, after a bit of a performance getting the Download Cheryl has printed it and created a gorgeous card.
Great job Cheryl, thank you so much for going to such a lot of trouble to take part in this week's Challenge,  now you have done one, you will be tempted to go back for more XXX

Card 1:  Paul is the very proud owner of a red Ducati
Created the topper from a Serif digikit I copied and pasted motorcycle and fussy cut it and mounted with foam tape The petrol tank was “painted” red on Serif and I add glossy accents for some shine.

Card 2:  is an image I found on Google and printed sentiment I edged it all with gold gilding polish and put a few smudges on too - thought it fitted travelling onto a new job.

Card 3: A Serif layout I cut hot air balloon twice and cut it out on ScanNCut and mounted it on foam tape,Printed sentiment.

Card 4: Another leaving card for my mad friend A flower has gone missing which will be replaced  Printed sentiment 
Dies are from TL - Pawtrait and Blossom Patch
Background- a sanded back embossed background.

Card 5:  A topper created on Serif The background with a paint effect and the birds are a “brush” within a digikit Sentiment printed too.

WOW Karen,  you have had a very busy week, 5 amazing, individual,  personalized cards, what a huge achievement!
Thank you so very much my lovely XXX


OMG Janet, 3 gorgeous Challenge cards from you this week, I have to say that I just love the vintage style cards, the images and style of your 3rd card is stunning too.

Janet's Description:
"My first card was made by printing the main picture along with the small pages from Pinterest. The backing card is Crafter's Companion. The flowers are La Blanche.

My second card was made by printing the postcard and script card from Pinterest. The car/telephone/watch and figure are from La Blanche.

My third card is made from a download via Craftsuprint which I purchased years ago."

3 stunning Challenge cards, thank you so much Janet XXX 


Lilian,  I love the image that  you have used for your Challenge card, they look like apple Blossom to me, so pretty, so detailed too, you have coloured them beautifully Lilian.

Lilian's Description :
"This a line drawing from the computer, printed on to semi shine paper then quickly added clear embossing powder to make it easier to colour. Used some old alcohol pens that I bought from c. Companion when they first came out, though they may have dried up, most were ok. Have to say I don’t care for them, water colour all the way for me."

Thank you for such a lovely Challenge card Lilian XXX


Two fabulous cards from Brenda for this weeks Challenge,  the first is a bit of a collaboration with Brenda's sister Anne. I love how much personal detail that you have included on your first card,  with the Map of Leicester behind the vellum.
I will add Brenda's Description below:
"I am sending you two challenge cards, the first one which one my sister asked for help with, she’d been asked to make a 90th birthday card from a priest. In the end she got me to do it for her she knew as a younger man this priest you to drive around on a motorbike so we worked from that angle. The front is vellum and Behind it is a map of Leicestershire (because he had mostly worked in Leicestershire.) Hope that makes sense. Anyway this is my first card ......  Apart from the 90 it was all done on the computer, I gave the motorbikes a shadow that’s why some lookupside down!   

My second card it’s just sentiment that was done on the computer. I love this backing paper it’s from Clarity,  Four Seasons range, this is from Indian Summer pack"

Thank you so much Brenda for two amazing cards. XXX 


Two lovely cards from Maria for this weeks Challenge,  I adore the gorgeous bird image in your first card Maria, you have framed it beautifully too.

Your second card is so clever, I love how you have decorated the bathroom and your lady in the bath is fantastic! 

Maria's Description: 
"They are both printed off from computer. The birds were already 
coloured in .Have not written any words yet but it might be a card 
for OH for a special day  :)
Lady in the bath I coloured in very badly, cut her out and put her on a background in similar colours."

Thank you so much Maria for two amazing cards XXX

Ladies, thank you all so very  for taking part in this weeks Challenge,  this one got those brain cells working too, I enjoy the more challenging ones though.
Thank you Michele for setting the Challenge, it was a great one, look at all the cards YOU have inspired!! XXX

We had a lovely mesl out last night, we tried a new (to us) Indian restaurant,  both the food and service was outstanding!  The day ended up better than it started  thats for sure. 

Enjoy your Sunday my lovelies,  

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Everyone
    I love Sunday mornings as I get to see loads of beautiful cards and lots of inspiration.This week is no different.What a selection all so different in theme.

    SANDRA-I am sorry to hear that Mum has had a fall and that she has to go to theatre today. I'm sure all will be well but I know you will feel so much better when you can get to see her.Your Sisters will keep you up to date at every stage. Stay strong and here's loads of hugs for you today.

    We have a busy day today as it's my eldest Great Grandson's birthday party this afternoon. He was 6 on Friday so everyone will be there to share his day. Fingers crossed the weather will be kind. Yesterday was glorious the sun shone all day and it was really warm. This morning we have the sun but at the moment we also have strong winds.

    The CAFE is OPEN but I'm sorry there isn't a lunch menu today.HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe. xxxx

  2. Oh SANDRA I do hope your mum is OK I know how upsetting it is But you’re right
    Fabulous cards ladies and it’s given me lots of ideas like downloading images from Pinterest and Ella’s designs
    Nothing much planned today I just need to catch up on some sleep!

  3. Morning Ladies

    WOW-what an amazing selection of challenge cards today, thank you to everyone who joined in. So many different ways you have used technology.

    Late start for me as I had a mini lie in! We were late home last night (11:40) as we met some friends for a pub meal & by the time we ordered a taxi we had over 30 minutes to wait. At least it wasn’t raining which it is this morning.

    Sandra-hope your Mums operation goes without any problems& you get an update today.


  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra so sorry to hear of your Mum's fall, I hope you get better news today, sending lots of hugs. I am pleased to hear you a lovely meal last
    All the cards are amazing well done to you all.
    Janet hope the sun shines so that you can enjoy your Gr. Grandson
    Lynda hope to go out in my wheelchair, push along, which arrived Friday. How are you.?xxx
    Sending hugs to all love

    1. Enjoy your trip out It’ll be good to get out in the fresh air

  5. Hello All, dull here today although the weather forecast said sun.

    Lovely cards today, you are all so creative.

    Lots of good items yesterday.

    Val hope you are ok, saw the news of the floods, looks horrific.

    Sandra sorry to hear your Mum has had a fall, hope the op goes well.

    Not much other news, hugs to all Lilian

  6. Afternoon ladies.
    Sorry to hear of your mum Sandra, hope she be alright and your sister have some news for you.
    Amazing cards everyone, it's a special day Sunday when we get to see our cards on the blog.
    Karen, you have done a fab job to get so many together but a bit worried that you soon on you own at work with so many leaving ?
    Lilian- hope the weather changed and got better over the day. Love your card, it's lovely.
    We got +24c and wonderful sunshine in MK today. Trying to get as much D into me before SAD starting. One problem when it gets darker over the winter season. Had a walk to Dobbies and looked at the plants, wanted to buy some but it was a No from hubby as we were walking back too Lol
    Janet- hope you all have a great time for your great grandson's birthday and the rain stayed away.
    Margaret- have a nice outing now you got the wheels nothing will stop you. Hugs x
    Lynda- hope you too and Terry had a chance to get out and about.
    Going to see if I can get hold of my parents now so I wish you all a nice day and many hugs to you all, Maria xx

    1. One is leaving the other 4 are being moved to a different location

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    SANDRA so sorry for your mum having a bad fall yesterday. Has your sister got in touch about how her surgery went I hop she is comfortable. Both your sisters can keep you informed.
    Hope you had a nice time at your meal yesterday.
    Lisa & Joseph came down today we took them out for dinner as she paid for the last few times. So had a very nice time. She has just text saying she has just got home. They left at five the traffic was at a stand still. Normally its one hour & half.
    WOWSER fantastic Challenge card's
    KAREN you did well five CC,s loved the last one.
    You all did well they were amazing.
    Hope you all have a nice evening
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra Sorry to read your mum had a fall yesterday, I hope she was able to have her operation today, and is making good progress. It’s is quite distressing when our family have a DNR on their hospital notes. We had this with my dad. It does make you realise how fragile life is.

    What a fantastic display of challenge cards. It always amazes me - how with the same challenge we all come up with so many different designs.

    We have been over to our younger daughters today, its her birthday today, so was lovely to spend the day with her.

    Think it’s time I started to think about getting read for bed. Sleep well dear friends.
    Love Brenda xxx
