
Wednesday 4 September 2019

A simple Pixie Powder Background card

Good Morning Ladies,

Here we are at the middle of the week, it certainly feels like it's whizzing by really fast over here.
Weather permitting we have planned to go to the Water Park today, I will be honest and say that it's not my favourite part of the holiday but it's all about give and take and I have enjoyed just relaxing on the Beach or by the pool, which I like to do as it gets Paul to relax too, which he really needs.
I can't get on to any of the rides as they all have steps, I can manage the lazy river though, that's quite a chilled out ride, mind you I'm pretty sure that any one watching me attempting to get into and out of the large rings that you float around on would be having a right laugh! Moving with finesse is not my strong suit! 
Paul says he isn't bothered about going on the water slides, but seeing the huge grin on his face when he gets off tells me otherwise.  He gets almost forced into it as Lucy wants a partner to ride with so that she doesn't feel like a 'gooseberry' with Sophie and Lewis.  I usually spend the day laying on one of their over priced sun loungers, reading my book.

Today's card is one I made the week before we came away, I wanted to use this lovely 'Intricutz' die (from Hobbycraft) again, so I die cut it twice and stuck them together to make the frame stronger and give it a little bit more depth.  
My background was made by simple dusting a couple of different Pixie Powders onto my glass mat, I spritzed them with water and then spritzed my Watercolour card too, I then just swooshed my cars through the powders, dried it with my heat gun and then repeated until I had full coverage and a depth of colour that I was happy with.
After I had dried the background I adhered my beautiful frame to the centre and added the die cut 'Hello' (from the same set).
I mounted the piece onto white card and then on to a piece of 'Flirty Flamingo' card, that matched the Pixie powder colours I had used.
I hope you like it xx

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your Card is lovely, the Diecut really stand out against the pretty background.

    I have to admit that the thoughts of a day at a water park is my idea of hell, closely followed by sitting on a beach. It’s s good job we’re all different isn’t it? Phil enjoys going to the beach when we’re in Florida as he can go fishing, I usually stay in the villa reading when he does that.


  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA-a very pretty card.I love that die. Simple but so effective.

    I'm with MICHELE in that anything like Water Parks/Theme Parks or anything of that nature is also my idea of hell.In fact I have to add the beach in that too as walking on sand is definitely a no no for me. It has to be hard ground or not at all these days but we're all different thank goodness.

    Well Autumn has definitely arrived. We had a windy and cold day yesterday and it's still windy but with rain this morning. I can see the heating going on before the end of today.
    My plan for today is to finish my CC - unless something or someone interferes.

    The CAFE is OPEN usual hours and I believe there's a Choc cake just waiting to be eaten.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with many extras for Dear Friends not feeling too good.Take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. Hi everyone,

    Lovely card Sandra. Love your background and the pretty die cut.
    I'm with you about water parks. Only go if we have visitors and I stick to the lazy river. Have a lovely time. We have rain forecast for tomorrow and Friday so hope it doesn't reach up your way.

    Off to crib later. Just finished my ironing so having a sit with a cup of coffee before getting changed.

    Off to dentist tomorrow so I know I'll have a sleepless night tonight.

    Enjoy your day everyone.
    Love Valx

  4. Morning all.
    Gorgeous card Sandra. You always get such a pretty backgrounds using the pixie powders, mine always looking so dull and dark, I guess practise, practice.
    Water parks, no not for me either. The boys loved it when going abroad and the fun parks here but I feel queasy just looking at them going around and around. You have a fab day sitting reading Sandra and enjoy the next few days.
    Found some x-mas decopage papers to cut out so going to make them up today for our cc this week.
    Have a nice day ladies and many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely card today. I don't like waterparks or fun fair rides either. Enjoy your
    Thank you for your wishes yesterday it is much better.
    Sending hugs to all love

  6. Hi Sandra & Ladies.
    Thank you all for liking my Groovi card yesterday I’m still busy trying to finish the ones that have been started. Plus using up what I cut out last Christmas.
    Enjoy your book while lounging reading a book. I hope the rest of them enjoy the water park if the weathers ok to go.
    Sorry to hear you’ve had a fall Lilian. I hope the bruising doesn’t last to long.
    Margaret I hope your gout improves.
    Sophie came round yesterday to pick up loads of card a stamp pad and a few stamps. She’s hoping to start making a journal. I could start a shop with all the card & paper I have and don’t use it. Craig will come round at some point and take some into school.
    Went over to see my friend who has just come out of hospital. She was diagnosed with Bowel Cancer butit was caught very early. Funnily enough Danny’s ( Pete’s friend ) surgeon operated on her and Pete’s surgeon looked after her. What’s the likelihood of both surgeons still working at the Churchill after 17 years.
    Such a shame us Groovi girls don’t live closer to each other.
    We have classes starting in October in Witney with Ronk Langton every month. She’s a designer for Clarity. I met her before she started designing for Clarity at my friends who makes the frames who lives in Abingdon.
    Enjoy crib Val and I hope the dentist doesn’t find any work to do.

  7. Pretty card SANDRA I love the simplicity of it It is so effective I have only ever been to one water park and only went on the lazy river ride which I thoroughly enjoyed Gently floating along with Glen Miller and Frank Sinatra playing in the background
    I hope the gout is easing MARGARET and you’re recovering from your fall LILIAN
    I made 3 leaving cards yesterday and need to do another 2 today They’re all being TUPE’d across to a new organisation I also need to make 2 70th birthday card by tomorrow evening if possible and I really want to do at least 1 cc!
    Home alone tonight So hopefully I can make a big dent in the jobs that need doing
    Take care all xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    LOVE your card Sandra, that Pixi Powder background is beautiful.

    I hope you have a relaxing day at the water park, I’m sure in your own way you will enjoy it. Just seeing the happy expressions on everyone’s faces is enjoyment to me. John has treated the whole family on two occasions to a trip to Disneyland Paris. He stayed at home it’s just not his thing. The only water ride I went on was ‘It’s a small World ‘ (you just can’t get the words of that song out of your head ! ) All the others did all the super exciting rides, I was happy to look on and see their faces. The last time we went I asked for adjoining rooms, which was lovely except my room ended up as the family sitting room, Every morning I had six children in my room, okay the two small ones shared with me, but the others joined us because I let them have the Disney channel on the TV. I still enjoy reminiscing about the great time we had. It was great.
    Been into Croydon this morning only went to M&S and The Works then we had something to eat. When we came home and I was exhausted, so had a nap. Was going to sort out kitchen cupboards today - not sure if I have the energy or willpower to tackle them now.
    Whatever you are doing I hope it is enjoyable. Love Brenda xxx

  9. Afternoon ladies,

    A simple but stunning card Sandra, I love the background colours.

    So many things going on at the moment, Milly-May enjoyed her first day at school...she looked so cute in her new uniform.

    My son's Godmother (my first best workmate and friend), sadly passed away last week from pneumonia. I am always unsettled when Death coming knocking on the door of special people in my life.
    My apologies for not coming into the café sooner.

    A third water leak happened last night when the cold tap in the kitchen refused to stop. Before that it was Jamie's bedroom radiator, then the second pump on my Solar panels decided to burst completely whilst the engineer was servicing it.
    I think I've had enough of a drowned house.

    On a brighter note I shall be attending my first Literary book club meeting on Monday in Bridgwater Library. Our book to read and review is The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce. A beautiful story of one man finding out the woman who saved his bacon years before by taking the blame for something he had done was ill with cancer and his walk from Kingsbridge to Berwick to see her. It has made me laugh, cry and wonder as he travels along his way.

    I hope you are all well, I have lot of catching up to do with several posts.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  10. Sorry to hear you sad news about your friend and about leaks etc but also on a happier note that Milly-May have started school, seem like yesterday she was born. Louis, SIL grandson also started school today. He looked so smart in his new uniform. Enjoy and have fun with the Literary group coming Monday. Hugs xx

  11. Hello All, sunny day, but quite chilly.

    Sandra, very pretty card, water parks and fair are definitely a no go for me, head no good at those things.

    Caught up with a load of ironing today, so now feeling shattered.

    Hugs to all, especially Cheryl, sorry to hear about your friend. Lilian
