
Tuesday 3 September 2019

Pat's Groovi Christmas Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and the weather is being kind to you.

We had thunder storms on Sunday evening and a lovely rain storm, it amazes me how a storm changes the sea from a relatively calm sea to a full on surf beach.  It was cloudy and overcast all day yesterday but i think our bodies were glad of a lazy do nothing day (well mine was).  I did say as we went to bed on Sunday night that it would  be a "make a cup of tea and take it back to bed" day monday, but it just feels a waste of a day, we have been up by 8am (7 at home) pretty much every day, we have been going to bed about 11 /12 ish most nights.   It will be interesting to see how we get on back at home.  I haven't missed the TV at all, i don't think the girls have either,  it just makes everyone so much more sociable.
Hopefully the sun will return today so normal activity will resume!!

Today's card is one of Pat's incredible Groovi card's that works perfectly for this week's Christmas card Challenge.

I believe that Pat has used a combination of Groovi Plates to create this particular card, I absolutely love those dangly Snowflakes and Baubles, which Pat has coloured beautifully. The white work on the Snowflakes is perfect too.
I also absolutely love how you have placed the sentiment between those two Holly Flourishes.
Such a stunning Christmas card Pat,
Thank you so much for sharing it with us. XXX

I hope that you all are enjoying making your Christmas cards for this weeks challenge, I can't wait to see them.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Pat-what a stunning card, it’s gorgeous & so much work has gone into the card. It would be a real Keepsake Card.

    Sandra-hope the sunshine returns for your last few days.

    I had a lovely relaxing day off yesterday-met a friend for coffee then after lunch I popped into Southport to do some shopping. Got home & it started to rain & it was very heavy. Sat reading for the rest of the day. Shame I have to return to work today!


  2. Morningt Everyone
    PAT- a gorgeous Seasonal card.So much work but well worth it.
    I haven't had my Groovi out for a while so must find the time to do some more.

    Yesterday was definitely the start of Autumn here. We had high winds all day and a lot lot cooler in fact it was cold so much so that I got my winter housecoat out. A good thing I washed both of them the other week.

    It's a long sleeved tshirt for me today and winter slippers.
    I need to finish off a birthday card needed for Friday and then some more Seasonal cards today.

    The CAFE is OPEN and the kettle has boiled. The coffee pot is on too so pop in for a chat.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.Take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. Beautiful card PAT and we all know how much work goes into doing parchment Groovi or otherwise
    I hope the weather is better today SANDRA We haven’t had any rain but it is definitely a lot cooler and cardigans are needed
    I hope it settles and stays dry for Sunday It’s the annual Harefield Hospital Fun Run which we’re all taking part in
    Take care all Must finish getting ready for work I have 4 leaving cards to make today AND try and start some cc’s

  4. Hi everyone,
    Beautiful card Pat. Grooving seems so popular now.

    Picked up my crib friends from the Airport yesterday and it's back to our regular Wednesday meet up tomorrow. That six weeks has flown by. Also the first time seeing my friend who was mugged last month. He's ok now but doesn't know whether he'll have to go back to UK for the court case.

    Carrying on with my Christmas cards today. My lovely tidy craft room looks like a bombs hit it again.

    Take care everyone Love Valx

  5. Morning ladies.
    Stunning x-mas card Pat, you must have taken you hours to make this Groovi .You are our groovi queen !
    Grey day, going in to town. ww first thing, not sure why as I have not been good for weeks. Hair cut needed so will let them do all of it today. Normally I wash it myself but can be quite relaxing when they do it for you.
    Hope the sun shining where you are. Have a nice day everyone. hugs to all, Maria xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sorry I have not commented for a couple of days, I had bad a bad attack of gout so spent couple days in bed.
    All the cc were lovely on Sunday, & your card yesterday was beautiful. Hope you have a nice few
    Pat your groovi card is lovely.xx
    Sending hugs to all love

    1. Sorry you've not been so good Margaret. Hope you're feeling a lot better.x

    2. Hi Margaret sorry you have had a bad couple of days with bad pain
      With your gout. I hope your feeling better today. Big Hug's on the way xxx🤗🤗

    3. Hello Sandra and ladies
      Pat your groovi Christmas card is stunning.
      Haven't done much today feeling very tired today. But think I will go & start a engagement card for Darren and Sam.
      Should have done it yesterday as they come home from holiday today. So better get making it.
      Sending everyone Big Hug's xx
      Love Lynda xx

    4. Hello Margaret, Sorry you have had bad couple of days, I hope you are starting to feel better. Sending gentle caring hugs xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Pat another WOW Groovi card from you. It’s a beautiful work of art. You must have spent hours making this xx
    I hope the weather has improved for you and the family Sandra, Enjoy the rest of the time you have in your beautiful holiday retreat.xx
    Love Brenda xxx

  8. Hello All, sorry to be absent for a couple of days, had a fall on Saturday, I have plenty of padding, so no bones broken, but badly bruised and a very sore hand, hence difficult to type.

    Pat your card is a work of art, very beautiful.

    Margaret sorry you have had a bad couple of days, hope it has eased a bit.

    Not much else to report, have made first. Christmas card, must take pic to send to Sandra.

    Hugs to all Lilian
