
Thursday 5 September 2019

A Thursday Throwback Trio from Janet

Good Morning Ladies, 

Well I survived the Waterpark experience  yesterday, the place had free wifi so I was able to get some blog posts written, just in case we dont have Wifi during our travels on the weekend. 
Although I don't like writing posts in advance, our blog doesn't work like that, it would be different if it was a blog that simply shared a card with a Description and that was it.  
I like to tell you what we've been up to and I LOVE reading about your day too.  It's part of the day i look forward to most, taking 5 minutes to catch up with you all. 
I read some of my  book and even had a few goes round on the lazy river, the water was a bit chilly though.  
Paul, Lewis and the girls all seemed to enjoy their day, they did a lot of walking and stair climbing though, so they were all worn out by 6pm. 
We had a cooked lunch in the park so dinner will be a simple selection of meats and cheese with baguette.  

Today's cards are from Janet, she kindly sent me some 'Throwback Thursday' cards to help me out.
These three cards are just stunning, White on White cards look so expensive,  they make amazing special occasion cards but as Janet  has 
Shown here they can work for any occasion,  by simply adding some embossed layers and layering up floral or foliage dies you can create stunning cards.  (I am thinking of doing this as a Challenge,  what do you think??)
Thank you so much Janet for sharing these  stunning cards with us XXX

I was so pleased to read that your Gout is improving Margaret,  the best news of my whole holiday was to read that your pills had already started to help with your Parkinson's symptoms, I couldn't wait to tell Paul who was as pleased as I was, I hope they continue to improve your over all symptoms so that you can regain a little bit of your independence, believe me I know how important that is XXX

Lilian I hope that you are continuing to improve after your fall my lovely, sending huge hugs XXX

Val, I think we are forecast strong winds for Thursday ond Friday, we have been so blessed with the weather this year.  The Costa Brava is know for being Windy, although we have only had one day where it got too windy to sit and relax on the beach.  Fingers crossed the winds aren't too bad. 
I guess we shouldn't complain, storm Dorian seems to be causing such devastation in the Caribbean, I think its due to hit Florida today, when I read about it on Tuesday it said the wind was at 185 mph gusting to 210mph, it just doesn't bare thinking about. All we can do is pray that nobody else becomes victim to it. xxx

Sending love and hugs to all of you, my dear, sweet friends,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Kano-your Cards are absolutely stunning, so classy & elegant.

    Sandra-this would be a great challenge.

    Very breezy here-yesterday we had winds of 50 mph and we have the same forecast for tonight & tomorrow! Sandra-hope the weather doesn’t affect your travel plans.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Thank you SANDRA for showing one of my cards today. It is actually one card - three squares joined together by ribbon and it was made in 2015. I love white on white cards so clean looking and give a touch of elegance I think.

    Yesterday was another wet and windy day and really cold too.We have a little sun this morning but I'm really thinking of changing my wardrobe over from Summer to Autumn/Winter or am I being too whimpy?

    Today's plan of action is photo my CCs and hopefully get them sent off for Sunday. After that who knows.

    The CAFE is OPEN and both coffee and tea pots are ready to be filled.
    HUGS are winging their way with loads of extras for LILIAN. I hope you're body is feeling easier LILIAN after your fall. Take care and stay safe everyone.xxxx

  3. Hi ladies,
    Lovely cards Janet. Just love white on white.

    Sandra hope the weather isn't too bad for you today. It's very still here but as yet the promised rain hasn't materialised.

    Slimming this morning then dentist.

    So sick of politicians. They should all be ashamed of themselves. Whether you're a remainer or leaver all this shilly shallying is pathetic. Rant over.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. My sentiments exactely Val. It’s getting beyond belief now. Just like a bunch of squabbling kids.
      Hope the dentist isn’t to traumatic today.

    2. Can't stand to hear any more about, just leave and get on :( Hope the dentist was kind and you are ok.x

  4. Beautiful card JANET It’s so elegant and expensive looking I love white on white So I’d be up for the challenge
    I hope it doesn’t get too windy SANDRA and you can enjoy the rest of your holiday Your day yesterday sounded perfect to me Just chilling and reading with the odd float around the lazy river
    Craft club tonight and will be taking crochet with me (did you get my photo of a Twiddle Muff SANDRA)
    Pleased to hear the gout is improving and the Parkinson’s drugs are beginning to help MARGARET
    I hope the bruising is improving too LILIAN
    I still haven’t managed to start this week’s cc Maybe later if the 70th cards don’t take too long
    Take care all Taxi is here xx

  5. Hi Sandra & Ladies.
    Love the card Janet. The whiteon white cards look so elegant. You sent me a birthday card a few years ago that was mostly white with just a hint of Lilian. I loved it.
    Sounds like you had a lovely lazy day yesterday and no cooking.
    I’m glad to hear that your gout is better Margaret and good news that your Parkinson tablets have kicked in. Hopefully you’ll be feeling much better soon.
    Lilian I hope your feeling a bit better after your fall. It can really knock the stuffing out of you.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Janet your card is beautiful, never ages white on
    Sandra enjoy your last days of your holiday, thank you for best
    Lilian sorry to hear about your fall, thank you for best
    Val thinking of
    Sending hugs to all love

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Stunning card Janet, love it.
    Don't think I ever made a card just white on white so that could be a challenge to do.
    Wrote down on a list the up coming Birthday's and it came to 10 and a moving in card to do so will be busy. Also trying to make some cc and other x-mas cards so it look like a bombsite again in the kitchen (when will Son move on x Lol
    Managed a walk this morning , deffo a bit cooler in the air and it look like rain this pm.
    Margaret and Lilian and to anyone else who are in pain, do take care and look after yourselves. Many hugs, Maria xx

  8. Afternoon ladies,

    A beautiful sunny hot day albeit with a few breezes springing up now again just to let us know Autumn is on it's way.
    I've spent the afternoon in the craft room tidying up Milly-May's little craft table and the desk, honestly I'm sure there are little gremlins in my house who like to undo all the work I put into keeping the house tidy.
    Following on from my purchase of the trolley from Hobbycraft I popped online and they were still £25 so I ordered one for Milly-May. Her face was a picture when she opened the parcel and said 'Oh! that is lubly nanny...I like coming here because it's like my birthday and you always have a craft present for me. I lub you so much'.
    For some reason she cannot pronounce the letters V or PH no matter how many times we try to help her say them. Bless her.

    Time for tea, Jamie and I thought he would be home tonight but he got stopped travelling to Salisbury then onto the New Forest for another part of his training by traffic police. He was stopped because their records showed his MOT had run out. It is a hired Fleet van so surely somebody should have known the MOT and Servicing dates but Fleet Enquiries said it was Jamie's problem not theirs!' The policeman stayed with him as he couldn't allow him to drive the van without MOT and the upshot was that they had to wait for a low loader to pick up the van and bring it back to Bridgwater's Halford branch for said MOT. He has got a lift back to Salisbury and his Boss has booked a hotel room for both of them so he can get the jobs done tomorrow then he will bring Jamie home when Halford's ring to say when he can pick up the van. Phew! what a palaver but so glad he had an understanding police officer to assist him.

    Plumber came and informed me he cannot get a new valve for the cold tap so he has turned it off for now until we can get a new mixer tap. My goodness aren't they a price these days? we saw one online for over a thousand pounds with only a 2 year guarantee!
    I spent most of my pension on the new solar pump that it will have to wait until next week.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Janet I LOVE white on white cards, your card is absolutely stunning. XX

    Sandra so glad to read you survived the waterpark, even having a gentle ride yourself. It does sound as if you were well equipped anyway to keep yourself occupied. And it was lovely to read that everyone had a lovely albeit a very exhausting day.

    We have been food shopping today, not very exciting but a necessity. We did most of the shopping in Asda, but also went into Morrisons, I love there meat counter, I tend to stock up on meats when we go there.
    So not a very exciting day and certainly no news or gossip - I’m afraid......boring!🤨
    Tomorrow is another day and who knows what excitement maybe around the corner.

    Have a good evening everyone, Love Brenda xxx

    JANET your card is beautifully made with the white on white a favourite combination of mine.
    Haven't done a lot today I've been making a congratulations on your engagement card for my son & Sam.
    It took me a while. I did take a picture & I've sent it to Sandra so she might post it.
    Then I had to make a birthday card. That was enough for me my ankles started swelling up & my back was aching. So I was at my limit. I did want to make my Cc so another job for tomorrow.
    CHERYL that was a shock for Jamie having no Mot for his van. It's a bit naughty he wasn't told it was down to him to get it done.
    Pleased your tablets are helping MARGARET. Hope your OK too LILIAN. LOVE & HUG'S LYNDA XX
