
Thursday 1 August 2019

My Final Spotlight Challenge card

Good morning Ladies,

Welcome to August Ladies, as I said yesterday I can hardly believe it's August already, there are 21 Weeks or 147 days until Christmas!  How scary is that!!
I will be starting Christmas card challenges VERY soon!!

Today's Spotlight' Challenge card is made from another Lilli of the Valley Card topper, this time I used a punch to punch out the sunflower head and popped it onto a 'Early Esspresso ' (Dark Brown) scalloped punched mat to raise it up and highlight it.
I used rectangle dies to cut the card topper and the base card, which was made by die cutting two pieces of Early Espresso card the same size, scoring a line about half inch down from the top, I added glue above the score line and attached to the other piece to make my top folding card base, I placed a Daffodil Delight matt between the topper and the card base to pick out the yellow in the sunflowers.
I stamped my sentiment into the top corner and added ribbon and a bow to the bottom of the card.
I hope you like it and it gives you a little inspiration. xx

Lynda had a fantastic idea for any of you struggling with this weeks challenge, she downloaded some colouring pages from internet, they probably have them on Pinterest, worth a look if you are struggling. Thanks Lynda for the idea xx

Sue came over yesterday as always we had lunch and got straight into some crafting, Sue was getting her 'Groovi' on today, starting a really lovely card.  I managed to get two cards made, I am starting a pile of cards to share while I am on holiday, it's rare for me to get past making one card in a day, so two in an afternoon is a miracle, I really love how one of them turned out, it's so pretty!
I think we covered most topics possible, I always wonder what anyone would think if they listened in to our chats, we well and truly put the world to rights!  hahahaha!  Thanks Sue for a lovely afternoon xxx

A exciting day today, Lucy, Sophie & I are going holiday shopping, I was tearing up as Sophie got so excited that my wheelchair would fit into her car, she was so pleased that she could take me out bless her, they had asked me earlier in the week if I would be able to come, I had to explain that browsing round lots of clothes shops on my crutches was just not a viable option, it's too far and I would be in agony, which was why she was so delighted when my wheelchair fit into her boot.  So I am very much looking forward to spending the day with both of them.

I hope that you all have a lovely day too,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra, nice colours and perfect for summer.
    Hope you have fun shopping with the girls & how thoughtful of Sophie to think about your wheelchair.

    I didn’t do anything in my craft room last night. Ended up online and “lost” most of the evening!
    Maybe tonight???


  2. Morning Everyonme
    A very pretty and colourful card SANDRA.

    I'm sorry I was awol yesterday. I really thought that I'd commented and it wasn't until I was closing down for the night that I realised no I hadn't. My little grey cell certainly let me down or perhaps it was because I had a visit from a black cat which strolls around. I was sat having my breakfast when I heard a noise in the kitchen.Now I knew no one was in there so up I get to go and have a look only to find a black cat sat on top of the bottom half of the stable door deciding whether to jump into the kitchen or not. I clapped my hands and all I got was a stare back. He/she then decided that perhaps jumping back outside was the better idea so with just a slow stroll and sitting just inside the garden gate for a while he/she went looking for pastures

    I must photograph my CC this morning and then I have a request for a birthday card to make.

    The CAFE is OPEN and there's choc cake and muffins just waiting to be eaten so pop in for a cuppa and a chat.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. Great “last” card SANDRA Enjoy going shopping with the girls I miss that outing out now that Oscar is on the scene
    Terrific idea LYNDA and after all you’re only colouring in a small piece I will take a look later
    Those of you in pain or awaiting results take care I think of you always
    Time to get to work which I’m so looking forward to it (NOT!)
    I am hoping to do some crochet later but I have two more leaving cards to do See ai told you work was fun!

  4. Margaret Palmer1 August 2019 at 10:43

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a pretty card, I am pleased you & Sue managed some crafting. Enjoy your shopping trip with the
    At least we didn't have the rain they had in N. Yorkshire it must be terrible to have your home flooded.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  5. Hi
    Don't know what happened to my post it has ended up on 30th July's?

    To recap, I bought some new glue 2 weeks ago from TheWorks. I tis one of their own range, the labelling is black and white, 500ml for £3. I have tested it today and am amazed with the results. Being clear it dries so quickly and is perfect for intricate dies when you don't want to see white glue from normal PVA glues. I had transferred some into a smaller bottle with a fine point and it does not clog up the nozzle like the white stuff does. Absolutely fantastic, I can recommend it.

    Hope you all OK?, it is sweltering here in Cannington, I've had to draw the blinds to keep the heat out

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I hope all of you have had a good day. Sandra how lovely you could go out holiday shopping with your girls. Hopefully you all managed to get some nice clothes.
    Glad you had a lovely day with Sue & you both done some crafting.
    Terry did some gardening so I went in my craft room & made another challenge card.
    My blue badge came this morning so that will make a difference. Also my wheelchair has been approved & it's coming tomorrow, so Terry will take the red Cross wheelchair back on Tuesday then I just have to wait for attendance allowance to be approved. I really hate all this rather wish I was well.
    Hug's all round.
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely card today Sandra so bright and cheerful, great inspiration, thank you.

    How thoughtful of Sophie to check that she could get your wheelchair in her boot. I hope the shopping trip was a success and both girls managed to tick most of the items off their shopping list. xx
    Yesterday’s visit by Sue sounds very productive, well done both of you.

    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  8. Evening ladies.
    Hope you all had a nice day and Sandra that you had a great shopping trip with the girls.
    Beautiful card, such a pretty image Sandra.
    After seeing your last two I'm not sure mine be ok but will see.
    Have trimmed our ex fir tree stump, went with a dreadful saw and the branch cutter. Took me over an hour to get it for me to be happy and after I had to take a cool shower.
    Played around with some stamping this afternoon but after coloured it in I was not happy so it went in the bin.
    Hoping for a better day tomorrow and that the rain is gone so one can have a walk in the morning.
    Have a good night everyone. Many hugs Maria xx
