
Wednesday 31 July 2019

Another Spotlight Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

We are half way through another week and at the end of July, I just can't believe where this year is going, we have just over two weeks to our holiday and when we get back all the Christmas things will be in the shops!

Pat and I had a lovely day yesterday, watching the rain, it was looking like Pat may need a submarine to get home but luckily the rain did eventually stop.  Pat was busy getting her 'Groovi' on while I was making challenge cards.  We also had yummy cakes of course! Thanks Pat for a lovely day xxx

My Spotlight Challenge card was this time made with a Topper, I have had these Lilli Of The Valley Card Topper things for years and re-discovered them while Sue was here a couple of weeks ago.
I wanted to show some of you that don't stamp or have the colouring books that you can use card toppers or Printed images from a CDrom.
I just decided which piece I was going to 'Spotlight' and cut it out with a small circle die, I then added versarmark and clear embossing powder and heat set to make it 'pop' out even more, I cut a narrow mat of pink card to make the die cut stand out more from the background and replaced into the topper with a foam pad.
To finish my card I stamped my sentiment on the bottom corner and added some matching pearls to opposite corners and little crystals on the cupcakes.

This image shows the 'Spotlight ' piece a little clearer, it could have been any of those birds or the little envelope that where 'spotlighted'.

I hope that you all have a lovely day today, maybe we will have a little less rain.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-lovely Card & great idea for those of us who are struggling because we don’t have large stamps or colouring books.

    Busy day yesterday at work. My Dad phoned last night to say he’d scratched his hand in the garden in Monday & ended up seeing his FP yesterday as he’d got an infection/reaction to something and his hand & arm had swollen up.
    Then my Uncle phoned which was almost 2 hours chatting! Needless to say I didn’t get anything done last night!


  2. Another great example of “spotlighting”
    I was hoping to play last night as I thought OH was going out and so I ended up watching tv instead Why? Because we don’t chat necessarily so why do I feel guilty at disappearing upstairs to my craft room?
    Nail appointment this afternoon and then hopefully some playing A friend might be coming over She has just started making some fantastic pieces from glass using an embossing folder onto some sort of material that glass will melt onto and pick up the pattern So we hope to play with more folders and gilding wax/polish/flakes
    Take care all xx

  3. Margaret Palmer31 July 2019 at 10:40

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely card, they are lovely toppers. Pleased to hear you & Pat enjoyed crafting together, I think you must have had more continual rain than us. Hope you have a good day
    Lynda hope you are in less pain
    Maria thanks for hugs, hope noisy neighbours let you
    Brenda glad to hear grandsons are enjoying their
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  4. Good morning Sandra and ladies
    Over cast today looks like rain. Sandra another lovely spot light card. Lisa is coming down today with Joseph. She has a day off work
    Well actually she's found another job it's the same job title with more money with shorter hours.
    Her boss did offer the same money but not shorter hour's. Which she wanted.
    So better go & get ready Terry is calling me for shower.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Another spitlight card which I love. Great that you can use toppers.
    As Sandra said we spent a lovely afternoon crafting. I made some frames as Sandra kindly let me use her square scalloped frames. I love how the double lines look much nicer than the single ones. This is one I might just need to buy.

  6. Hi everyone.
    I do love the image on this topper, a beautiful card. Thanks for giving us more ideas and luckily it is football tonight on tv so I will have a chance to play for some hours. I too feel guilty Karen if I'm going crafting unless OH have something to do too. We do enjoy watching films together and have walks which we had one this morning over to Dobbies, came home with a new trowel and another little funny double hand tool, there was also sale on clothes but need to save the pennies for Stevanage. It's coming up quick and I can't believe it is August the 1st tomorrow. Anyone in pain today I wish it go away and to never be seen again, well one can always wish. Have a nice day all, love Maria xx
