
Friday 2 August 2019

Lynda's Mixed Media Challenge

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

We had another lovely warm day yesterday, it threatened to rain a couple of times but thankfully it held off, my wheelchair fitted in Sophie's car a treat so we went off shopping for the day, we had a lovely time, my girls are like me and have a great sense of humour and believe me when you are people watching in Swindon town centre you need a great sense of humour, it has some lovely shops, a lovely shopping centre but parts of it are boarded up and have become home to some homeless people.  The hole place looks sad and depressing. Such a shame as it could be so different. It didn't stop us having a fun afternoon shopping though.

Next Weeks Challenge

Lynda asked if she could set this weeks Challenge, of course I jumped at her offer as it means I get to keep my ideas for another week and its lovely to see someone else's ideas.  It's nice for Lynda too when she gets to see your cards.

The challenge is for you to make a Mixed Media Project, It can be a card, box, journal, canvas, whatever you like.
I don't want you to be alarmed by Lynda's amazing Mixed Media cards, they are exceptional, you can make simple Mixed Media projects, my card below is Mixed Media, it just has a Distress Oxide Background, my stamped image and some die cut pieces. 

'Mixed Media' Simply means using different 'mediums' on one project, putting it simply it could mean using Pencil and Pen, but generally cards classed as 'Mixed Media' have paper added, it could be vellum, decorative paper, die cuts like I have used, bits of old books, you then add embellishments too, its a great excuse to get your stencils and masks out and get messy.
You could equally make your own background and just add die cuts. You do it your own way, there is no right and wrong, as long as you have used more than one thing then its Mixed Media, most of us do it every week but don't realise it is Mixed media.
It is one of those subjects that makes you freeze and think 'I can't do that'!! But it's much easier than you think, it's just clever clogs like Lynda that make it look harder that it actually is.  (mine won't be anywhere near as detailed as Lynda's)!

As always the only thing I ask is that you enjoy taking part in the challenge, I am really looking forward to seeing what you all design.  Thank you so much Lynda for choosing this weeks challenge xxx

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-two amazing pieces of Mixed Media from you. Great challenge which I’ll try to participate in.

    Sandra-great Card, I love the colour you have used.

    Just as I was about to leave my boss asked me to check something on the computer and before I knew it I was very late out of work! Tesco shopping last night seemed to take me forever so I was shattered when I got home -just sat & read my book once I’d put all the shopping away & eaten.


  2. Morning Everyone
    We had a beautiful day yesterday with the sun shining all day and just the right temps to enjoy it.

    LYNDA- a fantastic Challenge for this coming week. I'll have to get my thinking cap on.

    SANDRA-lovely card and so colourful.

    My tasks for today are to get my CC sent off and of course as it's Friday it's that awful swear word so I'd better get a wriggle on and make a start.

    The CAFE is OPEN just waiting for you all. There's ices in the freezer and lemon drizzle cake too so help yourselves.

    HUGS are on their way to you all with many extras for all Dear Friends not feeling too good. Have a good day. Take care and stay safe xxxx

    1. Janet, the first two cards are Lynda's, I am not that great at mixed media, I know this challenge will be great for you though as you are another Mixed Media Queen! x

  3. Great challenge LYNDA
    I will really enjoy trying something different I think we probably all have bits and pieces like texture paste vellum ribbon wax polishes etc that we need to use
    I am so pleased you enjoyed your shopping trip with the girls It’s just lovely spending time together
    Work continues to be a pain but for different reasons Put it this way I have 3 leaving cards to make for just within my team and there’ll be another 3 to do in September We have lost a huge chunk of work that’s going to another area
    But it’s Friday Yay! If the weather holds we might go to a Latin festival with stalls food and dancing tomorrow
    Take care all Thank you again LYNDA for setting this week’s challenge I’m looking forward to getting a bit messy xxx

  4. Margaret Palmer2 August 2019 at 10:38

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Lynda lovely cards & a great challenge thank
    Sandra great card, & I agree with you about the town
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA Thank you for choosing my challenge today for next week & Thank you all for liking my card's I do like trying new ideas. Hope you all have fun trying this challenge. Sandra your card is lovely.
    I'm still waiting for my wheelchair to arrive as waiting to go out.
    As I was texting just now my comment just vanished don't know how it happened. I will keep this one shorter as don't want it disappearing again we have lovely sunshine today.
    Hug's for everyone enjoy your weekend take care
    Love Lynda xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lynda Hope your wheelchair arrived and you were able to get out, your cards using mixed media are a great inspiration for next weeks challenge. Thank you for suggesting this. Sandra your card is also brilliantly inspiring. xx
    Had visitors today so no swearing got done, after they left went around the garden weeding, they hide beside the bedding plants, then I did some deadheading by which time it was.time to organise dinner. Another day almost over!
    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

