
Saturday 3 August 2019

Mixed Up Saturday Featuring Michele's Magazine Review



Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend, I hope that you are a blessed with a little sunshine today, make the most of though as we are back to the 'Normal' British summer weather next week, (rain)!! 

Sue has shared the Gorgeous Pop Up Box  that she was making for a Special Birthday last week, the die was a magazine freebie I believe, but the design is Sue's. 
I love it Sue, you have added a lovely display of flowers into your Box, beautifully shaped and arranged, those little Butterflies really add a special touch to your Design Sue.  Thank you so much for sharing it withus today xxx

How bloomin Adorable is 'Blake ' The Orangutan?? I fell in love with him the moment Karen shared him with me, you can see straightaway what he is, you have managed to capture that little bit of mischief in his expression too.  Kerry Lord's Designs are amazing  Karen thank you so much for sharing Blake with us XXX

Michele's Magazine Review 

Hi Ladies,

Making Cards & Papercraft Magazine has some lovely papers this month-Llamas & cocktails.

The photo above  shows some ideas using the llama themed papers. Very trendy!

This picture show the cocktail themed cards. These would be perfect to make party invitations.

Interesting article on Pioneering Women in Craft.

Happy Crafting 

Thanks Michele, another lovely insight  into 'Making cards' Magazine, there are some great ideas and inspiration. Xxx

Michele treated herself to this lovely Ella's USB, I just know that all of the images on this USB will be amazing, as all things that they make are incredibly beautiful to say the least. I look forward to seeing what you make Michele, thanks again for the Magazine Review and for sharing your shopping with us xxx

That's all for today ladies, I hope you got a little bit of inspiration from today's features.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    SUE- love love your pop up box. Your flowers are just beautiful.
    KAREN-Oh I adore BLAKe. He's just shouting out to have fun.
    MICHELE- That new usb looks as though it's going to be a good one. May I have the link so that I can purchase it please.
    I'll be popping into WHS this morning to have a look at the mag.

    We're off on our usual shopping this morning and it's our morning to meet Jim's Niece and her two children. After that we're hoping for a quiet afternoon.

    The CAFE is OPEN - usual hours - so come in; have a look at all the craftiness and a cuppa. Cream Teas will be available this

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day whatever is planned.Take care and stay safe xxxx

    1. Janet-the USB or CD can be purchased from Etsy. The seller is Ella’s Design Wales when you search for her(Lisa McVicar). Let me know if that doesn’t work.


  2. Hello it's me again.
    LYNDA- I'm so so sorry that I didn't mention your beautiful cards yesterday. They are two perfect examples of mixed media and as usual full of inspiration.HUGS xxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Due-your Pop up Card is stunning, the recipient will be amazed when they receive it.

    Karen-Blake is gorgeous!!

    I printed a few images from my new Ella’s Design USB last night but that’s as far as I got! I’m off out this morning-meeting a friend at Dobbies fir coffee. Then me & hubby are off out for a meal tonight-we’re meeting friends so not much time for crafting.


  4. Your pop up box is beautiful SUE Those gorgeous flowers too I expect the recipient will love it
    Thank you MICHELE for the magazine review and your purchase I will take a look I am so reliant on my Serif ones perhaps I need to take a look outside my comfort zone
    Blake was fiddly to crochet and at first he looked like a yeti It’s a good job I love my grandson. I couldn’t get passed that But once his features were on and he had a haircut (he’s made by crocheting loops) I was thrilled with the end result
    It appears to be a lovely sunny day so we may go to Finsbury Park this afternoon with some Salsa friends for a Latin Festival inc food stalls dancing performers music etc
    Take care all xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      Blake is truly gorgeous. You are so clever at making these crochet animals. I know you follow a pattern but you need the patience to be able to do it. Hope you enjoy your afternoon with friends at Finsbury Park.

  5. Margaret Palmer3 August 2019 at 10:56

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra thank you for sharing the things today, I hope you have a lovely
    Sue your pop up box is lovely, well
    Karen Blake is so cuddly, I am sure there were times you never had started it. Enjoy your day
    Michele a good magazine review & sharing your
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Another sunny day in Oxfordshire. Let’s hope we don’t have any rain today. I’ve been watching the operations at Whaley Bridge. Let’s hope the rain holds off so they can finished pumping some water out and block the hole up with ballast bags before a permanent fix.
    I’m off to Craig’s today for lunch along with Karen,Keith & Amber. I’m taking Pete’s computer and iPad so he can transfer the pictures from his computer onto a hard drive. Then that and his iPad can be put back to factory settings.
    Gentle hugs to all those that need one today.

  7. Sorry Sue meant to say your pop up dox is lovely. Lynda loved your mixed media cards yesterday. Let’s hope this publishes after proving I’m not a robot.

  8. Morning ladies
    Wow Sue, your pop up is stunning. Gorgeous colours used and so many pretty flowers. Well done.
    I'm in love Karen, in Blake of course Lol He is a real cutie and he will be a treat for anyone who gets him. Have a fun time this afternoon.
    Thanks Michele for the mag. review. Have a nice weekend and enjoy meeting up with your friends.
    Lynda- did your chair arrive ? Hopefully Terry can take you out somewhere and it's stays dry today.
    Margaret- hope you ok and no more falls please. Take things easy whatever you do.
    Lilian- sending you hugs for a nice and better day.
    Pat- hope you doing well and keeping yourself busy with Groovi work and meeting up with friends.
    Not doing much today. OH have cricket on so how knows, I might try my hand on next weeks cc. It would be a first for me to do something early. Going to have my breakfast in the garden now anyway so wishing you all a lovely day. love Maria xxx

  9. Hello All, cloudy and a slight sprinkle on rain, still very warm.

    Karen and Sue your crafts are brilliant.

    Lynda great idea for next weeks challenge, a long way to go to reach your wonderful pieces.

    New tablets making me very breathless, so not doing much.

    Hugs to all Lilian

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Great Magazine review Michele - thank you. We really value your reviews xx

    KAREN, Blake is adorable, the sort of gift everyone would love xx

    SUE, Big WOW your box card is amazing, what a fantastic talent you have, I would never have thought of such a fantastic creation. Brilliant inspiration. Thank you. xx

    Take care everyone, Love and hugs Brenda xxx
