
Sunday 7 July 2019

Your Challenge Cards


Michele has certainly got her crafty 'mojo' back, just look at these four cards, they are amazing, Michele finally 
Managed to get herself that lovely 'Happy Birthday Tree' die, it has been out of stock for quite some time.  I have seen some lovely cards made with it, so I can understand why it has given your creativity a boost!
Michele's Description.....

My challenge cards for this week. The scrabble card has been posted to my brother in law (Florida). This 4 other cards are patterned papers with a simple Diecut on them.
Thank you Michele for your lovely challenge cards xxx


How adorable is this New Baby card that Cheryl has designed for a new addition to the family later this year, Cheryl is that organised she is making one in Pink too as the sex of the Baby is going to be a surprise!  (Which is so rare these days).


Janet has made 4 amazing Challenge cards this week despite being at Marigny with 'limited' stash (although i don't think we crafters ever have 'limited ' supplies)!
All four cards are amazing, so varied in style.
Here is Janet's description.....

My first Challenge card is using the colour BLUE- the die is a Tonic and called 'Dazzling Heart Bouquet Sleeve' The backing paper/ribbon and flower are from my stash. I coloured the flower with a Promarker

My second Challenge card is using the colour GOLD. The die is also a Tonic and called 'Oasis of Roses Sleeve'.. The corner dies are tonic. The ribbon is from my stash.
I only used the main cutting dies not making them into sleeves.

My third Challenge card is using the coloour BROWN  made from a  LA BLANCE 'Vintage Kit'

My fourth Challenge card is using the colour WHITE. The die is a Crafter's Companion and called on 'Scenic Village'. The white lace is from my stash and the glitter is from Crafter's Companion.

Thank you so much Janet,  your cards are incredible. I was so pleased to read that you had a 'Bit Box' and can therefore take part in this week's challenge.  I hope Jim enjoyed reading the feedback on his drawings. xxx


 Brenda made this beautiful card for our Lynda's Birthday earlier this week,  it is made in the softest peach/salmon colour,  so delicate and pretty.
The die is from Crafters companion  and has become Brenda's 'go to' die for cards .
Brenda has finished tbe card with one of her gorgeous Rolled Ribbon Roses,  (that i was lucky enough to learn how to make yestetday).
Brenda your card is beautiful,  thank you for sharing it with us xxx


Karen made this amazing, personalised card for Lynda &Terry's Golden Wedding Anniversary on Friday.
Here is Karen's Description :
Here’s a cc for this week Shades if gold - Miri and linen I used Tina by SW and an old Spellbinder set Marvellous Squares.

Karen your card for Lynda &Terry is amazing, they will love it!  Thank you so much for sharing xxx


Sue has also made her Challenge card for Lynda & Terry's Wedding Anniversary.
It is a beautiful card, the lace trim is so pretty. 
Here is Sue's description:

The ribbon on Lynda and Terrys card is from Hobbycraft and the 50 is also Hobbycraft own brand. The trim around the ribbon is a Crafters Companion on.

Thanks so much Sue for taking part xxx


Lynda made this fantastic card is shades of Blue/Grey for her brother for his birthday earlier this week.
It is a printed decoupage sheet, its lovely to see something different for a man's card.  I'm sure your brother loved it.
Thank you for sharing my lovely xxx


Maria has made this beautiful card for this week's 'shades ' challenge. 
The card is made using such a pretty shade of yellow/orange, the gorgeous flower in the centre of the card is one that Maria made yesterday, its beautiful Maria,  it's so frustrating that it makes your hands so sore when making them  I had same trouble, i think Sue did too. 
It was worth it though, it really is a pretty flower.
Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge my lovely xxx

Well ladies, another stunning display to brighten our day!  

I will keep short as I am super busy as Matt was rushed into hospital again yesterday  at thought they said it was Sepsis,  but after further investigation it turns out to be another Acute Kidney infection, they are thinking that it maybe down to his supressed immunity due to his strong arthritis meds,  coupled with having  scarred kidneys from two previous acute kidney infections (both at this time of year for past two years). Hopefully  they will investigate fully this time,  he was in Gloucester at his Girlfriend's house, so its a 60 mile round trip to visit.  But they mentioned transferring him to our local hospital as he is a 'complicated ' case and our hospital treated him last time.
I tell you, it doesnt matter how old your children are, they still worry you sick. 

Have a lovely Sunday my lovelies,

Love and hugs to all of you,

xxx xxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- I hope that things are going well for Matt and that he will be transferred asap. Yes it doesn't matter how old your children are or whether they are parents and grandparents themselves we never stop worrying about them.

    Jim sends a big thank you for all your lovely comments yesterday. He is never satisfied with his art and always says that he 'has to be in the mood'. I suppose all who craft/work in any art form are always the same but Thank You all.

    We're off to our first Brocante this morning before it gets too hot so I'm hoping that I might find one or two bits.
    SANDRA- I have just as much craft stuff here as I have back home. I do bring one or two dies with me each time but I still have more than enough here. Well we always have to be prepared don't welol

    The boards look wonderful with this week's Challenge.So much variety. Inspiration for all.

    Have a good day everyone. Stay safe if the weather is hot. We have had temps of up to 38 these last couple of days. Way too hot. HUGS winging their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Hope you're having a lovely holiday Janet. Jim's drawings yesterday were amazing. What a talented man.
      Really hot here as well. We have hot weather warnings. Bought Gracie a t-shirt which I keep wet. She loves it.
      Enjoy your trip today.x

  2. Hi Sandra and all. Long time no visit!

    All beautiful cards ladies for what was a tricky challenge this week.x

    Sandra sorry to hear about Matt, so hope they can sort him out soonxxx. No we never stop worrying about our children. I'm really concerned for both my son and DIL at the moment who are both going through a tough time health-wise. Can only hope and pray for them.

    LYNDA hope you had a lovely birthday and also Happy Anniversary. Sorry to read you've had a fall but glad nothing is broken. Falling over is such a shock to the system. Sending hugs to you.x

    So pleased you ladies that met up had a good time. Lovely to see the photos. I like putting a face to a name.

    I'm going to attempt to clean downstairs today. I think I'm best to clean a bit sit down, clean a bit sit down. It will probably take all day.

    Have a lovely Sunday ladies whatever you're up to.
    Love to all. Valxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    What a wonderful selection of challenge cards today.

    Mine were very easy & simple cards. The scrabble one was a last minute idea for my brother in law. I’m going to make another scrabble themed card for his Mother in Law who is 70 soon. I asked if the had scrabble in USA (yes) & Kelli’s Mum is a keen player so I’m all sorted-just need to make the card!

    Visit to see my Father in Law yesterday was fine-long round trip (4 hours) as he was quite tired so we didn’t stay too long.

    Full start to the day here but I’m hoping the sun will appear.


  4. Lovely cards ladies I enjoy seeing them all on Sundays
    Lovely to see you back VAL and like you I have to clean a bit Sit down for a bit. a) because of the heat - it doesn’t like me although I love it and b) my blood sugars go a bit awry So yes, take it easy
    I am so glad you hadn’t broken any bones LYNDA I’m not surprised the nurse told you off!

    I hope MATT recovers OK What a worry for you They’re still our babies We’ll never stop worrying

    It’s a little overcast today but hopefully the weather will.brighten up for the picnic
    Off to bake some blueberry muffins and I must do a bit of ironing At least I can watch a bit of tele doing that I’m catching up on The Handmaids Tale

    I should have said that it was a shame you weren’t able to make it on Friday MARGARET Hopefully next time The photos of the flowers on display yesterday did not do them justice They are exquisite to see and hold in real life

    Take care all xx

    1. Just LOVE the Handmaid's Tale. Enjoy the picnic.x

  5. Morning ladies,

    Gorgeous cards again for the challenge.

    After hearing the most fantastic rock music coming from the pub that Pete & I met, which was organized as a fundraiser for BHF, I sauntered down there just after six and met up with my friends who got there earlier. A fantastic time was had by all and the icing on the cake for me was when my son Robin turned up for his new bands second gig. They certainly rocked up a storm with people getting up to dance. A lot of the old 70's classic were played which everyone could sing to. It was past 12 before I got home. Rather late for me but a long lie-in this morning was very welcome.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  6. Morning everyone
    Wonderful CC's this morning to have a look at.well done girls.
    Mine is coloured with Oxide pumpkin, not normally a orange or pink person but trying to get out of my comfort zone sometimes.
    Wishing Matthew better Sandra, never to old to worry about are they, take care
    Have a lovely Sunday all and Brenda, happy birthday to Ciara
    Love and hugs ,Maria xxx

  7. Margaret Palmer7 July 2019 at 11:01

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra so sorry to hear Matt is in hospital, hopefully he will be moved soon. As the others have said we never stop worrying about our
    A lovely display of cards, the boards are full in the café. Lunch today is roast beef with Yorkshire pudding & roast potatoes so orders please. There are the usual ices,coffee, tea or cold drinks on offer.
    I am sorry that I didn't get to Watford on Friday but I just knew it would be too long a day. Sorry I missed you Brenda, Maria & Karen, next time I
    Brenda hope Ciara enjoys here
    Lynda hope you enjoyed your meal last
    Sending hugs to all, good to see you in Val love

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    It looks like I missed another meet up while I was away ladies. Such a shame again. I hope it’s not to long between meet ups this time.
    Once again some lovely cards on show. I’ll have a good catch up on cards when I’m back at home.

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra I hope Matt is responding to treatment and can be moved to a hospital closer to home soon. Sending virtual hugs for you all xxx

    What a lovely selection of challenge cards, ladies I Love each and everyone of your works of art.

    We have had a lovely day with all the family, the older Essex grandsons girlfriends also came, it’s so lovely to see all of them interacting with each other. Even though there is an 11 year gap between the youngest and the eldest they are all equal when they play games or do anything.

    Take care, sleep well, love Brenda xxx
