
Saturday 6 July 2019

Mixed up Saturday including Michele's Mag Review

Good Morning Ladies, 

We had a lovely day yesterday, I am hoarse today,  with virtually no voice, I feel fine but I am not used to talking all day long and boy did we do some talking. It was so lovely to be able to sit and craft while we chatted too.  Thank you to all of you that came along xxx

Now, how amazing are those drawings up above, I was absolutely blown away when I opened them. 
They were drawn by Our Janet's Jim, in Pen & Ink.....

The first picture is a drawing is a mixture of watercolour and pen and ink. Done while we were here but no where in particular.

The  Second drawing is done in pen and ink. It's a view we came across on one or our drives around our area here.

Janet, Jim has an amazing talent, his artwork is absolutely amazing, I showed our Sophie and she was amazed too. Both drawings capture a scene beautifully, the second photo has so much incredible detail including the perfectly placed shadows and shading.  
Thank you so very much Janet for sharing Jim's drawings, I would love to see more of his work xxx

Next up we have Michele's Magazine Review...….

Hi Ladies,

This weeks featured magazine is Simply Cards & Papercraft which has a gorgeous set of Stamps & coordinating papers as shown in the picture below

Here’s some ideas from inside the magazine.

When I initially saw the stamps I wasn’t keen but just look at these beautiful cards featured in the photo below.

More ideas on the next 2 photos, 

Some great ideas for men’s cards.

Some really easy to make cards for men using just one die-this could be any image that’s stamped or Diecut.

Next month there’s a fantastic set of Altenew Poppy Dies & Stamps as the free gift.

Happy Crafting

Thanks Michelel for another fantastic Magazine Review,  some great inspiration in this one,  especially for those pesky men xxx

Some Pics of our Day at Watford

The first photo is of Sue, Brenda & Karen discussing 'Knotting cotton thread', it sounded very confusing! hehehhe

The second photo is of the 5 of us as the afternoon was coming to an end, I think the hotel wondered what on earth we were doing! We all pretty much bought everything bar the kitchen sink, such a fun day, thank you all so much xxx


These are the flowers that Sue made at our little get together yesterday, these are made with Pearlised Paper from Lime Tree Cards (10 sheets for £1). The dies were Sue Wilson and Sue coloured them with Candied Apple Distress Oxide ink.
I love these Sue, look at all the detail in the tips of the leaves on your flowers, both are fantastic, thank you so much for sharing.

Some of my Flowers

My flowers aren't perfect by a long chalk but they aren't bad as a starting point, I have really enjoyed making them, although it does make your fingers sore !!  I will persevere though!  Watch this space.  I did also learn how to create one of Brenda's amazing Ribbon Roses (although I certainly wasn't a natural and it took a few attempts, thank you so much for your patience Brenda xx) Karen picked it up first time though!

Ladies, I hope that you all have a lovely weekend, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-please tell Jim that his pictures are absolutely amazing, they’re fantastic & could be sold in a gallery.

    Great to see photos of your crafty meet up yesterday-I hope you didn’t leave ink on anything?

    We have a full start to our Saturday here-it’s the village Flower Show(it’s the 99th one) which is quite a record. Hopefully the weather will improve for everyone. I’ll be popping into the village for some shopping then heading into Southport. We’re hoping to go & visit my Father in Law this afternoon.


  2. Thank you MICHELE for the magazine review- always helpful
    JIM’s pen and ink drawings are amazing - such a talent
    We had a lovely time yesterday Lots and lots of chatting lots of laughter a lovely lunch and some crafting too
    Thank you SANDRA and BRENDA for showing us your beautiful flowers I definitely need more practice and the tips I gained are invaluable eg hot glue works so much better than wet glue when using flower foam - I have already ordered those water bottles SANDRA!
    OH working today So I really must do some housework especially after last week’s busy weekend
    Tomorrow we’re going to a SALSA venue where we’re having a picnic I need to bake but it’s so so hot here
    I hope you enjoyed your meal LYNDA and you’re in less pain What did the x-ray reveal I do hope the GP was helpful and that you’re getting the help you deserve
    Take care all xxxx

    1. Hi Karen
      Glad you had a good day at Watford you all looked very productive with flower making
      I went doctors yesterday I got told off she said I should have called a ambulance. She said to go for x Rayso I did go straight away. It was OK no little fractures so it did put my mind at rest. Thank you for your lovely Anniversary card Karen.
      Love Lynda & Terry xx

  3. Margaret Palmer6 July 2019 at 10:36

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra it sounds as if you had a lovely day yesterday, I can well imagine the hotel's reaction. Your's & Sue's flowers are lovely. Hope you can relax
    Janet please tell Jim his pictures are beautiful, makes you feel as if you are there, thank you for showing
    Lynda hope you & Terry enjoyed your meal, do you know result of xray? Not a good way to spend your special day, sending hugs to you
    The café is open & there is fresh scones with strawberries or raspberries & fresh cream for afternoon tea, so all welcome.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret my X Ray was OK so no fractures which is good. We are going for our meal tonight as I was worn out with doctor xray & Tesco so I said shall we go Saturday Terry said yes as he was tired too.
      Love The Two of us xx

  4. Margaret Palmer6 July 2019 at 10:39

    I should have said thank you to Michele for as always good review.x

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Pleased all the ladies that went to Watford had a lovely day the flowers were lovely you made.
    I would love to make some of Brenda's ribbon Rose's I had one on my card & it's so sweet & gorgeous. Could you do a tutorial on how to make them please Brenda & Sandra can put it on blog. 🙏Xx
    Ha Ha only a sagestion.
    MICHELE thank you for another great magazine review I will definitely get next month's one with the free poppy stamps so thank you again x
    JANET wow would you please tell Jim his drawings are amazing he is so talented thank you for showing us.

    1. Hello Lynda, I will try to get my head around a tutorial for the ribbon roses, they really are so easy to make, Karen got it straight off, bless her our dear Sandra had a couple of practices. My sister was an absolute hoot when I tried to show her how to make them, after around an hour - I gave up and said, I’ll make you a load and just tell me when you want more. I’m not the best at explaining myself. But will definitely try.
      Hope you are beginning to feel better, so pleased you eventually went to the doctors. Terry is going to have to wrap you in cotton wool to keep you safe and well. Have a lovely evening and enjoy your meal. Congratulations to both of you on your 50th anniversary xxx

  6. Hi everyone.
    Janet, please tell your Jim that his art is amazing ! You are both so very talented artists and your daughter too.
    Thank you Michele for the mag review, some lovely cards to make with this magazine but I too like Lynda will deffo get next months one. Hope FIL is alright. take care and have a nice week off.
    Lynda, have a nice meal out today. Sending you both hugs and so glad you not broken anything.
    Karen, have a fabulous day Salsa dancing tomorrow. Hope the weather stays dry for you.
    Val, hope you alright. Guess it will be busier around your area this time of year with tourists.
    Lilian, hope the doctors visit went well and they can help you. If you need to talk we are only a few buttons away,hugs
    Margaret, I missed you yesterday. Hope you improve and get stronger for each day and the sunshine will make us all feel better.
    Sue and Brenda, it was lovely to see you both yesterday.Beautiful flowers made. Mine is on the card I'm sending you soon Sandra .Hope you got home alright. We were very lucky with the trains and didn't have to wait very long. Happy but tired back home and hubby had to make his own dinner. He went and picked up a Pizza Lol
    Cheryl, have a nice weekend.
    Today have we spent the day in Stamford to clean the flat a bit and have the estate agent to take some photos. No cooking tonight either as we had a good lunch out,:) Now sitting with a mug of tea ,going to send my cc and then we are going to watch Hanna,a film on Tv so I wish you all a good night and hugs to you all. Maria xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies.
    JANET Thank you and Jim for sharing his beautiful works of art, I would certainly be proud to display either of these, they are so pleasing to my eye. xx
    MICHELE What a star you are - thank you for your magazine review. xx
    SANDRA and SUE you flowers are gorgeous, They look almost as good on the photos as they did in reality yesterday. xx
    MARGARET Sorry you didn’t make it yesterday - you really were missed. xx

    Have a family day tomorrow to celebrate Ciara’s becoming a teenager......yikes she is 13! Where has the time gone?
    Enjoy your weekend everyone, Love Brenda xxx
