
Friday 5 July 2019

Congratulations Lynda & Terry

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I want to start today by sending Huge Congratulations to our lovely Lynda & Terry on Your 50th Wedding Anniversary.  I hope that you both have a lovely day celebrating with your family xxxxx

I have been looking forward to today so much, I am buzzing with excitement, Brenda, Karen, Maria, Sue and I  (and Paul of course) are all meeting up for the day in Watford, for a catch up, this time we have organised a table so that we can do some crafting too, we decided to make some flowers, using Foamiran, Mulberry Paper and normal paper.  I am really looking forward to it.

I have shared some cards above that all fit with the 'Shades' Challenge, once again my Mojo has gone into hibernation, I sat in my craft room yesterday from 11am until about 4.30pm, binned two cards and then lost interest, it's just so frustrating,

Next Week's Challenge

I thought that we would re-visit the 'Bit/Scrap Box' Challenge for this week, I was sorting through mine the other day and it is RIDICULOUS to have so many bits and pieces just sat there not doing anything,.
Janet I am hoping that you have a Bit Box over in Marigny, I am thinking that you probably do!

I like Cheryl's idea of sharing a picture of your Bit Box before you start, although I am a bit embarrassed at the amount I have .😌😌😊 I will happily share a photo though!

If you don't have enough to make a card you could always make some embellishment sets like I did the other day.

As always I can't wait to see what you all make.

So come on ''You show me yours, I'll show you mine" !!

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all



  1. Morning Ladies

    Congratulations to Lynda & Terry on your anniversary. I hope you have a wonderful day today.

    Great challenge Sandra-anything to use up done scraps of card is a bonus!

    To everyone that’s meeting up today-have s great time & take photos!!!!!


  2. Huge huge congratulations LYNDA and TERRY
    Have a lovely day
    Great idea for the challenge SANDRA We all have bits!!
    I am so looking forward to seeing some of you guys later It must be a year or so since I have seen some of you I think
    I wish we could magic up a place Harry Potter stylee where we could all meet
    Your butterfly cards are lovely and a great inspiration I had ideas earlier in the week but have just ran out of time and this hot weather saps my energy too
    Take care all Thinking of you especially those that can’t make today xxx

  3. Happy 50th Anniversary to our Lynda and Terry !!
    Have a wonderful day.
    Packed and repacked my bag now 3 times for going on the train down soon so if it's not with me ,forget it Lol
    Love the cards on your blog today Sandra.
    Have a nice day all, hugs Maria xxx

  4. Margaret Palmer5 July 2019 at 10:40

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Lynda & Terry congratulations on your Golden Anniversary, hope you have a lovely day with
    Sandra have a lovely day meeting up with Brenda, Karen, Maria & Sue, I am sorry not to join you, have fun making flowers. The cards you have shown are lovely examples for the challenge. Paul hope your passengers don't distract you with their chattering!!!xxx
    Lilian hope you got some joy at Dr's, hugs on
    Val hope you are alright seems ages since we have seen you in café, hugs on
    The café is open, ices & drinks restocked & coffee sponge in cabinet, enjoy.x
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  5. Hello Everyone
    CONGRATULATIONS TERRY AND LYNDA. Hoping you have a lovely day and many more to come.HUGE HUGS to you both xxxx

    Love your card SANDRA done in one of my most favourite colours too.

    We went to Friday market this morning hoping to get there and back before it got really hot - how wrong were we!!! At least we got to sit out having our coffee and doing a dose of people watching. It's now a very quiet restful afternoon for both of us.

    Yep I have a bit box here so this week's challenge should be a good one. I will have to round up some of my bits as they get put anywhere and everywhere as well in the designated drawer. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this.

    Have a good day and take care; stay safe HUGS are on their way to you all xxxx

  6. Hello Sandra & ladies
    We have had a lovely day lol first I had doctors appointment & she looked at my big bruise on my hip she said did I go hospital when I did it no was my answer so she told me to go today just incase I've fractured any bones. Got to hosp about 12 30pm waited about hour n half. Came out their then went to Tesco's by that time I was in pain so Terry pushed round in a wheelchair. So we didn't get home until 5.30pm. Now I have.. to start dinner. We was going out for a meal but I have a splitting headache. Thank You SANDRA KAREN MARIA JANET MARGARET MICHAEL FOR ALL YOU LOVELY ANNIVERSARY WISHES KAREN THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVELY CARD TOO. XX

  7. Sorry ment to say all the lucky ladies who went Watford today.
    Hope you are all had a wonderful day. Big hugs for everyone
    Love Lynda xx
