
Thursday 4 July 2019

Michele's New Purchase......

Good Morning Ladies,

We had a lovely afternoon yesterday, Sue came over and after having some yummy cakes...(Sue's was a delicious Meringue piled high with whipped cream and strawberries, I had the most amazing lemon tart, the pastry is so short it is in fact like shortbread, just that on it's own would be amazing as it melts away in your mouth, the lemon mousse is so tart that it makes your mouth water and the finishing touch/crowning glory is fresh raspberries, very neatly arranged and dusted with icing sugar) just talking about it makes my mouth water!
After that we went straight into craft room and I shared some youTube video's of flower making tutorials with Sue and I was playing with Foamiran making some flowers, I have bought a cheap travel iron to heat the foam on and the method I was using worked really well.
As is always the case the time just flew and mid conversation the doorbell rang and Sue answered it to find Paul stood there, unbelievably it was 5.50pm!! 

The day before was the same too, Lucy was a bit bored in the afternoon as Sophie had gone to Lewis's, I was about to go into the Craft Room for a couple of hours but felt a little guilty seeing her sat on her own, so I sat and watched a couple of things on TV with her, we then decided to go and do some baking, which we haven't done together for ages (well apart from making Becca's Birthday cake), I asked her what she wanted to make, we decided on Sugar Cookies (an American Recipe) they are a bit like shortbread biscuits but are slightly softer in texture, you don't let them colour at all in the oven, we did leave them a little longer than the 8 minutes they were meant to have and they turned out fine, we had a few slightly golden ones but they were just more crisp and crunchy and melted in your mouth so it didn't matter, they were actually quite sweet so we decided to only frost half of the batch, the frosting was very odd, you used 125g of Icing sugar, mixed with 2 teaspoons of milk which you combined and then added 2 teaspoons of Golden Syrup!! it was really sweet but id does work, I think that the Golden Syrup is a replacement for Corn Syrup that Americans tend to use a lot of in their baking.
We also made a Coffee and Walnut Cake, which was delicious, there was once a time when only Paul and I would eat Coffee and Walnut cake, so it was a good one to make that would last longer than one day, however as the girls have gotten older their tastes have matured too, they love making all sorts of different coffee's and drink it most days, so as you can imagine they adored the cake and almost half has gone already and Paul and I haven't had any yet!! I think I am going to have to find a hiding place!

Michele treated herself to another Ella's Design Digital Download on Sunday and not too long after I received these two absolutely stunning cards that Michele had made with her new purchase.
I love them Michele, the flowers look so realistic, the colours are so pretty too, the other thing that I really love about these Ella's Design Digi Downloads is that you get such a gorgeous range of backing papers that you always have on hand to use, they perfectly matched in colour with a lovely range of complimentary colours too, so no spending hours rummaging through all of your different paper stash piles to find something that will work.
I think that once we have a new printer I might treat myself to one of Ella's Digi's to have a play with.
Thank you so much Michele for sharing your new purchase with us, I can't wait to see what else you make with it. xxx

Ladies I am sure Michele will leave a link for any of you that are interested in treating yourselves too.

I hope that you all have a lovely day ladies, 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    OHHHHH MICHELE- Your card is just beautiful. I would love the link for Ella please.

    It was a beautiful day here yesterday so much that Jim did a little gardening and we sat out for our morning coffee. We even had a shower in the afternoon so no watering needed after tea. The sun is already out and it's quite warm.

    I want to finish off my CC this morning and then get some pictures taken - well that's the plan.

    Have a good day everyone HUGE HUGS are on their way over the water to you all. take care and stay safe NO MORE FALLS PLEASE.xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-the cakes Sue brought sound delicious!

    My cards are from a digital download & Lisa McVicar (the designer) has an Etsy Shop which is ellasdesignwales so if you search for that you should find all her downloads. She still has one craft DVD for Sale too. She has produced lots of DVDs which have done fantastic designs on them.
    Not much after I’d downloaded this Design I decided to make them straight away rather than print them & leave them in my “PHD” box! While the printer was on I decided to print out more easy to make cards so I’m ready to go now!


  3. They’re beautiful cards MICHELE and thank you for the link
    I finished the pop up box card and used acetate for the embellishments I was a little anxious at first wondering if the weight of them would make the acetate flop But no it worked fineI also finished a cc
    We have clear blue skies and it looks like the breeze has dropped too
    Sounds like you had a lot of fun playing with SUE and baking with LUCY
    I hope LYNDA you are doing alright and no more kissing the floor
    Big hugs to all of you Let’s be careful out there xxx

    1. Thank you Karen I don't really want to kiss the floor again either. Thank you for your lovely birthday card. Xxx

  4. Morning everyone.
    Gorgeous cards Michele and I love how you have made the layout. Thanks for the link.
    My mouth started to water too Sandra reading about all the nice cakes you had and made with Lucy. Love to see your flowers when you made a few. Tried the foam at AP once but didn't like the feel :/
    Lilian- hope the doctors goes alright and they can help you today, hugs
    Lynda- hope you doing better and the aches and pains are not too bad, take care and hugs.
    Brenda- thank you ,we sat with jumpers on last night Lol
    Many hugs to you all and I wish you a nice day, love Maria xxx

    1. Thank Maria
      I'm still in pain with the massive black bruise on my hip /bum. Got doctors appointment in morning so going to see her about it to make sure it's OK. Thank you for your lovely birthday card
      Love Lynda xx

  5. Margaret Palmer4 July 2019 at 10:33

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Michele your cards are lovely.
    Sandra sounds as if you enjoyed your cakes, Sue popped me in a couple as well they are gorgeous. It is lovely to make your cakes with Lucy unfortunately I am unable to do it at the
    Lilian hope you find DR.
    The café is open & well stocked with ices & drinks and lemon cake.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    We have had a nice day My brother & Sil came down this morning & took us out for lunch very nice it was too we all had steak. They have just left.
    Now I'm going to make a 50th anniversary card for Terry.
    At least he hasn't got to do dinner tonight
    I would like to thank you all for my birthday cards they are all lovely. Wish you all a nice evening
    Love Lynda xx
