
Wednesday 3 July 2019

Cheryl's TicTacToe Project

Cheryl's Gift Box

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, it was a little bit cloudy and cooler yesterday, I don't think that we are going to get that long hot summer in July like we did last year,  as they predicted, which is a shame for people that booked holidays in this country on that prediction.  We used to holiday here when the children were small, we would take out caravan for a couple of weeks in Cornwall each year, sometimes more than once a year depending on Paul's work.  The one thing that frustrated us more than anything was the weather, to keep 4 children entertained in a caravan took some work, it was fine for the odd day here and there but not 3,4,5, days on the trot, so we had clothes hanging everywhere to try and get dry and  we would end up having to take them so some kind of indoor entertainment, which used to cost a fortune, it got to the point that it was cheaper for us to holiday abroad, as the weather was a little more reliable, so most days are spent on the beach, by the pool or taking a boat out on the lake, they all had a go at fishing, flying kites etc.  We still got rain but it didn't last long and as soon as it stopped the sun would come back out and dry everything up.
I guess that they all liked it as they are STILL asking to go to this day!!
Honestly Paul and I thought that we were going to get a nice quiet holiday on our own this year, we were looking around at different places, then we were sat having dinner one night and Sophie said ''Have you got the dates for holiday this year as we want to book flights'', Paul and I looked at each other and said that we were planning a holiday on our own, well their faces fell, Paul is just too soft, he caved in straight away, so we are doing the same thing again this year and Sophie, Lucy and Lewis (Sophie's Boyfriend) are flying out to join us for the whole 3 weeks, YAY!! Hahahaha, I wonder how many more years we will be doing this for.?!

Today's lovely Challenge Project is a super cute little Gift Box that Cheryl made, it's a lovely white box that Cheryl has embellished in shades of Blue.  
Cheryl chose Categories Animal/Natural/Ribbon
The top of the box has been decorated with some beautiful, intricate die cut corners and Pram, some adorable die cut Elephants and Ribbon around the edges of the box, the box also features some cute baby footprints that are MDF, Cheryl has painted them to match all the other embellishments.  The thing that makes the box special is the MDF letters, spelling out the recipients name (Theodore), I think that this is the one thing that gives us the advantage over shop bought, the fact that we can personalize things and make them special. 
Cheryl your box is such a special gift and a lovely Keepsake, thank you for taking part in the challenge and thank you for allowing me to share your box. xxx

Today I need to make my Challenge card and I want to play with some Foamiran, hopefully to make some flowers that are good enough to use on my cards, wish me luck please xxx

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-what a beautiful project, it’s lovely and a perfect Keepsake.

    Busy day yesterday at work, nice relaxing evening spent reading as I couldn’t find any inspiration to craft.

    Sandra-have fun in your craft room today.


  2. Great project CHERYL I really need to have some play time with some mdf I was given as a Christmas present- ink pad storage Your pretty piece has spurred me on
    I hope you had a lovely relaxing day LYNDA and the aches/bruising/pain is easing
    I started a pop up box card last night - now do I use card or acetate to stick the embellishments on?
    Take care all xxx

    1. I always use Acetate as I think it looks nicer.


  3. Margaret Palmer3 July 2019 at 10:32

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Cheryl what a beautiful card a real
    Sandra you enjoy your day crafting, Sue cut some flowers out for last week so I will have a go
    Lynda hope you enjoyed your birthday & enjoy you having a lovely meal out on Friday, are the family joining you?xxx
    The café is open with plenty of cold drinks & ices in freezer plus a strawberry sponge cake. Come in and join us for a slice.
    Sending hugs to all who need them thinking in particular of Lilian & Val love

  4. Hi ladies.
    Cheryl- love the card and the box, beautiful keepsake.Hope you ok ?
    Lynda- hope you had a nice day and CU looked after you, I told him to Lol.
    Janet- hope everything is ok in Marigny and you both have a nice time.
    Margaret- already sitting with a Iced Coffee but will gladly have a piece of Strawberry cake mmmm. Not easy being good again after the holiday Lol
    Brenda- hope you not too sore after the physio, take care and gentle hugs.
    Gentle hugs also to anyone else who are in pain and wishes for it to feel a bit better now the sun is shining.
    Sandra- sound like your girls and partners will be joining you in Spain for years to come hihi Son who live at home don't like the sun so much so he have holiday and looking after the house while we are away and watering the plants.
    Going to sit outside for a while and read and then think about this weeks cc, hope to make some as have a few birthdays coming up so....
    Have a nice day all, hugs Maria xx

  5. Afternoon ladies,

    Time for me after busy week last week ferrying family to appts in Taunton, it's a good job I am retired as the buses are so long in arriving as they go to all the villages along the way for pickups that no-one would arrive on time.

    Thank you for the lovely comments on Theodore's Memory Box. It is bespoke for my friend Judy who asked 'could I make one as she had seen the prices of the ready made ones with astronomical prices to match'. I had ordered some 12x12 MDF boxes from Fernli specifically for my decorated rings (but they are no longer doing them as they retired from that arm of their business) which was a perfect size for Theodore's.

    I have my Ultra Sound appt in August to check my right kidney is still working at optimum pressure. I can vouch for that as I'm drinking so much water in this weather that I need little visits quite often.

    My items for my next fete on Saturday are all boxed up ready to go. I hope I am in a better spot this time than last year's. Being next to a candy floss cart and bouncy castle was not the best of places to be. Too many children picking things up and then just dropping them back on the tables as parents called for them was not good. At least they weren't breakable.

    Hugs to all in need of them, I hope your day becomes kinder to you.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Cheryl your card and box are gorgeous and certain to become a keepsake. One of the rewards of being a crafter is it you can personalise any item you make.
    Both of our granddaughters have Irish Gaelic names, it’s unusual to find anything with their name on. So personalised cards are always special. I’m sure Theodore’s parents will just love your beautiful card and box. xx

    Maria lovely to have you back home, hope this weather is warm enough for you.xx

    Sandra I’m sure both you and Paul will love have the family on holiday with you. You must be doing something right for them to want to be with you, even on holiday.xx

    Margaret save me a piece of your delicious strawberry sponge cake. I made jam with our strawberries this year, Essex grandsons love it. Any strawberries that have ripened since tortoise gets them - he can’t get enough!

    Have a good day everyone, Love Brenda xxx

    1. My Tiegan has the same problem with her name. There are 4 different ways to spell it too. xxx

  7. Hi All, another lovely day.
    Cheryl absolutely love your box, a wonderful keepsake. We have the same trouble with our buses.
    Lynda hope you had a lovely birthday, and your feeling better.
    Drs for me tomorrow, so let’s hope she has some thing useful to say.
    Goodnight all, hugs for all Lilian
