
Monday 8 July 2019

Michele 's Bit Box card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and have had a lovely relaxed weekend in the sunshine.

Michele was a true hero yesterday and helped me out massively by making her challenge card early so that I had a card to share today.  We spent most of the day in Gloucester Royal Hospital, I will say that its a great place to people watch.
The bit the shocks me every time is the amount of people with Drip stands, catheter bag stands etc standing / sitting out side the entrance to the hospital, some people had taken the chairs ofc their wards to sit on, others were perched on walls, floors and stood in bus shelters in their hospital gowns, a real site for sore eyes!! I'm surprised that they are allowed,maybe if they were long term patients they  could put those patches on them, to lessen the urge.
Matt was moved from the very noisy Chest Pain assesment ward (everyone in his room had heart conditions, so there were 7 monitors bleeping around the clock), he was moved from that ward to a private room on a totally different part of hospital at 2.45am!! But was glad to have his own room with bathroom. But at 3.30pm Sunday he was moved again to a medical ward, each time getting a new bed, so thats 5 lots of bed linen for 1 patient in one day! We were hoping to have him moved to our local hospital today but apparently he wasn't well enough.  He has had scans today so fingers crossed for some answers.

Now on to Michele's fantastic Man card!
I love the Embossing folder & dies you ha ve used Michele, perfect to have in your stash for quick Man cards.
I will add Michele's description below....

"5 x 7 card made using scraps from my “Bits Box”. Embossing Folder & beer dies are Apple blossom. This is going to be my Dads birthday card."

Thank you so much Michele, your Dad will love this card.
I am so very grateful that you helped me out at such short notice my lovely xxx

Ladies thank you all for your kind words and well wishes for Matt, I will keep you all updated.

BARGAIN ALERT: Aldi now have their Die cutting machines on sale for £4.99 !!!
I know a few people have them and think they are great, so well worth the money!!

Have a lovely day my very Dear Friends,

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning Everyoe
    SANDRA I hope that Matt and yourselves get some answers today that he will he well enough to be moved hospitals very soon.

    MICHELE- Love your bit card. You would never believe that it was made out of 'left over bits'.

    We had a good walk round the Brocante yesterday morning setting off well before 09.00 so we would beat the heat. By the time we were coming away the heat had arrived and we were well pleased to be back home out of it. I managed to get two crochet mats to go into my lace stock and all for 2euros!! what a bargain. It will be a shame to cut them but needs must when needed.

    It's a little cooler at the moment so I'm hoping to get outside and tend the roses which are still needing deadheading.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day and stay safe xxxx

  2. I hope MATT is beginning to feel better and you get some answers today

    Lovely card MICHELE I really need to make a start on cc today

    I have a dentist appointment this afternoon Really not looking forward to it

    Boy! What a bargain It really is a good little machine

    Take care all Hugs xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I hope Matt is ok & can soon be moved to your local hospital. I’m always surprised that patients are ill enough to be in hospital but well enough to take themselves outside to smoke! All hospitals offer Nicotine replacement therapy as it’s much preferable than smoking but the patient has to want to use the replacements! Rant over!!!

    My card was quick to make & used scraps from my “bits box”. It’s a very large crate which never seems to get empty, occasionally I have to be ruthless & get rid of the tiny pieces I always seem to keep.

    Day One of my week off & we have sunshine-yeah!!


    1. I get rid of most of mine by die cutting animals, figures, flowers etc. for Milly-May's nursery to use in their messy days. Our playgroup and school reception class also get boxes full for them to use too. I use the Aldi ice cream boxes for the smaller items. Perhaps you have one near you to donate die cuts? x

  4. Morning ladies,

    Quite cloudy to the start of today, yesterday started out the same but got extremely hot as the day progressed. I needed to rest often after my late night on Saturday/Sunday morning then had a big spurt later on when it got a bit cooler in making some A6 cards using the smaller toppers you get with a lot of bought collections. Will probably give these to my local Clic Sargent shop on my next clear out. I have a sewing machine bag full of birthday & Christmas cards from way back and during my declutter in my craftroom have decided to die cut toppers. Pete's and mone for each other are safely in a box in the loft, whilst some handmade cards from all you lovely ladies take their turn in a set of 3 square photo frames hung in my craftroom.
    Today will mostly be spent tidying up my desk. How things gravitate there I have no idea.

    Big cuddly hugs to all in need of one
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    I’m sorry to hear that Matt is unwell and in hospital again. Let’s hope they manage to move him closer to home today for you.
    Michele another lovely card today from you. You reply are a star stepping in with a card for Sandra. I expect the other ladies would have done the same. So tiring visiting though isn’t it Sandra.
    I must put some washing on and then FaceTime Australia ���� for a catch-up as Bryan’s Pete’s brother is a lot worse.
    Such a shame I missed a meet up as well last week. It must have been a very last minute thing.

    1. Hi Pat, glad your home safe, I am very grateful to michele who just happened to message and ask if I needed help with blog, I know that any one of my dear blog friends would have stepped in to help too.
      We had to and fro'd with so many different dates for meet up and last Friday was one that majority of us could manage and one that Paul could work with too, it was a shame that you were unable to join us, hopefully it will work out better for all of us next time.
      Hope things aren't too bad with Bryan and Jill.
      Sandra x

    2. Hi Sandra.
      Yes Bryan has got a lot worse. His blood pressure has been dropping dramatically low and had ended up in hospital twice. He seems to be having these episodes every day now, some worse than others. His drooling is also very bad now. Gill took him to the Drs today who has doubled his medication for his blood pressure, and doubled it for his drooling. I was hardly able to to understand what he said either when I FaceTimed them this morning. Dave his other brother would have a shock if he ever bothered to FaceTime or email them.

  6. Margaret Palmer8 July 2019 at 10:45

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Thank you Michele for helping Sandra out with your lovely bit box card.
    Sandra I agree with you about people sitting around outside hospital, think of the germs they are bringing in. moan over.
    Sorry Matt is still too bad to move hope he improves quickly. If you need a card for tomorrow I sent you one last Tuesday. Take care xxx
    Café is open & waiting for you to pop in, there is boiled fruit cake today.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Sorry to see that Matt is too poorly to be moved ,wishing him better and to be back home soon. You look after yourself too.
    Great card Michele, your dad will love it.
    Brenda, glad you had a nice family gathering. Take it easy today,if you can.
    Karen, hope the Dentist was alright. I can't even use a electric tooth brush because of the noise :/
    Pat, we will meet again so hope you can join us then. Didn't know you were on Holiday. Hope you had a nice time.
    Margaret, hope your ok, hugs for you and Pop.
    Val, did you have a good holiday ? Love to see Gracie in her tops. Take care in the sun. A bit muggy here today and overcast. Need some rain for the garden or it will be hose out tonight. Hope to start on my cc later but having a achy day and body is not working like I want it too.
    Sending hugs to you all and some extra for you who need some, love Maria xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Michele Love the card you have made for your dad. You really are a diamond stepping in to help Sandra with her blog. Thank you xx

    Sandra I hope Matt is not into much discomfort and hopefully well enough to be moved closer to home. Hugs for you all. xx

    I have been looking at bits I have got in my craft room, I’m sure if I put my thinking cap on I would be able to make enough cards to keep you going for a month!

    Never think to collect the bits up and give them away as Cheryl has suggested. I could give them to my daughter, sometimes if children have been very good they are rewarded with headteachers golden time, they get to do something special and different, I’m sure they would love to be creative with the ‘bits’ ...... Just now though it’s School Report time, a very busy time of year.

    I’ve just realised I was about to make a cup of tea, guess what I forgot to switch the kettle on!

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx

  9. Hi everyone Sandra sorry Matt still not well enough to come home yet. Sending him big Hug's. Also I'm sorry I didn't make it in yesterday we had friends turn up by the time they left I was shattered. All the challenge cards were wonderful.
    Today we had the lady come from the support team helping us fill the forms out all 45 page's of it she was here 4 hours. Then Terry had to pop out for a bit so I had a long nap pain is bad today mostly legs & feet.
    MICHELE your card is brilliant well done for stepping in to help Sandra out with your bit box card.
    Love & Hugs to you all Lynda xxx

  10. Hi All, very hot again today, still managed to do my ironing this evening.

    Sandra do hope Matt will make a speedy recovery, and he is home with you.
    Loved all the cards over the last few days.

    Last Thursdays app with dr didn’t go as planned. I have what she called unexplained bleeding which needs to be to be checked at the hospital, app through today, this Thursday, they say it never rains but it pours. Keeping my fingers crossed it’s nothing serious.

    Sorry to be a bit low again, hugs for all Lilian
