
Tuesday 9 July 2019

Margaret's Shade's Challenge card

Good Morning ladies,

Now I thought that I had done a decent job of getting everyone's cards including on Sunday's Challenge card Blog post, but because Margaret had been super efficient and sent me her challenge card last Monday I just didn't see it when I had a brief flick through emails, posts and messages on Saturday afternoon!
The up side of this error is (a) I have a lovely card to share with everyone today and (b) Margaret's lovely card gets a day to itself!!

Margaret has used the lovely 'Balmy Blue' card from Stampin Up along with one of their pretty background papers, I love the vertical sentiments, as they look so different and give such versatility,
the focal point butterfly has been punched and added to the card to give colour and dimension.
Thanks you so much for sharing your 'Shades of Blue' Card with us today Margaret xxx

As I am writing this post I am still waiting to hear from Matt to say what is happening, I think he has seen a different Doctor everyday, which is so frustrating because there seems to be no continuity.
On Saturday the Consultant was hoping to get matt transferred to Swindon hospital as they treated him for the same thing last year. The difference this time is the Bacteria that they have grown in his blood, that seems to be causing the most concern.  The pain in his kidneys has almost gone, but that maybe down to the regular IV Pain meds.  They gave him a different antibiotic last night so hopefully that will have done the trick. Their latest thinking is to Discharge him but have him go back daily for IV antibiotics, so fingers crossed that will be next step, even better if the can sort that for Swindon hospital rather than Gloucester as I would rather he was home, having home cooked food.
He is going to end up short of money if he stays there too much longer as he has been getting food delivered and eating it outside with Alex (picnic style) as he is finding it too distressing seeing those poor chaps either side of him struggling to eat their meals, which I can totally understand as I was almost in tears yesterday, the one man couldn't see, so was trying for about 20 minutes to get food on his fork, but gave up and was just using his hands to feel for the food and putting it in his mouth, the chap the other side couldn't sit up, so was scraping the food off of the plate and all over himself, the nurses/care workers came round soon after to take their food away regardless of the fact that they hadn't eaten much because they couldn't, well I was so angry and frustrated that I had to say something to the nurse that came around to do the Drug run, neither man could communicate, so I explained that they weren't able to feed themselves, the one chap was trying to eat a banana in its skin, you naturally want to go and help them and Alex did try.  I quite bluntly said that if they couldn't have a care assistant assist them with their meals maybe they should ask their familied to come in and help them.  I am guessing that their families think that they are being fed, one of them had a note above his head saying that they need assistance with feeding.  I just think that at some point that will be me or one of my relatives in that situation and believe me I will be going in to make sure that they are getting the help and support they need.  I do understand that they are busy but it still feels like neglect.
Rant over, Soap Box stowed for next rant!!

Hugs going out to our Lilian who is looking in but not able to comment at the moment. xxxx

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all



  1. Morning Ladies

    Margaret-what a beautiful card, I love the colours you have used.

    Sandra-sorry to year Matt is still in Hospital. He should be able to order sandwiches for his lunch which he could take outside. Most hospitals should offer an OPAT (out patient antibiotic therapy) so it might be worth asking one of the doctors.

    Hubby went for an eye test yesterday afternoon and I went along too as the opticians is inside Tesco-I ended up ordering new glasses and replacement lenses for my sunglasses! That was an expensive trip but unfortunately necessary. They’ll take 2-3 weeks to manufacture.

    Dull day here today-we’re just planning on walking into the village to go to the Chocolate shop for a coffee... and chocolate!!


    1. Hi Michelle
      I think I’ll probably need new glasses this year as well Michele. A much needed thing but oh so expensive to buy.

  2. Hi everyone,

    Beautiful card Margaret. Just love the colours. So bright and cheerful.x

    Sandra so sorry to read Matt is still in hospital. So hope he's discharged today and you can look after him at home. I'm sure you'll both be happier.
    Disgusting that patients who need help to eat are being ignored. Starving sick and vulnerable people sounds like the middle ages. Sad to see the NHS reduced to this.

    We had a few minutes of rain yesterday which was lovely. I stood out in the garden in it and then realised all my neighbours were doing the same. However near Barcelona there were floods. Such strange weather.

    Hugs to all and especially friends who are in pain or feeling sad.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I’m glad that you enjoyed your drop of rain yesterday. Yes are weather is so fickle new. I’m not convinced it’s due to climate change. As throughout time we’ve had extremes of weather.

  3. Pretty card MARGARET and deserves a day on its own
    Particularly lately I have never felt so embarrassed to say I work for the NHS It does do some brilliant work but it now lacks the compassion and empathy of a few years ago I despair at times
    It was partly my fault PAT that the meet up was last Friday I could only make last Friday because I still work I have to book annual leave and fit around colleagues It was pure coincidence that you were away Sorry bout hopefully next time
    I hope you’re in less pain today LYNDA and hugs to LILIAN
    Take care Dashing off to finish getting ready for work xx

    1. Hi Karen
      I thought it might have been a last minute thing because when I’d spoken to Sandra 2 weeks before one hadn’t been arranged. I’d mentioned it as Maria wondered when we’d meet up when she’d messaged me. As Ally Pally isn’t on this year ( I wonder why ) I’d have gone to Newbury this year. But I was away for that as well. Brenda Littlelamb said it was held in a bigger hall this year and was much better.

  4. Morning Ladies,

    Gorgeous card Margaret,I love the fresh hue of the blue.

    More stowing away of items onto the cube storage in my craft room yesterday with the last bits finished off today unless I get sidetracked again. Then everything will be at hand for when my mojo comes back. I have 2 August wedding cards to make today, they are a week apart and Tiegan is coming to the first one as my Plus1. We shopped last week for an outfit, she is not a girly girl more sporty. I will take a photo so you can see how well she scrubs up.

    Regarding the feeding of some patients, it is a disgrace that all the auxiliary workers were gotten rid of. They were the ones who were the lifesavers of these patients. In their need? of higher paid managers and tick boxers the NHS pulled up themselves up short in withdrawing such patient aid.

    Hugs to all in need of them, help yourself to those in the virtual basket.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I’m looking forward to seeing Tiegan in her finery for the wedding. She’s like Amber whose not a girly girl at all.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A lovely card today from Margaret.
    Let’s hope that Matt is able to come home and have daily injections either at Swindon hospital or at the surgery. Such a shame that the NHS seems to fall down when patients need help feeding themselves. I remember when Pete was in hospital the first time. When you rang the bell someone ( not a nurse ) came to see what you wanted. If it was not nurse related they did it. Popped to the downstairs shop if you needed anything and generally looked after you with feeding, washing etc. Nurses do a fantastic job but we need more off them. Or less higher ups and more people helping on the wards.

  6. Morning ladies.
    Pretty card and in a nice colour Margaret. Well worth it's own day.
    Hope Matt will have some answers to where he will be later today. It seem to be the same at any hospital these days that help feeding patient who can't is not the nurses job. Everywhere I visited or worked I ended up with helping family and other patients out. Think the aux.nurses need to be brought back.
    Going out for the day so best get a move on. Ww first, not looking forward to that :/ still on holiday mode :)
    Hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  7. Margaret Palmer9 July 2019 at 10:36

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra thank you for showing my card today. I hope Matt can be discharged today. Take
    Thank you all for your lovely comments on my card, you are so
    The café is open and there are strawberry tarts in cabinet along with the normal drinks, please come & visit us.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Oh Margaret I really fancy those Strawberry Tarts. Yummy xx
      Hope you are getting stronger xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    MARGARET your card is lovely. Love the Balmy Blue, everything coordinates perfectly.
    Sandra I hope Matt gets moved today either Swindon or home would be better than where he is now. I never understand why in hospitals they put young people beside patient who need help with everything, it’s so distressing especially in Matts case as he and any visitors he has can see these patients are not getting the care and assistance they need. I’m sorry it doesn’t say a lot for the hospital, I know the nurses do a fantastic job and it’s not there job to feed patents. But if patients who need assistance were next to each other someone (an ancillary) could be helping both of them. OR is that to much like common sense? Also when you said the other day about the five change of bed linen. In our local hospital if you change wards the bed goes with you, so no necessity for a change of bedding. The empty bed from the ward you are going to takes the place you have just vacated.

    Have a good day everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  9. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Well not sure where my comment went this morning it's nowhere to be seen I did it before I did the ironing well it's gone off GRRRRR
    When I finished the ironing. I spent time in craft room. I have made three embellishments for the challenge on FB Riley and Rose.
    Tomorrow I must do challenge card
    I found my bit box but when I sorted my room a month ago I bined all the small pieces as it was getting out of hand. I should be able to make a card with what I have left.
    MARGARET your card is gorgeous I love the colours blue is my favourite colour. Hope your feeling better Terry picked up my wheelchair today from the red cross
    Untill I get my one doctor said they take upto six weeks to issue one. She said to ring the red Cross. So tomorrow I'm hoping to go out if the rain holds off.
    Sandra hope Matt can come home tomorrow & go to Swindon for his injections Hug's on the way.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxxx
