
Wednesday 10 July 2019

Mt Bit Box Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I want to start by letting you all know that Matt is home, he has a two week course of Antibiotics to take and has to contact his Rheumatology team to let them know that he has had another bout of Kidney Infection complicated this time by the Bacteria that was found in his Blood sample, I think that they were concerned at the frequency and asking the team to look into it, I do know that Matt is supposed to have a full biological study done to see how the drugs are affecting his body, with him being on Immunosuppressant Drugs x 2.  I have to say it is one of those things that worries me whenever I think about it but the trade off is having a better quality of life (day to day) and to be honest neither Matt or Becca let their Arthritis stop them doing anything.  
It's just nice having him home, I have him stocked up on Probiotic Yoghurts to try and replace his healthy Bacteria and stop the Antibiotics from making him feel too unwell, especially as he is keen to get back to work.
I think he was just relieved to be out of that ward, I know those nurses worked hard, Matt just found it so distressing seeing the other patients suffer, he did manage to explain to both of the gentlemen's relatives about the feeding situation. Handing the situation over to them, he did say the one chap's daughter came in to shower and change him yesterday morning and he said he looked and smelt a lot better. Matt is a bit like me and tends to worry about other people.
The last frustrating part of this saga was that Matt drove himself to the Emergency appointment at the Gloucester Royal, so his car remained in the car park from very early hours Saturday morning, as he was transferred as an Emergency to A&E dept. We asked about his car and were told that it would be fine, the Ward Sister would call the Car Park and sort it out, it turned out that this was not the case, she did try to call but was told that he would have to pay the Full cost of having his car there for 24 hrs a day x 4, so he was going to have to pay a HUGE amount that was totally ridiculous, when he was in same situation in Swindon there was a procedure in place that let you out of the car park for free if you were in 'In Patient'.  Anyway he was getting extremely stressed, which wasn't ideal, I then saw that if you had lost your ticket or had it stolen you would have to pay £25 to get out, so I told him to rip up his ticket and do that!  I will say that the Ward Sister was disgusted and felt sorry for Matt, the problem was the Car Park was managed by a different company.

Harley was so pleased to see him he almost wagged his tail off, it was so lovely to watch, the two of them were inseparable for the rest of the day, peace at last, well for now!!

I did manage to get into the craft room to make something quick and easy for this week's challenge, I grabbed one of my Bit Boxes and picked out some Berry Burst, White and Old Olive card pieces and I wanted to only use the Embossing Folder and Dies that came with my BARGAIN Mini Die Cutting Machine from Aldi.
So I made a small card base with the largest 'Bit' of Berry Burst I could find, I then Embossed a piece of White card with the Folder that came in the box, its a pretty lattice design with birds and flowers, I adhered this to my card base, then Die cut the 'Hello' for a tiny sliver of pink card, I then cut three smaller flowers and one large using the dies included with the machine, using the small one as the centre of the larger one, I did add some foliage from another die though. 
I laid out my design and stuck all of the elements down.
It's a very basic (nothing special) card but it's a start !!!

It will be nice to wake up and not be checking my phone straight away to see if Matt had messaged or needed me to call him.  I wonder how long the peace will last !!

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you 



  1. Morning Everyone
    I'm so pleased to see that MATT is at home and feeling much better.You can now do all the Mum things that we need to do when out children arn't well whatever age they are.

    MARGARET- your card yesterday was so pretty.I loved it. Thank you for looking after the CAFE. It's looking well and you're doing a fantastic job

    We had a busy morning yesterday and went to the big monthly market in Corbigny. It was so hot even though we were there for 09.00 and boy did I pay for it later.Never the less I really enjoyed all the people watching and seeing the different stalls.

    I need to get my CC done today so I'd better get a wriggle on.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you have planned. HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

  2. Hi everyone.

    Very pretty card Sandra. Love the colour.
    So pleased Matt is home and feeling brighter. I'm sure he'll get lots of tlc from his mum.

    Crib later. It's the last one until September as people have visitors over the summer or go back to UK to get away from the heat.

    Have some ironing to do (where does it all come from?) and then I'm going to look at my bit box to see if I get any inspiration which iss missing at the moment.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Hugs Valxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-imso pleased that Matt is home. He should improve considerably just by being at home. Proper food & un-interrupted sleep!
    Your card is so lovely, great colours.

    Late night last night as we were out for a meal with friends. I haven’t slept much last night so I’m feeling a bit groggy this morning. I’m meeting a friend this evening for a meal which will end up being another late night!


  4. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Sandra so pleased that Matt is home he will feel much better now you are looking after him now. Hopefully Harly will help his recovery now. it's amazing how they know that you are unwell.
    SANDRA your card is lovely I hope to get mine done today.
    Weather is dry at the moment so I'm off to have a seated shower soon.
    Have a good day ladies what ever your upto
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxxx

    1. Wow my comment went AWOL but managed to get it back so I'm hoping it's stays put.🙏💕Terry's just given me breakfast
      Love Lynda xx

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies
    Very pretty card Sandra. Glad to see Matt is home and soon feeling a lot brighter.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you are up to,
    hugs to all xxx

  6. Margaret Palmer10 July 2019 at 10:52

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra so pleased to hear Matt is home, that is disgusting about the car parking. I can imagine how Harley reacted as Lynda said they sense when their masters ill. Your card today is lovely, simple but very effective, I hope to do mine
    The café is open, cold drinks & ices replaced & lemon coconut cake ready to eat, enjoy it.
    A little bit cloudy this morning but still very muggy.
    Lynda pleased you have a wheelchair it will make such a difference, Chris & Pop are building a ramp so I can have
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I am so pleased to read Matt is home, it will aid his recovery having the family around and his loving dog around him. I’m so glad he was able to talk to the families of the gentleman either side of him, (a very brave thing to do, well done Matt 👏) xx
    Lynda, Great you have got a wheelchair at last, you can get out now with Terry and eight paws, hope the weather stays warm and dry. Are you still in a lot of pain, and are the bruises are they fading? xx
    Sandra Love your card so crisp and fresh. That’s a great little machine you got from Aldi, and a brilliant price. xx
    Been to the dentist this morning, got away with it quite lightly this time, no treatment needed..... 😃
    Have a great day everyone, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,we have Red Cross wheelchair while I'm waiting for the one the doctor put forward & made to get help I will ge appointment to see what I need to help in the home.Liz who came on Monday to fill my application in for me said it could take upto six weeks. She told us about the Red Cross you just give a money gift when we return it, if it's not raining tomorrow I'm going to try my wheels out. I want to go to Primark as I need to change a top. Xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love this card Sandra. Not to fussy which is what I like.
    I’m glad to hear that Matt is now how and being looked after. Even though you said he was itching to go back to work. Helps when your in your own bed. Let’s hope he gets an appointment at the hospital sooner rather than later.

  9. Lovely card SANDRA I love CAS cards
    I am pleased to see that MATT is home and good for him that he spoke to those gentlemen’s relatives
    I am running around chasing my tail today I’ll pop back in a mo Got an appointment at 4pm

  10. Hello All, very muggy here today.

    Sandra another lovely bright spring like card.
    Glad Matt is home as everyone has said, much better to home with Mum to care, regardless of how old you are.

    Hospital for my gynaecologist app in the morning, really am dreading it, although I keep trying to take my mind of it, with out much success.

    Hugs to all, Lynda do hope your feeling a bit better. Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian thank you for the hugs I hope your appointment goes well.
      I think more aches & pain as now my back is really aching all over I think I might have bruised on inside.but I think im lucky I never brock any bones.
      Sending you some Hug's xx
