
Monday 15 July 2019

Val's Challenge card & The cutest Photo of Gracie

Good Morning Ladies,

Here we are at the start of another week and what a way to start, we have an amazing 'Bit Box' Challenge card from Val and a super cute photo of Gracie 'Chillin' in her cool T Shirt!!

Val I am so sorry that I missed your Challenge card,  I checked early on in the day on Saturday and noticed Lilian's card which was a lovely surprise but I obviously didn't go back far enough to see yours,  I only have access to that email account on my mobile so when i do look at it, it downloads a few days worth at once, I will email you with the new address. 
I am so delighted to be able to share on of your Challenge cards Val, thank you so very much for taking part.  I too am going through a loss of any craft inspiration so I understand how hard it is to summon up the enthusiasm to go and sit at your desk and make a start.  I must say though your first card is absolutely fab-u-lous Darling!!

Firstly I love the Embossing folder that you have used, that Geometric paper  lends itself perfectly to die cutting into small pieces to build up a design. I love your design and layering over gold mirror card really makes it pop!  The cute flower adds that little feminine touch, without that tjos card design would be great for men too.
Finally the die cut sentiment finishes the whole card perfectly, I really like the quirky font, can I ask what Brand it is please Val?

Thsnk you so much for taking part in the challenge Val, it seems very fitting that your First card after a bit of a break gets a whole blog post to itself, (although i think it is slightly upstaged by Gracie)!  XXX

Now let's talk about that adorable photograph of Miss Cutie 2019.. Oh Val,  what a lovely photo.
I have to say putting a cool wet T shirt on her during the heaywave you are experiencing is  bloomin genius! She certainly looks happy enough to be wearing it,  which means she obviously appreciates the effort you are going to to keep her cool bless her. I think she needs a personalised t shirt though,  you'll have to let us know her size so we can look out for one.  
Thank you so much Val, what a fantastic way to start the week off with a huge Smile!!

I'm not sure if you have them out there but Matt bought a 'Cool Mat' for Harley to lay on as he hates being hot, not sure what they have in them but the one he has is specific for dogs, it feels really cool to the touch, usually Harley is a bit stubborn when it comes to trying something new and different but he laid on the mat when Matt first bought it home and its now where he sleeps every night, in fact Paul had to go and bring it down last night as Matt was away and Harley wouldn't settle, as soon as Paul put it down, he got straight on and we never heard a peep ftom him all night!  
Although he made up for it in the day, he decided that he needed to roll in every sheep poo he could find!! Maybe he is missing them too!  One things for sure he isn't coming in until he's been bathed. ! 

I hope you all have a lovely day ladies,

Lilian fingers crossed for you today my lovely xxx 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Val-i love your card, it’s very modern and that style could be used for many occasions.

    Grace looks fantastic in her t shirt-perfect way to
    Keep her cool.

    Cant say I’m looking forward to going into work today but we didn’t win the Euromillions so I don’t really have much choice!


    1. Hope your day wont be too stressful Michele back to work. You take care x

    2. Thanks for liking my card Michele.
      Hope today at work isn't too stressful.x

    3. Hi Michele
      I hope work isn’t to stressful at work for you.

  2. Morning ladies.
    See I know it. Sandra would find your card and it is really nice and worth it's own day and such a good way to use up scraps. I too love that background.
    The photo of little Gracie in her t-shirt tho is the sweetest thing I seen for a long time. She is soooo cute :)Give her lots of cuddles from me.
    Thinking of you Lilian, hugs x
    I wish you all a nice day and sunshine were you live.
    It's overcast this morning but it is ok, suit my mood after another night of hell. Another night with music, cackling laughter and noises you don't want to hear....too much ? sorry but it is for me so window stayed shut. Brenda, thank you but our neighbour met her only a few month after his partner passed and she seem to be here to stay. Must be over 2 years now, only summertime it is hard for you like to have the windows open when it's warm. Sorry everyone but just needed it off my chest.
    Take care and hugs , Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria
      Thanks for liking my card and Gracie's photo. I've given her a special cuddle from you.x
      How awful that you've got such troublesome neighbours. You see this sort of thing on the Tele but living next to it must be a nightmare and I really feel for you. Bet you're wishing for winter.
      Take care.x

    2. Hi Maria
      How awful to live next to noisy neighbours. Perhaps Rick could pop round and ask them to be quieter. It might work but it all depends on how they were before this lady moved in I suppose.

  3. Morning ladies,
    SANDRA thank you so much for searching for my card and for giving it a day of its own. Wendy bought me the paper pad and although most of it has been used up I kept some bits cos I liked the patterns so much. They are quite masculine which is why I added the flowers. The 'birthday' die is one from China.

    Gracie is happier wearing her wet tea shirt. I did buy a Cool Mat for her last year but she's a strange little thing and won't go near it. Mind you the cats love it! Over the weekend we've ordered a proper cool coat from Amazon. It's made from the same material as the cool mat.

    As you said SANDRA I've lost all inclination to go in my craft room at the moment and I've a heck of a list for the shop. Hope I find my mojo soon!!!

    Lilian so hope everyone goes well today x

    Lynda how are you getting on with your wheels? Is Terry building up his arm muscles? How are 8paws coping with the heat? Sending hugsx

    Hugs to all Valx

    1. Lovely card Val. And a great picture of Gracie.

    2. Hi Val love your card. The picture of Gracie is gorgeous my 8 paws love laying in the garden when the sun is shining & if it gets too hot they can come in as patio is wheel chair
      Isn't a electric one so Terry has to push me but at least I can get out without my feet giving up on me
      I hope your feeling well now Val. Love Lynda xx

  4. Oh how cute is GRACIE and what a genius idea
    Your card is beautiful and really deserves a day of its own Did you enjoy the tennis yesterday VAL and the cricket - well I was on the edge of my seat and cricket is a “take it or leave it” kind of sport to me
    I do feel for you MARIA It is horrible living next to noisy neighbours
    After a busy weekend I am whacked But it was great fun Over 200 people attended the picnic It’s all for a good cause - MacMillan - I think I’ve spelled that wrong It’s a name we all recognise and never really concentrate on the spelling
    I hope the move of the lambs went OK I bet you’re missing them Sounds like HARLEY is!
    Take care LILIAN Hope today goes OK
    Hugs to everyone

    1. Hi Karen
      I aim glad you enjoyed the picnic yesterday. I agree that Macmillan are a fantastic cause. The one we had for Pete was lovely. Didn’t see any of the tennis as I was at Craig’s and we went to the Follyfest in Faringdon.

  5. Thank you Karen.
    LOVED the tennis yesterday. Such a good game, one of the best Tina is ever. Fortunately I didn't mind who won and really the way they both played no one deserved do lose.
    Actually didn't know anything about the cricket result til this morning. Not really my sport but good England won.
    Good attendance for the picnic and all for a good charity.
    Have a good day.x

    1. Hi Val
      I didn’t get to watch the tennis yesterday as I was out. However I did see the last bit of the cricket on Channel 4 plus 1. It was very tense with the Super Over.

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card today Val, ihope your mojo comes back off of holiday soon seeing as you have lots to make for the shop.
    A lovely photo of Gracie with her wet tee shirt on. Doesn’t she look cute.
    Well I was having my breakfast this morning and I felt a crack again in the new tooth I had added to my top plate. This is the second time it’s happened. So after letting the clearance people into Doreen’s house it was straight down to the dentist. The dental repair people were supposed to put a strenghting rod in, but you could see they hadn’t. Anyway I went straight in at the dentists and pick them up again tomorrow afternoon.
    What a pain.

  7. Meant to say that I hoped everything goes ok today Lilian.

  8. Margaret Palmer15 July 2019 at 11:55

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Val your card is lovely & Gracie looks very pleased with her outfit. Good to see you in café.xxx
    Sandra how nice that Harley loves his new bed, shame about rolling in sheep poo, we had a dog who liked to eat it!!! Hope you have a good day
    Sorry café is late opening, I had a phone call, wrote a comment then breakfast was ready & lost the comment!!! Café is open now fresh table clothes on & dahlias on tables, there lemon coconut cake ready in cabinet, come & try a piece.
    Lilian thinking of you this morning, hope all goes well, hugs on
    Karen what a lovely idea to have a picnic for MacMillin, I miss doing the coffee
    Maria sorry you have such inconsiderate neighbours, could you record it & show noise abatement officer? Hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Pat and Margaret.
      Thought about that this morning or to speak to him, we've been neighbours for 24 years, didn't have this problem before he got this new one but since then he hardly saying hi when we bumped in to eachother at the front. It's hard, we don't want to make it worse. I can see she would do that so OH tells me to leave and forget it. grrrr, sorry the box is put away now reg this subject. Topic should be crafting, what to do for CC this week ?? hugs xx

    2. Hi Maria sorry about your noisy neighbours. Sounds like she is ruling him if he doesn't speak to you anymore after 24 years
      Shame he moved her in so soon after his wife died. Are their neighbours the other side of him. If their is Could you see if they have hered all the noise
      Good luck I hope you can sort something out. It isn't nice having all that noise at night.
      Big Hug's Lynda xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    VAL I love your card, what a genius way to use little scraps of precious paper, thank you for the inspiration. Gracie looks lovely in her special T-shirt and what a clever way to help keep her cool. Or is she just being a very cool model either way she looks really good. I hope your Mojo returns soon, it sounds as if you’ve got a lot of restocking to do for the shop. Good luck xx
    Sandra hope Harley has behaved himself today and not rolling in the sheep poo again, you’ll have to get Paul to fix up an outside shower for him if he keeps repeating this ‘game ‘
    Hope you’re having a good day, Love Brenda xxx

  10. Hi All, feeling very sore and bruised.

    Val lovely card and very cute photo of Gracie.

    Sandra hope the lamb homing went well.

    Maria, you have my sympathy we have a young man opposite who loves to play his music very loud, but at least he’s the other side of the road.

    Well today was quite an experience, first thing the Doctor asked me was had I taken my pain killers. The camera bit wasn’t too bad, but she wanted to take a large sample for the biopsy, so very painful now, hoping it will pass. She seems to think all ok, but have to wait for results to come through in a few weeks.

    Have a good evening all, Lilian

  11. Just lost my comment I wish I new whare they go.
    HI Sandra & ladies
    We have been to our lunch club today chicken carrot peas mash potatoes & ice-cream & tined oranges very nice. Next week is the last one untill September.
    VAL a lovely card from you it deserved it's day on its own xx
    I'm not looking forward to tomorrow I have got the pain clinic from 9.15 to12.30 so over three hour's I'm hoping there a miracle cure for me 🤣🤣🤣 what a waist of time.
    Lillian hope your not so sore now after your procedure this morning. Take care & rest for a few day's.
    Hug's for everyone love Lynda xx
