
Tuesday 16 July 2019

My TicTacToe Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

After a lot of procrastinating I finally got a Challenge card made, I wasn't sure which of the Categories to go for this time, so I rifle through my stamps (some of which are still unopened)!
I decided on this Honey Doo Flower & Butterfly Flourish stamp, I chose it partly because it has two of the three categories I needed.
I started by smooshing some 'Wilted Violet' Distress Oxide onto my glass mat, spritzed it with water and used it to create my 'Watercolour' background, I dried it with my heat gun and then trimmed it to 41/4  x 51/2 inch, I then put it into my stamperatus and inked up the stamp with Versafine Onyx Black, I use Versafine for any image that has solid black areas (like the leaves on this stamp) as it's quite a wet ink and gives really good coverage, although I will say that the ink does seem to soak into the Distress Oxide ink, I wanted to emboss the image so it stood out, so I had the lid off my Clear Embossing powder ready to tip it straight onto the wet ink as it dries quite fast, I heat set the powder and set my topper to one side.  I stamped the image again onto white card and vellum so that I could layer up the flowers, I embossed those too as it helps with fussy cutting, I used a finger dauber to add the Wilted Violet to the front of the card flowers and back of the vellum. I fussy cut them all, gave them a little shape and layered them up ready to go on my card.
I backed my stamped topper with some black card and then coloured the next mat with the same Ink and Layered that onto a black base card.
I popped my topper back into the stamp tool to add my sentiment, something I would never have dared to even attempt a year or two ago, in case I messed up the whole topper.
I embossed the sentiment and then placed the 3D flowers over their stamped place on the topper, I then layered my card up and added some sparkles to the centres of the flowers.

The card looked way to dark as I was trying to photograph it in my craft room, so I ventured out into the garden to try and get so ''Arty' photos of my card in better light (although it still comes across darker than it actually it).
The first photo I nestled the card in between the leaves of the Sweet Mock Orange Tree that has the most beautiful smelling white flowers, in amongst those branches is the most beautiful purple Clematis, the frustrating thing is that the Mock Orange Flowers don't last quite long enough to have the purple and white together which would like so beautiful.
Anyway I thought it was the perfect place to photograph my card,  the second photo is taken with the card placed in one of the smaller leaves of the Caster Oil plant that we have growing in the border by the patio. it's huge this year, I thought that they were indoor plants, but it seems to be thriving this year, the heavy snow at the end of February 2018 damaged it quite a bit, but it has grown back the leaves it lost and then some!!

Anyway that is my card I used categories:  Purple/Watercolour/flowers.

While we are on the subject of gardens I thought it would be nice to see yours, we have some from a couple of years ago but it would be lovely to have an Update.
Our lawn is looking a little 'down trodden' after feeding our lambs for a month so I haven't photographed that, I did snap a couple of the most beautiful parts though.....

This Rose Bush  is tall, it climbs the wall up that trellis it's about 7ft high, this stem/branch grew this year and I can't stop looking at it, all of those roses on one branch, they pretty much all appeared at the same time, I have taken as side shot to show that it's 1 actual Branch, I am just amazed every time I look its beautiful x

This is the Clematis growing through the Sweet Mock Orange, I only wish that those white flowers would last a bit longer as I think that the Big Beautiful Clematis would look stunning dispersed through the Orange Blossoms.
It is also amazing on its own too,

I can't wait to have a peek at your gardens, especially as it sounds like you all put lots of work into them.  It doesn't have to be the whole garden, just share some of your best bits.

Anyway I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love & Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-lovely Card and a great idea to take a photo of it outside. The flowering plants look stunning.

    I’m dashing home at lunchtime to wait in for the Sky engineer & hopefully Phil will get home soon after so I can return to work.
    Tonight I’m off to see my crazy friend to leave her birthday presents & Card. She’s 70 on Sunday but tonight is the only night we’re both free.


  2. Hi everyone.
    Very pretty card Sandra and lovely idea to photograph it amongst the leaves.x

    LILIAN hope today goes well for you.x

    My friend has just had a new kitchen installed and a couple of us are going to her house this morning for the unveiling. I think there's champagne and nibbles but I'll stick to diet

    Ironing first though before it gets too hot.

    Have a good day everyone whatever you're doing.
    Love Valx

  3. Pretty card SANDRA I am hoping to have a go at cc this afternoon ow OH has reduced his hours I am finding it harder to disappear upstairs to craft and my mojo keeps wandering off I did start a bit box card on Saturday and it’s still laying there half done
    Out tonight with work colleagues We’re having our own NHS awards with categories like “Best Tea Maker” and “Biggest Cookie Monster” It should be a laugh and saves me cooking a meal tonight
    It is such a shame your relationship with your neighbour has changed MARIA Perhaps you can get other neighbours on side But like you say you don’t want to make matters worse
    Take care LILIAN and hope you feel less sore today
    Love to all xx

  4. Morning ladies,

    WOW! so vibrant is your purple card Sandra and photographing it with the coolness of the green leaves really shows it off to perfection.

    Getting my challenge card done today before a major start on getting the box for my wedding ring done in time for recipients family wedding. Also have another wedding card for a good friend whose wedding is the week before my great nephew's.

    Looks like another scorcher is the weather report for today, time to stay in the cool.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Margaret Palmer16 July 2019 at 10:37

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra your card is beautiful & what a great idea to photograph it outside. Your red rose is stunning, I think it has been a good year for them. xxx
    The café is open & chocolate cake is in the cabinet.
    Lilian hope you are less sore today take
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Good Afternoon Everyone
    SANDRA- what a gorgeous Card you have for us today. The colouring is beautiful and so regal.

    LILIAN- I hope you're feeling a little better today and fingers crossed that you get results soon.

    We went up to Chateau Chinon this morning for a few bits and pieces and then this afternoon has been relaxing and hiding from the sun. The last few days the temps had dropped to mid 20s which was lovely but they are starting to climb again towards 30plus. I cannot believe that we are nearing the end of our three weeks here. Time certainly moves very quickly. MARGARET- the CAFE is looking lovely with new cloths etc.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.
    particularly LYNDA in your new 'wheels'.xxxx

  7. Hi ladies.
    Beautiful card and I love how you used the leaf to hold it. Will get the camera out and send you some of my garden flowers later. Yours look amazing, love the roses :)
    Been in town today and I bought some of the crafting magazines but one I will take back. It is a twofer and unfortunately it was not what was showing on the front, a bit disappointing but said it could be different so just took a chance.
    Lilian- do hope you are less sore today. You take it easy, catch the hugs x
    Many hugs to you all, love Maria xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Beautiful card Sandra, I love this stamp. (I also have it) Purple is a lovely rich colour and works so well on your card. xx

    We have been out most of the day, returning home about tea time, by which time I was exhausted so needed a nap, hope I sleep ok tonight!

    Will attempt to take photos of the garden tomorrow. It a miss mash of colours this year, normally I choose a colour theme but this year I have randomly planted.

    Sleep well everyone, Love Brenda xxx
