
Wednesday 17 July 2019

Karen's Last 'Bit Box' card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today I am sharing the last of Karen's 'Bit Box Challenge' cards from last week, as I always promise to share any card that anyone makes for the challenge.

I love the neutral tones of this card Karen and the geometric background design, the background also looks like it has been made to go with the die, the butterflies are a very similar shape. This would be a great 'Man' card, or thinking out of the box it could be a leaving card with the whole 'Spread your wings' analogy.  I'm sure that you wouldn't mind doing that and neither would Paul.

I will add Karen's description of her card below:

''Here’s the bit box card I started to make last week and never finished
When I have space on s Serif project I print off “material” or “embellishments” for later and so I found and used this with a scrap of Kraft card I think this GUMMIAPAN die really suits the background"

Thanks Karen for another fantastic Challenge card. xxx

Its starting to get a little bit noisy and we are having a bit more traffic through the village, it is the Royal International Air Tattoo this weekend at Fairford, the aircraft are starting to arrive and practice and people are starting to arrive to set up for camping for the weekend.  I think just about anyone with a garden, farmer with a field and anyone with a spare room has set up either a camp ground or renting out a room.
It will be fun to watch, it was last year, although Paul is working on Friday and the traffic from the M4 looks to be arriving and leaving through our village so I think they all of them will have to make a detour!

I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine,

Love and hugs to all



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-I love your card, such lovely pastel tones-very pretty.

    Sandra-fingers crosses the weather stays fine for you this weekend. We have a mixed forecast & hubby is playing in a 2 day golf competition.
    Sky engineers arrived bang on time, quick check and decided to replace the box & remote for a brand new one-no quibble. Hubby was happy he catch up with his viewing.
    I went to see my crazy friend & delivered her bag of birthday presents. I’ve added cryptic clues on all her gifts which is an edible tour of the world! Main present is a an invitation to a meal out at a restaurant of her choice.


    1. Thank you MICHELE
      I love the idea of your birthday gift Perfect for people you never know what to buy

  2. Hi everyone,

    Lovely card Karen. That die cut shape is really unusual.x

    Just finished mopping downstairs and sitting with a welcome cup of coffee. Far too hot for housework but needs must.

    SANDRA hope it's good weather for the Air Tattoo this weekend. Sounds like fun.x

    Off to hairdresser shortly then card making this afternoon. I have a couple of orders which really need making now. Fortunately they've told me what subject they want which is a help.

    Love to all. Valx

    1. Than you VAL
      Us southerners seem to be having some of your weather It is too hot to work in an office without air con I am so glad I only do part time

  3. Hi ladies,
    Love your card Karen. Gummipan do have some fun dies, like the butterfly.
    Sandra -like the other saying I do hope the weather is good this weekend. We are invited to a BBQ for Louis 4th Birthday on Saturday with the family and it quite a few of us so it would be so nice if one could be outdoors in the garden and not inside with rain spoiling it.
    Going out so best get dressed. Have a nice day all and many hugs sent to you, Maria xx

    1. Thank you MARIA Yes GUMMIAPAN Do have some fun dies although some are a bit too niche for me I will look again at Stamperama

  4. Margaret Palmer17 July 2019 at 10:39

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Karen what a lovely card, I love the
    Sandra hope you don't have to travel far at weekend, Alan had to go to Redhouse just pass big Asda yesterday & he said about all the traffic then. At least you get to see it for free! xxx
    The café is open & date & walnut cake plus tea & coffee & cold drinks so call in a see us.
    Lilian hope you are more comfortable
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Thank you MARGARET I would love a piece of cake please Hope you’re feeling stronger day by day xx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    It's really hot already so I'm staying indoors with the fan on
    As I can't sit out in the heat.
    KAREN love your card the Butterfly is unusual but I love all butterflies 😁
    Yesterday's pain management was a waist of time. Sitting on those sheats for three hour's was a killer. It all concisted of them saying things like if you have got five potato to peel & you have one left do you leave it or do it. After half hour one lady said that she's got thee children to get ready for school so it's not like your saying about leaving a potato
    She has to get there breakfast tak them to school so she can't just leave a child. She walked out & two others also walked out.
    My hairdresser has turned up so call in later.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx

    1. LYNDA Poor you What a stupid analogy the physio used No wonder people walked out
      Thank you for liking my card It is a lovely die to use and perfect for the background

    2. What a waste of time and resources Lynda. No wonder people walked out.x

  6. Afternoon all
    Thank you for showing my card and all of your lovely comments
    I am so so tired So I’m off to have a nap xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra I hope the weather stays fine for you this weekend and you are all able to enjoy the Royal International Air Tattoo, it must be really spectacular.

    Karen your ‘bit card’ is brilliant....... love it. Hope you are able to get on with all of your orders now OH is working reduced hours!!! I totally understand where you are coming from, my OH is around 24/7 and is happiest when we are doing things together..... don’t get me wrong - love him to death, but I really appreciate me time.

    We have had a busy day, went to the tip (exciting event of the week)!!! Then Asda and popped into The Range on the way home. It’s surprising how long it takes, by the time we got back home it was early afternoon. Bonus was we had some lovely fresh bread rolls from Asda which we had for lunch.
    Sleep well dear friends, Love Brenda. XXX
