
Sunday 14 July 2019

Your challenge cards

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all having a lovely weekend, out weather was warm and a bit overcast yesterday but we were mostly running errands and shopping so it didn't matter too much.
Today our Lambs leave to join the rest of the flock, it's bittersweet, on one side I will miss them, although they still continue to be mischievous, they are just testing out their horns and what they are for so we had a bit of an incident the other day resulting in one young lady looking very sad with her horn hanging off, luckily Matt was here to remove it and we have applied the appropriate sprays and medication and now the new one is well on its way, they are very clever and work together to free themselves from their penned area (which is the whole lawned area of the garden, one steps on then straddles the fence while the others break out, they then hold it down for her to free herself. They then go in search of anything green and luscious, our Golden Rod stood over 6 foot last year, this year I doubt it will make it to 1, but they do seem to enjoy it.
It is lovely to see how they have bonded too, they all sleep in one big huddle, each one resting their head on the next ones chest etc, quite cute to see. Also if one breaks free and the others can't see her they let us know and do you know that they all have a different 'BAH'
On the plus side it will be nice having full access to the washing line and also not having to do the 'Sheep Poo Shuffle' (yes they have grown with the size of the lambs too).  We also haven't been able to mow the lawn and there are lots of long straggly bits that the lambs clearly don't enjoy, I will say though that they have cleared the lawn of weeds and clover and hopefully they have 'fertilised' too!
Its a nice feeling to see them go off to join the rest of their family, knowing that had we not put the hours in tending to them they wouldn't be here.  It's nothing to do with the financial side of it either, I think Matt would have sold up his flock years ago if that was the case, the Vet bills alone this year have taken up most of any profit.  We have enjoyed it though, well most of it anyway. x

Now onto your amazing cards...….


Lilian has created a gorgeous Background, I love those colours Lilian, Green and White always looks so fresh to me.  she has then arranged so pretty white paper flowers around the base of some lovely foliage. 
Your card is absolutely fantastic Lilian and I did a little cheer when I saw your Email, thank you so much my lovely.  Will be thinking of you on Monday. XXX


Brenda, there is just something about this card that I totally love, the colour to me looks a real 'Classy' shade of Grey/Green, that Inkyliscious Background is stunning, that sentiment really works with it's placement being on the edge of the frame.
But the part that sets it all off is that Stunning Spray of Rolled Ribbon Roses, WOW they bring the whole card to life.
Brenda had a pile of these backgrounds stamped out ready to use and the frame was the 'Outer' part of a smaller die cut frame that Brenda had used for another card. It really shoes that it pays to look at where you are making your die cuts on your paper, especially if you can use the leftovers for something as magnificent as this.
Thank you so much Brenda for taking part, enjoy your garden while the weather lasts my lovely XXX

Maria made two Challenge cards from her very well organised 'Bit Box', the first card uses squares of card in ascending order of size, those colours really work well together Maria and I really love that die cut Happy Birthday with the cute Bird and floral detail.

Maria's second card was made using lots of different sizes of die cut flowers, all in shades of yellow/orange that Maria has stacked together to make pretty flowers to place across her card, Maria has finished the card with some pretty sparkles and a Die cut 'Happy Birthday' and tiny Butterfly in the same colours.
Thanks so much Maria from taking time out from gardening to make two lovely Challenge cards XXX

Janet like me has lots of toppers in her Scrap/Bit Box as well as off cuts of paper, actually I have loads of die cuts too, where I have either taken loads of cuts of somebody elses die or die cut them to use on a project and then changed my mind, which is quite common for me!
Janet has made two lovely 'Man' Cards and some beautiful card toppers ready to make up into cards in the future and some Book Marks !
Janets Description:

"All my Challenges have been made from bits large and small in the two drawers and poly bag. I have saved toppers from before I started with die cutting and
when I first started paper crafting 13yrs ago along with pieces of card/paper/soduko pages all of which have been used over the years when I have been here in Marigny.

So I have made two birthday cards both suitable for males, Three book marks and three toppers."

Thank you so much Janet, how daft was I thinking that you may not have much in the way of a Bit Box over there?!  Just look at the wonderful array of lovely things you have made out of basically 'scrap'!  Thanks again my lovely XXX


Cheryl has made a super cute Birthday card out of her very well organised 'Bit Box', those Elephants are really going to bring a huge smile to their recipients face Cheryl.  I bet you also use those die cuts for the Nursery, what a great idea.
Thank you so much for taking part my lovely, I was so pleased to read that you had a lovely evening at ''Madness in the Park'' on Friday. XXX

Michele, WOW, 3 Birthday cards (2 of which were for Men) and a Christmas card, all from your Scrap/Bit Box!
Michele's description:
"My challenge cards. The two Beer themed cards follow on from making my Dads birthday card. The 3 square cards are made using stitched square Dies/scalloped edge dies for the coloured card then white card, Embossed using a variety of folders. I’ve hardly used much from the massive amount in my Bits box but this has certainly helped!"

Michele also shared a photo of her very organised 'Bit Box' with a description of how she organises:

''This is my “Bits Box “ which is really a crate! Each colour is in a separate bag plus in each bag is another bag containing textured/pearlised card.

Thanks so much Michele for such a fantastic display of cards, I never remember to keep scraps of Embossed card, seeing your card has changed that for sure! XXX


Two fantastic Challenge cards from Lynda, using some Background pieces that she had made and put in her bit box for use another time, it does make sense to make more than one when you have all the messy stuff out together.
Here is Lynda's Description:

First one I had a few background in my bit box so I have used them hope that's OK?
I had this topper I had done a couple of months back just made it up with the backing paper that was in there had enough to do some Sue wilson open flowers.
No 2 I did a stencils background with crackle past & never used it so I thought I would see if I could die cut it.

Thank you so much for two amazing challenge cards Lynda XXX


Karen has made three fantastic cards for this weeks challenge, I think that the first is my favourite, I just love that die cut and that lovely background. I do like the others two the cute Boy card is fab, I love the addition of the stars in the sky above, such a cute image.
The third card is a stunning Golden Wedding card, I love every die that you have used for this card, it is stunning.
Karen used pink scraps and scraps of gold from her Bit Box, the Baby Boy card was made with White bits from Scrap Box.
Thank you so much Karen for 3 fantastic cards.  I hope the sun shines for your Dancing today XXX

Sue has made a gorgeous Purple Rocker card from her Bit Box, Sue I love both the colour and style of your Challenge card. I really like that Sentiment too, I an guessing that there might be acetate on the top half of the card, it really is invisble and looks like your die cuts are floating, very clever.
Thanks for sending us a photo of your colour coordinated Bit Box, I just knew would have an organised system! 
Thanks for taking part my lovely XXX

Thank you all so much Ladies, once again you have 'aced' the challenge, hopefully your Crafty Bit Boxes are all a little lighter for it.

Val I am really missing you and your amazing cards, I hope you are ok, sending Hugs XXX

Sending Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Hi ladies,

    Well what, amazing cards today. All different as usual but lovely ideas.

    SANDRA I did send my challenge card to you on Thursday together with a photo of Gracie. I've just checked it went and it says it did.
    Bet you're sorry to see the lovely lambs going and I'm sure they must feel like pets but well done on rearing them to fit and healthy sheep.

    Off out for lunch today. Nothing else on the cards apart from hopefully a great tennis final this afternoon.

    Have a lovely day ladies whatever you're up to.

    Hugs to all.Valxxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    What a fantastic array of craftiness on the boards this week. It just goes to show that we can always make sosmething out of scrap. I love all of them.

    MICHEKE- In answer to your question yesterday about 'do I have a complete set of crafting things over here'. YEP I do. I have a Gemini here and one box of dies along with efolders/stamps/inks etc etc etc. Having said that I do bring with me one of my Tonic A4 folers with dies in that each time we come. I also bring new stock with me as there isn't a craft shop within 95km if ne abd if course crafting goods are much cheaper in the uK.

    Now sure what's on the list for today. It's Fete Nationale so lots of happenings around but I think we'll be staying at home.

    Have a good day everyone. Take care and stay safe.HUGS are on their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I’m glad your having a lovely break in your little corner of paradise. Loved your candles yesterday. They’ll make lovely gifts.

  3. Morning Ladies

    What an amazing selection of challenge cards today. Just goes to show what we can create from “bits “!!

    Yesterday was lovely & sunny so I sat out all afternoon and read a book-perfect. We’re off out for lunch today with my DD as it’s his birthday tomorrow. My brother & sister in law are planning on joining us assuming they’ve caught the correct ferry last night & the roads are ok. They’ been traveling round Brittany in their camper van for 2 weeks.


    1. Hi Michele
      I also sat out reading a book yesterday. Enjoy your lunch and I hope your brother and his wife manage to join you,

  4. Morning ladies,

    Another WOW! start to the week, I loved seeing your bit boxes and your wonderful creations, a few layouts will work well with the dies I have.

    Loved the tennis yesterday and am so pleased Simona Halep won, I've been following her amazing run through Wimbledon fortnight and she thoroughly deserves the title.
    Although I did feel that Serena was not making any effort to actually play at her best. She seemed to be so distracted for some reason.

    I'm off today to Minehead for a few hours crafting with my lovely friend Sam and a few of her craft group.

    A message came out from our Cannington In Bloom group asking us all to tidy up our gardens ready for the judging tomorrow of our village for the national title of Best Village in Bloom. So far we have had very good reviews but this year I'm afraid I cannot get down on my knees to weed so I was very surprised and pleased that someone had taken the initiative and has done it for me. Bless them I am so grateful for that.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Good luck to the village I watched a series about this title and am in awe of the work that goes into it all
      Enjoy the crafting x

    2. Hi Cheryl
      Good luck with the village in bloom competition. How lovely that someone came and weeded your front garden for you. Enjoy your crafting session with friends.

  5. Another great array of cards using bits and some great ideas of storing bits Mine are stored in my cheap drawer units in their appropriate colours I have a complete drawer of patterned paper which I rarely use That would be be a good challenge for me Like you some are kits bought ages ago or prizes given at shows
    We went out dancing last night and this afternoon we are at a picnic At least there’s a hall that can be used if the weather turns wet!
    Take care all xx

    1. PS I can’t remember who asked but most of the time the monsters don’t have mouths and they still look cute “Knotty” got a mouth because his yellow face looked scary

    2. Enjoy your picnic Karen. Let’s hope it doesn’t rain. Not so warm here as it was yesterday and quite overcast.

    3. oh that was me Karen, just wondered. I like them cute :) Have a fun day xx

  6. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Another stunning collection from the ladies today. I’m afraid that all my bits are stuffed in a draw, so in no order at all. I know I die cut lots of Christmas bits the year before last. But as most of my Christmas cards were parchment made for last Christmas I still have these. Might need to have a sort through this year.
    I’m also off out to Craig’s for lunch today. Apparently the Follyfest in on in Faringdon again shall the traffic will be diverted around the centre of Faringdon. It’ll be nice to walk down and see it again.
    Craig said that all last week was International week at Watchfield School. So all the foreign children dressed up in their national costume. Craig and his TA dressed up as Morris Men and did a sort of a Morris dance. I bet it was great to see everyone’s costumes. Not much I expect will be done in the coming week.
    I bet you’ll be sorry to see the lambs go Sandra. But it’ll be nice not to poo pick and have your garden back.

  7. Margaret Palmer14 July 2019 at 10:57

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a lovely lot of CC, so many ideas. I am sorry I have not joined in, blame the tennis!! You will have mixed feelings about the lambs joining the flock, you have done a good job. xxx
    The café is open the roast is chicken today with all the trimmings, & strawberry shortcake with fresh cream or ice-cream for pudding, so orders please.
    I would like to congratulate you all one your brilliant cards they are lovely. xxx
    Sending hugs to all in need, particularly thinking of you Lilian tomorrow hope all is well, love

  8. Hi everyone.
    Wonderful cc's around, I love them all.
    Lovely to see Lilian you managed to join in. Will be thinking of you tomorrow. We are here for you.
    Michele, great cards and I love how you used the EF's. Have a nice day.
    Brenda,your card is so beautiful and the little roses makes the card pop.What length of ribbon do you use to make them ?
    Lynda, nice cards. Like the backgrounds you made. Hope you manage to get out for a spin. Hope you not too sore after the last fall. Hugs for you and Terry x
    Janet, beautiful cards and love the bookmarks. Have a nice day whatever you get up to.
    Cheryl,like your cute elephants in different colours. Have a good day crafting.
    Sue, like your rocker card. Nice to see different shapes and love the cute little flowers. Take care.
    Karen, love your cards and especially the golden wedding one. Hope the weather stays dry for you all, have fun.
    Val, I'm sure Sandra will find your card. Looking forward to see Gracie again. Have a nice Sunday.
    Sandra , I'm sure it be nice to get the garden back but also feels bittersweet to see the lambs go.No more poop-scooping until next time :)
    Not sure about you but I have so much in my bags so more of this type of challenge would be great and I'm going to try to include it in next cc. Right now tho I am not doing to much because the neighbour and the new woman he got himself is driving me mad with her talking,shouting and crying in the early hours of the morning(usually between 2-6am) with crazy music too. It's a problem but soon enough we are shutting the windows so it won't be so bad then.
    Have a nice day everyone and hugs are winging it's way to you all, Maria xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Fantastic challenge cards, so much inspiration from everyone this week and every card so different.

    LILLIAN lovely to see you, beautiful card as always, you really have a very artistic eye. Hope all goes well tomorrow 🤞 xx
    MARGARET Hope you enjoyed the tennis, great that the weather was well behaved this year. xx

    MARIA Sorry you are having to close the windows because of the noisy neighbours, maybe this lady friend will not stay long and peace can be restored. xx

    SANDRA you are going to miss the lambs. But I’m sure you will not miss cleaning up after them, and Paul can restore some order to the garden.

    We had s short shower this morning, but it only lasted about five minutes so I still need to water the garden. That’s my nest job before I start dinner, well it’s started already the meat is in the oven cooking slowly and I made Yorkshire puddings earlier, I make the in batches and freeze some for another day. These days a lot of my cooking is done that way. As buying portions for two is not really practical or Value for money, meat such as braising steak or even mincemeat I cook in batches so I can have a pie or bolognese ready very quickly.

    Hope you have all had a good weekend, love Brenda xxx

  10. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I've just got back from Darren's
    We stayed over Saturday to look after Harry while Darren _Sam went
    Out for the evening with friends. Harry was a joy he is so funny now he's got such an imagination with his stories he had us in stitches
    With all the hand actions. We had lots of cuddles. He was full of telling us he won the egg & spoon race & got a certificate & medal inscribed with his name & date. He is so proud of him to bits.
    Wowser such wonderful Challenge cards this morning they are all wonderful & all made from scraps.
    Sandra are you missing the lamb's
    Hope Matt's feeling better now your giving him some TLC x
    LILIAN good luck for tomorrow loved your card.
    Hope every one had a good weekend
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx
