
Tuesday 23 July 2019

Another Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I have had to cheat and use a card that I made last year for today's Blog, as I accompanied Rebecca to her Rheumatology appointment and where we thought we would be done in time to go for Afternoon Tea, it would have been better to plan for Supper, eveything that could go wrong at these appointments did go wrong.  Firstly she had to go and have Steroid injections as there were so many of her joints to treat, we then had to go for Xrays, unfortunately they were hugely behind schedule because  two of their machines where broken down. We arrived at 1pm and it is currently 4.50pm and we are still waiting.  Not that i mind, she hadn't told me how badly her Arthritis is affecting her, her knee is really seollen and painful, she can't fully extend her elbox due to inflammation and pain and both of her wrists are swollen and sore and her jaw.  Poor sweetheart, i would gladly take on all of their pain in a heartbeat,  it's so unfair at only 25years old to be suffering like this.  They initially suggested Leflunamide and Sulfasalazine. I wish she didn't need to take either but she needs to get her joint inflammation sorted as a matter of urgency.
So that was a very long and exhausting day.

Now onto today's card , the Vellum panel I have used is from the Graceful Glass Dsp by Stampin'Up. I coloured the image with watercolour pencils and layered onto Daffodil Delight card, a simple stamped sentiment and ribbon finish the card. 
I hope it gives you a little inspiration.

I think Pat is coming over today to do some crafting, which will be nice.

I hope you all have a lovely day too,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I hope the steroid injections give Becca some temporary relief until her new medication styto take effect. It’s is such a shame she is so badly affected but I’ll bet she hardly ever complains? That’s usually the way with people who have something genuinely wrong with them.
    Soap box moment over!!

    Your card is lovely & perfect for this weeks challenge.

    Looks like we have another sunny day plus a very busy one at work-not a great combination!!


  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA I do hope that Becca gets some relief very very soon. Being in such pain 24hrs everyday is so draining.

    Well we're back after a really lovely journey up to Calais on Saturday followed by one sososo awful one from Dover on Sunday. It took us nearly two hours to get out of Kent. We use the A2/M2 for the first part of our journey up but two sections of the M2 was completely closed and so we had to find a different way. Eventually we finished doing a complete circle back to Dover and then across to the M20 which also had road works on our side. We eventually arrived home at 20.00hrs completely shattered and not happy at all.

    As you can imagine we're both still recovering from that little expedition!!

    MARGARET A BIG THANK YOU for looking after everyone and keeping the CAFE looking lovely. I'm sorry there's no cakes today but hopefully tomorrow.

    HUGS are on their way to you all.Take care and stay safexxxx

  3. Hi everyone,

    Pretty card Sandra. The flowers are lovely.
    Sounds like a long day for you and Becca at the hospital yesterday. So sad that such a young girl has such a painful condition and hope she gets the help she deserves.x
    Have a lovely time with Pat.x

    Had a lovely afternoon with friends yesterday. Their grandson Dimitrius is 5 and a real live wire. I felt quite exhausted by the time I got home haha.

    Just waiting for Lynn to arrive to go shopping then must get on with some new baby cards for the shop. Maybe I can incorporate this week's challenge into one!

    Have a good day

  4. Poor Becca It is so unfair that she is in so much pain I so hope that things improve for her
    Glad to hear you’re back safe and sound JANET
    I hope things are getting better LILIAN As you said needs must
    OH is off today - not sure I’m enjoying his working only 3 days a week yet! Well I must get cracking Breakfast needed - blood sugars playing up and then off to the joys of the office Ho hum!
    Take care all xx

  5. Margaret Palmer23 July 2019 at 10:58

    Hi Sandra & all ladies in café,
    Sandra what a day you had with Becca, I am sorry she is so much pain, as you said it is so hard to see your children in pain, hope the steroids help. Your card is lovely. xxx
    Janet I am glad to see you back, sorry you had a nightmare of trip to Yorkshire, I made a chocolate sponge & left in cabinet as I didn't you would feel up to
    I hope you all manage to keep cool in the high temps, I will not be going outside.
    Lilian hope you find benefit from the
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a lot of pain Becca must be hiding behind that smile, as you said Sandra you would gladly take the pain away if it were possible. All the waiting and hanging around could only add to the discomfort she was already in. I hope the medication helps. She has so much a young lady her age shouldn’t have to cope with. Please give her ta gentle hug from me xx
    Your card is beautiful and perfect for the challenge so bright and cheerful. xx
    Had a blood test this morning, all fine I’m pleased to say. We stayed in Croydon and had lunch, by the time we returned home I was shattered, I made a cup of tea and fell asleep before I had even finished it.

    Sending love and hugs to everyone, love Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Ladies
    Very pretty card Sandra.
    Sorry to hear your Rebecca is in so much pain, hope she can get some help with the inflammations ,gentle hug.
    OH had a appointment with the urology this morning, got sent home again 90 min later after their machine was broken and he had to drink 3 pints of water and hold it :/ Now he have to do it again on Friday.
    We are back to Stamford tomorrow for 7am to get the BHF to take the furniture, so hope they take it all. Because of the heat we going early . Didn't mind today as long one sat still Lol Going for a cold shower before bed. Hope you all had a good day and taking care. Hugs to you all,Maria xxx

    1. Lynda- good to hear little Harry is fine, bless him. You take care, many hugs. x
