
Monday 22 July 2019

My Challenge card

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I made my first challenge card on Friday afternoon, in actual fact I made two cards in one sitting which is unheard of for me recently, you got to make the most of being in the mood though.

I used the scrap from my Challenge card last week to create this card, I had an off cut of the Gorgeous Grape card that I used for the background of my strip panel and then I topped that with another off cut of the Embossed Highland Heather card that I also used on my challenge card.
This time I used one of the smaller flowers in Christine Griffiths (Card Making Magic) Flower collection of Stamps and matching dies.  I stamped three pieces for each flower, the base layer onto white card and then two layers stamped onto Vellum. I cut into the die cut leaves so that I could give the flowers more shape, I used a Ball Tool to give the flowers some dimension and then layered them, off setting each layer to make the flower look fuller.  I finished each flower with a Sparkly Resin Drop, I die cut some foliage to add around the flowers and there are some leaves stamped faintly in the background, around the panel.
To assemble my card, I placed the panel to one side of my card adding the foliage around it, I then die cut the sentiment which is from a Sue Wilson Die set. to finish I added some of the same resin embellishments to draw your eye into the card.
I hope you like my card and it gives you a little inspiration.

Here is a quick reminder of Karen's card that we are making our own version of.  So that you can compare it to my version.  I have another part finished that I hoping to share with you all tomorrow.

Today I am going to the Rheumatology Clinic at the Nuffield Hospital with Rebecca as she has had a flare up of her Arthritis and is hoping for some relief, although she does not do well on the Methotrexate that they seem to keep pushing her to take, so I think she wants Mummy to fight her corner.  I don't really want her taking it either as I have said before I really don't think it's a great thing to be on before you have started a family, when you are older and have done with that part of your life, which is often the way with Arthritis then thats a different matter.  There must be other things that she can try, watch this space!

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning all in the cafe' today.
    Beautiful card Sandra, love the colour.
    Hope Rebecca can get some help other the pills but as we know that's what they are happy to give out and then we still feel ill. Give her a gentle hug from me.
    Had a fab day yesterday at little Louis Birthday. They had a blown up slide in the garden, tall as their house. I didn't go on it but Granddad 83 y young went down it twice Lol It was hilarious to see most of them taking turns and we got some fun photos to remind us of a lovely day. Got home late
    but up already for going to Stamford. Heart foundation first to see if they want any furniture and then later a man with a van to clear out.
    Have a nice day everyone. Hugs ,Maria xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous Card, really lovely. Good luck st the Hospital today.

    The weekend disappeared so quickly-let’s hope my working week goes as quickly!!


  3. Lovely card SANDRA and is perfectly CASE’d - thank you
    I hope you’re able to get some better help for Rebecca It’s horrible seeing our children in pain isn’t it
    The weekend ended with us going dancing in the afternoon which meant Oscar was with us I cannot get enough of this little ray of sunshine
    I am really dreading work especially as I’m feeling a little fragile and no it’s not a hangover!
    Anyway I must finish breakfast and take a deep breath
    Your time with LOUIS sounded like so much fun MARIA - precious times xx
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi everyone,
    Pretty card Sandra. Lovely delicate colour. Hope Rebecca gets on ok today. Good to have her mum with her for support.x

    Well Paul lifted all the boxes off the top shelves in my craft room which haven't seen the light of day for about 2 years. They're now stacked on the floor so I'm armed with my black binbag to throw most of it away hopefully. That's this morning's job hopefully!

    Visiting a friend later on.She has family over at the moment so it will be good to see them again.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. It's good to have a de-clutter Val and it might just spark your passion to craft again.
      Have a lovely time visiting your friends today my lovely xx

    2. Hi Val, is there a school near you who like the contents of your destashed craft boxes? xxx

  5. Margaret Palmer22 July 2019 at 10:57

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely card & good your mojo is back, can you send some to me please. Good luck with Rebecca
    The café is open & coconut lemon cake in cabinet along with sandwiches, tea & coffee pots ready so come on in see us.
    Janet hope you have arrived home safe &
    Karen good luck with dentist, hope work not too
    Lilian hope you feel more
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Oooo coconut & lemon cake I will pop in in a moment see if there's any left 😋xx
      How are you doing you feeling better sending you some Hug's xx

  6. Hello All, gosh this hot weather is so tiring, not able to breath doesn’t help.

    Sandra lovely card, hope all goes well at the hospital.

    My daughter and son-in-law came down for the weekend, the time went by so quickly, but lovely to see them both looking so well.

    Hospital rang last week, with a cancellation so I have seen the cardiologist who deals with the electrics of the heart. Going to try stopping the heart and restarting it with electric shock and hope that it goes into normal rhythm, sounds a bit grim, but needs must.

    Loved all the cards from yesterday, sorry I didn’t get one done, but with 3 hospital appointments and doctors, plus having a filling at the dentist, did not feel like doing any crafting.
    Sending Hugs to All, Lilian

  7. Lillian I've had a cardioversion twice. Don't worry it's all over very quickly, you're asleep anyway so don't feel a thing. I had mine in day surgery so was home after lunch. Sending best wishes xx

  8. Hello Sandra and all,

    Love your CC great that your mojo has returned. Xx
    Hope all went well for Rebecca todays and hospital was able to suggest a different medication. It's lovely as big as they are - Mum is always needed for support.

    Janet hope you are home safe and sound and the journey wasn't to uncomfortable in the heat. xx

    Val I hope you managed to sort out those boxes. Enjoy visiting friend and family. xx

    Lynda, hope you are feeling less frail and the lovely Terry is looking after you. xx

    Karen and Michele, if your reading this you have survived the dreaded Monday xx
    Only four more days and it's Friday again 😎

    Time to get the dinner on. Have a good evening, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda I have more bruise coming out & my back really aches but I serpose only to be expected seeing I fell on my back but I'm pushing myself slowly. Thank you for asking Barbara love Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sorry Sandra I didn't get in yesterday we went over to see Darren it was his birthday. Bit of a nightmare journey they had shut the M2 & diverted us to Faversham well the traffic was heaving bumper to bumper we left home at 8 o'clock we got to Darren's at 12.30 it normally takes an hour n half
    So at last I had a cuppa.
    Sam made a nice dinner. We just finished & Harry was in the garden and started crying screaming Sam ran out he had fallen over hit his head on the ground then she shouted for Darren saying his head was bleeding Sam phoned a ambulance but two hour wait. So took him in the car. They glued his head together & he can't wash his hair or get it wet for five days Darren said he was very brave when doctor saw him. Bless him he said to me when we were going Daddy should have put some foam on the ground lol.
    They got home at 11.45 pm
    Any way he's OK he didn't go to school as Sam rang the school & they said not to send him.
    I rang Sam today & she said he's OK just tired.
    Well I hope you all had a good day.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx
