
Wednesday 24 July 2019

My Final 'CASE' Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Pat and I had a lovely day yesterday, it was very warm, very warm, we had fans on windows open and ice drinks to keep us cool while we crafted, obviously cream cakes too, I skipped breakfast and only had a light salad for lunch so that I wasn't being too naughty, plus it did have fruit on which I'm sure cancels out any other calories!😜😜
Pat kindly gave me a 'Picot Cutting' session, as my 'Picot's' aren't quite pointy enough, part of the problem is I just can't see where I am poking my needle or my scissors, I really will have to go to the opticians.

Today's card is my final 'CASED' Challenge card, I have to say I have really enjoyed this challenge and it has really boosted my mojo!
I used my Groovi plates for this particular card, it was a total mix up of different plates, the Butterflies were from Tina's 3D flowers, I used a Corner plate to create the squares and then coloured them with my Derwent Coloursoft Pencils and did the white work several times.
I layered the piece onto yellow card and then made a frame to neaten the edges.
I embossed a piece of Island Indigo card to match the colours in the butterfly and layered that onto yellow and onto a white 5 x 7 card base.
I die cut the 'Just For You' in the same yellow card and to finish I die cut some little butterflies to add some interest up the edge of my card.
I hope you like it ladies xxx

I hope that you all enjoyed the glorious sunshine and didn't suffer too much in the heat.  I think that we will definitely going to need the fan in our bedroom tonight as there was just no air movement at all last night.  Our room is the coolest room in the house usually, as the sun never really hits it, even with the windows open fully it made no difference yesterday.  I heard on the radio on the way back from the hospital with Becca yesterday that by Thursday temperatures could hit as high as 36 degrees feeling more like 44 degrees with the humidity !!  Take care my lovelies and stay hydrated.

Have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra/your card is gorgeous, love the colour combination. Sounds like you had fun yesterday despite the heat.

    We were really busy yesterday, luckily our department has “climate control “ so the drugs are stored at a constant temperature. The downside is when you leave the department you realise just how hot and humid it really is! We’ve had heavy rain overnight so fingers crossed it’s a better temperature today?!


  2. I am so pleased you are enjoying this challenge SANDRA You have made some lovely cards You really seems to be motoring along with Groovi too
    Sounds like you had a great day with PAT despite the heat
    I wish I had climate control MICHELE I think that’s why my glucose sensor was going bananas yesterday because it got too hot I will ring the company today and check if that is the case and has it ruined the whole box
    I have done a couple of CASED cards and have a couple more in mind to try So hopefully O will get them started later
    Meeting a friend for lunch today We’ve known each other since school (young Nicki’s mum) So it’ll be nice to have a catch up over a cool “lemonade”
    Pleased you got home safely JANET But what a journey
    Hope you’re beginning to feel better LILIAN
    And those in pain I hope things are getting easier
    Take care xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA-love today's card and that colour really pops.

    Yesterday was really far too hot and I had to force myself to move around never mind consider doing jobs which need doing.
    We had a real good thunder storm during the night so everthing is wet this morning but the temp is already rising and it's so humid too. Looks as though it's going to be another forced day. I need to start my CC.

    The CAFE is OPEN -usualhours- and there's cold drinks/ice cream in the fridge along with damp cloths if needed.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day but take care and stay safe xxxx

  4. Morning ladies,

    Well, what a fantastic lightning show late last night. Very majestic sheet lightning flashing across the sky, at times making it look like daylight. A low growl of thunder rumbled at times like an angry bear further away. It went on for half hour and I was so fascinated watching the sky change. I didn't feel it was that close to us more towards Wales I should think. No rain at that point until another half hour passed, then it came softly hitting the ground before the force became more apparent with a short downpour and it was over.
    I woke up this morning to a brilliant 'sailor blue' (as my Nan would say) clear sky with temps already rising.

    Further to your problem with staying cool Sandra, I read an article yesterday that said "windows should not be open (especially during the hottest part of the day 12noon til 3pm), if you are using a fan as you are letting in hot air then circulating it around even more which defeats the object of switching the fan on. It also had a brilliant warning to dust your fans regularly (if you have breathing difficulties) as the spinning blades will distribute any miniscule drops of dust into the air you are breathing in. Sound advice.

    I have to collect my repeat meds, I have run out so quickly and I can't understand why as I still have some packets left that don't correspond to the amount taken. Perhaps it may be that I did not pick up the last prescription for 3 weeks after the due date. whatever I will get it sorted out before it the heat rises too much.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    This is my third attempt at writing a comment.
    Great card today and over the last few days.
    Had a great day over at Sandra’s. Like Sandra I need to practise my snipping. I also need to have my eyes tested as I can see the smaller holes better without my glasses. Now to try and publish.

  6. Margaret Palmer24 July 2019 at 10:58

    Hi Sandra & all ladies in café,
    Sandra your card is beautiful, your groovi is really coming on, glad you had a nice day with
    We had a fantastic display of sheet lighting from about midnight until 3am plus bouts of heavy rain but it is bright blue skies out now, hope you all manage to keep cool.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hello my crafting friends in the cafe' today.
    Lovely card Sandra and the groovi work is very nice and I love those little butterflies.
    Sound like you and Pat had a nice day together.
    Had a busy morning going to the flat again in Stamford but can now see the end. The BHF were fantastic and took nearly everything as long it had the fire sticker on so not much for us to take back and go to the tip with. Dunelm is near there so popped in for a drink and bought home a new table fan for the lounge so sitting now here with a cold drink and reading messages and blogs before hanging out the washing. We too had some flashes during the night but not for long.
    Stay dehydrated and cool and I hope the pain is some better in the warmth but still don't like the humidity, it makes my head go funny. Take care all, many hugs Maria xxx

  8. Good a Sandra & ladies
    We had a storm in the night which didn't help with my migraine I had yesterday I didn't get in yesterday Sorry Sandra well saying that I did comment but it disappeared twice
    I couldn't Wright it again as head was banging. Eyes are very sore.
    Your card yesterday & today SANDRA was gorgeous.
    Pleased you had a good day with Pat yesterday
    Well I wish you all a good day
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  9. Hi All, going to keep this short, as it’s the third time trying.
    Sandra you’re cards are lovely, loved yesterday’s as well

    This weather is very tiring, difficult to breath.

    Lynda hope your migraine is better today, stormy weather always used to give my sister migraines.

    Hugs to all, ( hope this works ) Lilian

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I’ve lost a long comment I posted it this afternoon, it seems to have disappeared into cyberspace.
    Will keep this one short just in case the gremlins hi jack this one!
    Sandra your card is lovely, the Groovi work is a great addition to the design.

    Sleep well, Love Brenda xxx
