
Friday 21 June 2019

My First 'Groovi' and next weeks Challenge

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Yesterday turned out to be a lovely day, it started out a little grey and overcast but the sun soon shone through and the afternoon was glorious, the girls put two loads of washing out and it was dry in no time.  
The telephone Engineer turned up about an hour and a half early, ten minutes before he came I had tried the phone again (just in case it had sorted itself out) but there was still no dial tone, he came in and I handed him the phone, he had asked what the problem was, so I tried to describe but it was easier for him to hear for himself, he looked at me and said ''Well there's a dial tone, so what is the problem'', you could have knocked me down with a feather!! I explained that not ten minutes before neither phone that we tried in the socket would work, he then said 'aaaahhh, my colleague is attending a fault at a house two doors down, he had the junction box open and it looks like it has recently flooded as all the connections were wet, he explained that it is a regular occurrence, as it is so close to the Thames, if often floods meaning a lot of the connections are floating in water, he went on to explain that he had stopped to check what he was doing and at the same time re-sent a signal to our number and he thinks thats what had cleared the fault!!  I was relieved but at the same time 'p***ed Off, as the night before Paul had had to clear half of my craft unit and move it away from the wall so that he could access the phone socket, my whole craft room is upside down with stuff stacked everywhere, what annoyed me is that the Engineer that I had spoken to to report the fault had said that there were no other reported faults in our area and that he had checked everything externally and there were no problems, therefore he was 80% sure it was our equipment failure!! Both of those statements weren't true as the engineer was clearly booked to attend a fault two doors down!!  Anyway apart from having a bomb site for a craft room at least it didn't cost us any money and I have the reassurance that the phone is working.

Today's card is my VERY First Groovi Card, now I know that it isn't perfect, not even close to perfect, but I am quite pleased with my first attempt, Becca loved it too as it was something completely different to anything that I have ever made her before, I used ''Linda's Roses and Lace'' Groovi plate and my Derwent Colour Soft Pencils, I die cut the outer edge of the parchment with one of the Grand Decorative Circle dies and mounted it onto Cherry Cobbler Card and then onto a die cut circle card base.

Next Weeks Challenge

I thought I would add familiar Challenges in between the  'different challenges' that I suggested last week, I happen to think that this is quite a nice TicTacToe with lots of choice, that would work for most occasions.
I look forward to seeing your cards.

I received an email confirming that there will be NO Ally Pally in September, sadly, I think that we will take this opportunity to try and organise something for all of us to do instead, so watch this space....

Have a lovely weekend Ladies,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-love your Groovi Card, it’s gorgeous. The Tic Tac Toe challenge for next week looks good. I have to confess I haven’t even started anything for this weeks challenge-no idea what’s happened to my Mojo!

    Thanks you all for your lovely comments over the last 2 days Ladies on my stepper Cards. It’s a while since I made most of them.

    Thank goodness it’s Friday! I’m going straight to the hairdressers tonight after work so we’ll be eating late.


    1. Michele, Congrats for winning the Poinsettia Square from Sue ! xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- what a beautiful card and I'm sure Becca will keep it forever. I cannot believe that it's your first Groovi as it looks so professional.

    Thank you for giving me the idea of die cutting the edge as I've not had the courage to cut yet. I've only just finished off my first colouring effort.

    Well the week has flown again and yes it's that 'swear' word again so I'd better get a wriggle on.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all to pop in when you can. Have a good day. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Your card is spectacular Becca will treasure it
    Now that’s two things that have gone missing in my craft room - parchment and flower foam I know they’re in a safe place but where?
    How very frustrating re phone SANDRA a) they were attending two faults and b) of they know it’s a regular occurrence why don’t they do something so that the connections don’t keep flooding- what a waste of yours and the engineers time and money
    It’s a shame that AP is not on in September
    I am definitely going to Stamperama in Stevenage I ordered my tickets last night Tickets in advance are £2.50 and if ordered via Stamp Addicts they don’t charge p&p if anyone is interested
    It is beautiful here warm sunny and clear blue skies So we’are heading into London and visit the Bethnal Green Toy museum We were hoping to go further afield but as the weather is so unpredictable we decided to stay and I was hoping to hear from my dad so we could have combined a visit
    Have a lovely day all xx

  4. Hi everyone.
    Beautiful card Sandra. Can't believe its a first attempt.
    Glad your phone is fixed but what a lot of messing about.
    Wirral here has been awful on wirral and north Wales. We've had rain at some time each day. Lovely to see family and friends though but now looking forward to going home.
    Done lots of shopping but surprisingly not a lot of craft goodies.i have far too much anyway.

    Hope everyone is keeping ok.
    Lots of love Valxxx

  5. Hi Sandra & Ladies.
    Well my first comment disappeared so fingers crossed this works.
    A great first card Sandra. Practise does help doesn’t it in small bites. I expect Becca will treasure it as it’s your first proper card using your Groovi plates.
    Lovely stepper cards Michele. I have a Die that makes them though.
    Such a shame re your phone Sandra.

  6. Hi everyone.
    Beautiful card Sandra and for your first attempt, well this look very ,very professional.
    So upset with the e-mail from Ally Pally.Do lets talk about a few days away crafting together !
    Karen- what date is Stamperama in Stevenage on?
    Michele- love your stepper cards, all very nice.
    Sending you all hugs and wish you a happy Midsummer.
    The weather is going to get better next week so dig out your vests and shorts.
    Have a nice day and enjoy some sunshine. hugs , Maria xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    lovely sunny day again a little chilly at moment. I have to do some swear word this morning as Terry's gone to do some gardening work.
    SANDRA your first groovy card is gorgeous I expect Becca loved it
    Well done you. I was going through one of the bag's I got yesterday was full of folders of groovy. There was stamps stencils & groovy plates so I will have to do some now. What a shame about Ally Pally not being on in September 😭😭
    Well better finish housework

  8. Margaret Palmer21 June 2019 at 11:51

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra you wouldn't think this is your first groovi, it is beautiful, Sue thinks the same, no wonder Becca loved it. The sun is shining hope to get to sit outside later & make the most of
    I think a craft weekend instead of AP would be great.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Your Groovi work is fantastic, you should be so proud of the brilliant results you achieved. I’m sure Becca will treasure this very special card. xx

    What a shame AP is not going to take place this year. I will miss the event.

    Karen hope you enjoyed the museum of childhood, it’s a great place to visit. We have been there several times. A friend of our eldest daughter celebrated het 60th birthday with a brilliant party there, we really had a lovely evening. The displays on the ground floor were open to view only the central area was cleared.

    Sleep well dear friends, Love Brenda xxx

  10. Hello All, it’s been a super day, for midsummer, lovely light evening.

    Sandra your card is super, love the design, great idea to die cut the circle.
    I have the basic set, but don’t think I could do it now my hands are bad.

    Managed my c cards today, after several disasters, thought I would use novo drops as hadn’t used them for ages, so put several drops over my water colour card, only to knock it off my desk and on to the floor, yes you’re right it landed drop side down!!!

    Time to say good night, hugs to all Lilian
