
Saturday 22 June 2019

Michele's Magazine Review and Mixed Crafts

Good Morning Ladies,

Wow this week has passed so fast, it seriously doesn't seem 5 minutes since I was writing last Saturday's post!

Thank you all so much for your lovely,  encouraging comments on my first ever 'Groovi' card yesterday, I was nervous about sharing it to be honest.  I was so lucky as Paul treated me to a day out to the Clarity Open Day last saturday, we didn't arrive until after lunch, all of the 'snip Clinic' classes had been filled by 10.30am, which I was disappointed about, the lovely lady running the 'Clinic' told me to come back at the end and she would help me, I just wanted to try the different tools and learn different techniques, she said that I got best results with the 'Exclusive' scissors, which was lucky as they were the oned that I had already bought and they are the cheapest!! She said that she was very impressed with my 'snipping" and would never have guessed that I was a beginner! 
We were browsing around the different Groovi demonstrations and managed to get a seat with Paul Church who I ended up having a 1 hour 1 to 1 tutorial with, he was so helpful and couldn't have been more helpful, sharing tips on colouring,  shading, pricking etc, showing me what happens if you did it wrong, he was so patient and had a great sense of humour. Barbara was hilarious too, she gave out these most amazing prizes,  every hour, (you were given a raffle ticket when you arrived).
I was a great event, organised brilliantly aa you would expect with Barbara.  She hugged Paul at the end of the event and said "ooh i think you and I are going to become great friends" haha (i guessed she was meaning the money i would be investing in Groovi). 
They have another open day in September in Yorkshire, so if you get chance Janet, I would definitely recommend going. 

Anyway lets get on with the crafts....

First photos are of my 'Stuffed Pocket" that is winging it's way to Canada, along with its matching card that I shared with you on Monday . 


Karen has created another Crocheted cutie from her 'Edward's Imaginarium " book by Kerry Lord, I absolutely love this fantastic creation,  he still needs a name though, so come on Ladies get your thinking caps on!! 
Karen I love these adorable toys that you design and create. 
Thank you so much for sharing him with us xxx


Danielle has found a new love for card making this week,  she has been making some incredible inked backgrounds and then adding different fancy die cut panels to finish the card. I have to say for someone that doesn't 'do cards ' you have designed some amazing examples.
Keep them coming my lovely,  i think you can confidently call yourself a card maker now!! 
Thank you so much for sharing them Danielle xxx

Michele's Magazine Review 

Hi Ladies,

Simply Cards & Papercraft has a great set of Dies free this month plus some coordinating papers you can download.

Some ideas using the Dies plus a quick look
At the papers

More ideas.

Lots of different style cards using the free gift.

You could use the pop up die that came with Diecutting Essentials last month to make this card.

More inspiration.

Fancy fold card here. 

Christina Smith (Craftipotential) has made some unusual Easel cards which would really stand out. 

Christina Smith has written a Master Class on using Distress Oxide sprays-just look at the different backgrounds you can create. 

That’s all for now-Happy Crafting.

Love Michele 

Michele,  thanks for such a fantastic, in depth review, there is literally something  for everyone in this edition, great popular techniques today,  different card folds and distress oxide techniques too.
Thanks again my lovely XXX 

That's all for today ladies, 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, 

Love and hugs to all of you 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-ooh, weren’t you lucky to get such special treatment at the Groovi day. I’m sure that One to One session will help you. Love your loaded pocket.

    Karen-you’re crocheted animal is brilliant. Looking forward to hearing what name you choose.

    Danielle-two gorgeous cards, they’re lovely.

    I was lucky enough to win the Poinsettia Die On Sue Wilson’s Christmas Die launch which was a nice surprise. I’m off out to village early then il be setting off to the Craft Fair where I’ve got a Sale Table. It’s meant to be 10-3pm but I’ve got a feeling it’ll go quiet around lunchtime so I’ve warned my friend that I’ll be packing up if that’s the case. She only works 2 mornings a week and is more interested in meeting people than getting home. Fingers crossed this works out ok as I’ve not spent a whole day with this friend!


    1. Good luck with the table sale and congratulations on Winn from Sue’s launch Actually it was one of my favourites from the new range - lucky girl

  2. Mornming Everyone
    What a beautiful selection of craftiness this morning. I try not to have a favourite but Oh KAREN you have stolen my heart with your latest friend. I just think he/she's lovely..

    MICHELE- I'll be having a look at this week's mag while I'm out shopping this morning.

    Meeting Jim's Niece and her two children for for coffee amd then a quick shop today as Jim has a hospital apptment this afternoon.

    The CAFE is OPEN and as it's Saturday Afternoon Tea is on the menu today.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Good Luck MICHELE with the craft fayre.xxxx

  3. Thank you for the mag review MICHELE
    I love your cards DANIELLE My favourite style- CAS
    It sounded like you had a fabulous day at Clarity and how lucky to get a 1to1 with Paul You are really zooming along with Groovi I just daren’t take the risk as I know I’d get hooked You are lucky that Pat lives close by and you can share plates
    Thank you for showing my monster In the book Kerry does not give them “mouths” but being bright yellow he/she looked scary and not cute/funny So I added one and he/she makes me smile when I walk past I love making them Something to focus on when your brain is whirling and can be done whilst sitting down (trying) to relax in front of the tele
    Stamperama is 11th Aug in Stevenage
    Lovely sunny day OH is already out in the garden
    I need to make 3x 40 years old Birthday cards by Wednesday!
    We’re looking after Oscar later this afternoon and evening - yippee!
    Take care ladies xx

  4. Morning all.
    Thank you for the mag. review Michele. Good luck today for a sell out table and enjoy yourself.
    Oh Karen, I love Him, it's a boy Lol Another one of your cute creations. Thanks for the date, I will be there. Hugs to Oscar, have fun.
    Beautiful makes Sandra. How lucky were you to get one to one with Paul C. Looking forward to see more.
    Danielle, you are too a card maker. Loads better then me,that's for sure. Love seeing your work.
    Got to chute, having a pedicure and manicure done this morning and later hope to finish a cc.
    Have a nice day everyone, Maria xxx

  5. I should have said your stuffed pocket is very pretty Your swap partner will love it Are you including a Groovi piece?

  6. Margaret Palmer22 June 2019 at 10:29

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra how lucky were you to have a 1 to 1 tuition by Paul C well done. Your pocket is beautiful. Have a lovely weekend in the
    Sue is here keeping me company while Chris takes Alan out, she is busy hovering the stairs at the moment, Pop never notices they need doing.
    Karen I love your latest make you make them so life like. Enjoy Oscar
    Danielle love your
    Michele good luck with the table top sale. Thank you once again for magazine
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. What beautiful pockets you have made for your swap partner. The papers you have used are gorgeous aren't they. You were so lucky to have a free hour one to one tutorial first with Paul Church and then with the "Snip" lady. I'm not surprised they both thought you are a natural. I'm so looking forward to seeing some more of your parchment work and getting some more hints and tips for myself. I hope you have a good weekend my lovely xx
    Karen, I love your latest character. He is lovely and for some reason the name Frank popped into my head when Sandra said he doesn't have a name. Don't have a clue where that name came! I hope the museum was good, it sounds like a great place to visit. Enjoy Oscar's visit x
    Danielle, love your cards. You certainly are a card maker now x
    Michele, thank you for the mag review. The dies look really useful for the male cards x
    I'm taking advantage of Mums laptop to comment. I visit every day to see the beautiful cards and to see how you all are. I hope you all have a good weekend with none of the wet stuff! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras foe all in need. Take care xx

    1. Thank you It’s a great name
      A shame you’ve come through as Anonymous

    2. It's Sue i believe Karen x

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Love your new make Karen. Your pocket is lovely Sandra. Let’s hope the lady in question appreciates it after the initial problems you had. Thanks for the magazine reviews Michele. Always a pleasure to see them.
    You were very lucky to go to Ditton Sandra. I was going to go as well but of course I was in Harwich that weekend so couldn’t. I’ll probably go next year. Don’t think I’ll drive all the way to Yorkshire in Sept though. Lucky to have some tuition from Paul for an hour though.

    1. Not sure what you mean Pat? Becca was delighted with her card, she loves anything girly xx
