
Thursday 20 June 2019

Michele's 5th Centre Stepper

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is the 5th version of Michele's Centre Stepper cards.
Michele made this card for a Colleagues wedding,  it is beautiful, the silver mirror card heart and side panel die cuts really give that touch of luxury to the whole card. the other thing that makes a difference to the overall look of this card that you don't notice at first is that Michele has used a 'Deckle Edge die to cut the pink card, this makes a much softer look so the two colours blend together seamlessly.
I really want to go make a centre stepper card now, in fact I think that will be on my desk today, thank you so much Michele for allowing me to share your amazing cards.

Now, I said that I would make a  Stepper card today but I have to wait until the telephone (BT) man has been, as we still have no home phone, I got the girls to go up the attic and get the old plug in phone out, hoping that would work but we got nothing, not a sound, the only thing that is worrying me is the man on the 'Internet chat' said that if the issue is caused by trees or damp or wear and tear, we have to pay £85 for the call out plus the cost of the repair!!! I literally can't understand how it could possibly be anything we have caused, it was fine on Sunday evening when Paul call his Dad but I went to answer the phone on Monday morning and I could only hear a ringing sound in the distance, we have had several power cuts so that my be the cause of the fault, I guess we will have to just wait and see, hopefully if I chat and make the engineer a cup of tea he might be generous??!!

Is there any sign of the sun returning any day soon?? Yesterday seemed to be a really dark and overcast day, I need the sun to come out so that I can get some laundry done, I just hate having it hanging around the house wet, we still don't have any heating  so no radiators to put the airer in front of and the Aga isn't on either, which is a shame as that used to dry washing super fast.  I can't remember the last time that we went three days without doing a load of washing, you can guarantee that it was on most days, especially with Paul's laundry load colour sorting, every colour had it's own wash load, so if you were painting for a yellow t shirt, you had to be patient!!! I am not complaining though, he's such a support and stands no chance of having a colour run incident.  I did smile to myself a few weeks back as I had told the girls to go and pick themselves out a new set of towels, the point was that they were to have their own colours so that the would know who's was who's, I think Sophie chose a bright orange set and a purple set for Lewis, Lucy went for a bright blue.  As they put them in the shopping bags I thought that they would be waiting a while for those colours to go through the laundry process, they do look colourful on the line though, AND it has stopped them picking a clean bath sheet out of the airing cupboard every night in case they didn't pick there own one up from the night before. At one point we were washing 15 to 20 towels on a weekend, now its just their new ones and 1 other, so was definitely worth it.

Well I will hopefully get some crafting done today, BT man permitting, I hope that you have a great day too.

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    MICHELE- I love all your stgepper cards. You have expertly shown how many subjects can be used on one style of card.

    We had a much better day weatherwise yesterday well it was dry all day which was a good start.

    Quite a busy day for me today as I have to do my Tesco order; finish off my CC and the washer is already churning away.

    The CAFE is OPEN usual hours. Pop in whenever you can.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Morning ladies,

    Such delicate pastel pink for your wedding card Michele makes the difference in elegance.

    Regarding payment of the repair to your phone line does this not come under your tenancy Sandra and the owners pay for the repairs? If there wasn't one there would you not have to ask them for permission to provide one for you?

    Another busy week here, a lovely family meal on Tuesday followed by yesterday's U3A meeting then lunch with a friend and a date with the plumber to fix my shower's temperature control now I have chance to relax and craft this afternoon.
    Friday lunch club is meeting up at The Babbling Brook which serves a most delicious wholesome menu. with generous portions. We don't do 'skinny' food here in Somerset unless it's from a chain owned establishment. If ever you are down this way, I would urge you to call in and see for yourself.

    Hugs to all in need of them.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. Beautiful MICHELE So nice to see a different fold rather than the big standard square or rectangle fold that I always do
    I started a couple of cc last night I will finish them and photograph them today
    We have glorious sunshine and clear blue skies at the moment!
    We’re going to go out for lunch today when OH gets home It’s a shame you’re too far away for us to join you CHERYL
    I hope you get the phone sorted and I agree with CHERYL shouldn’t it be the owners responsibility not yours?
    Take care all xxx

  4. Margaret Palmer20 June 2019 at 10:31

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Michele beautiful card today.xx
    Sandra I really hope you get your phone sorted
    It is quite bright this morning hope it continues.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  5. Margaret Palmer20 June 2019 at 11:25

    Hi All,
    I forgot to say Sue still has problems commenting, but she looks in every day. Sends her love to

  6. Hi All, lovely sunny day here, the wind is a little chilly, but lovely to have a dry day.

    Michele a very beautiful card from you today, love the soft colours.

    Just finished a big load of ironing, so now I’m sitting and watching the tennis, luckily it’s fine there today. Andy Murray is playing doubles later so looking forward to that match.

    Sandra hope you get your phone sorted, if you have a normal tenancy your landline should be your landlords responsibility, that’s what happened when we let our other house, so good luck with it.

    Hope you are all having a good day, hugs to all, Lilian

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Hope the phone got sorted out Sandra, it’s just another one of those things we take for granted. I am old enough to remember life without one, when we were courting and John was away in the navy (and not at sea) we had an agreed time when I would go to the local phone box to call him. ...... Memories xx

    Michele your card today is lovely, it’s so delicate looking, perfect for a wedding. xx

    Have a lovely evening everyone, see you tomorrow,
    Love Brenda xxx

  8. Good evening Sandra & ladies
    We had lovely warm weather today it's still warm at the moment. Did come over black about 4ish but didn't come to anything.
    Michele your card is beautiful xx
    I've been round Margarets she has given me another load of craft goodies. Today is the last day she has to leave the van & move into her new place tomorrow. She still has quite a bit to do. Mind you she dose look shattered. She has two helpers today so they packed up quite a bit from her bedroom.
    Trouble is I couldn't help as I can't stand for long now.
    Just going to do dinner now so Big Hug's for everyone.
    Love Lynda xx
