
Wednesday 19 June 2019

Michele's 1 Fold 4 ways

Good Morning Ladies, 

Well what a day yesterday turned out to be, apart from more flippin rain!  First of all there was a knock at the door, which I answered and it was a lady calling to say that two of Matts lambs had managed to get under the fence of the new field that they are in and were in the paddock of the huge house that is next to the field, apparently they have some expensive roses and she was worried that the lambs would eat them, I reassured her that they would just be after the grass and said I will see if I can get it sorted, then the smoke alarm kept beeping, I went to get the phone to call Matt and tell him about the lambs but the house phone wasn't working, it was playing up the night before too, it would ring but when you answer all you can hear is a ringing in the distance.  Then the electricity went off, so I couldn't message Matt on messenger either, I also couldn't have a shower, wash my hair, have a cup of tea or anything! The electricity continued to be on and off sporadically all day. Then someone else came to say that the sheep were out, so all in all it was somewhat of a stressful day.

Today we are taking Sophie to collect her car and hopefully we will get chance to pop in to Ikea while we are there, well it would be rude not too!

Today Michele kindly sent me four Centre Stepper cards to share with you, all basically the same layout, just decorated completely differently, the first one has been made with the most beautiful Lilac foiled paper, Michele has added some die cut flowers that are cut out in a deeper shade of purple along with the sentiment, the whole thing ties together beautifully.
The second card would have been perfect for my girls when they were younger as they were very keen footballers but you could rarely find a Football themed card for girls, so a great idea Michele.
Card number three is a great Man card, it would be great for teens and men with an interest in music, that card that you have used shows up that embossing brilliantly Michele.
Card number four is a lovely girly pretty card, that sentiment die cut fits that centre panel perfectly, the pretty flowers add that perfect finishing touch.

Thank you so much Michele for allowing me to share your amazing Stepper card ideas, these will sell like 'hot cakes' on your stall at the weekend. xxx
Ladies come back tomorrow to see the fifth and best stepper card of them all!!!!

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-yesterday sounds like it was stressful. I think we all forget how much we use electricity- as you found out yesterday. I hope Marr managed to collect the Lambs and return them to their field.
    Good luck with your travels today & I hope the Car Collection is problem free.

    Cards No 2 & 3 were made for orders quite some time ago-it’s interesting to see the very different styles you can make using the same fancy fold.

    I have to say Ladies-I’m really struggling at the moment to find any inspiration to make anything! I have a Sale Table on Saturday at a local church. I can sell surplus craft stash & my cards so I have quite a lot I can take.


    1. Good luck with your craft sale table. Sorry your inspiration has gone AWOL I really hope it comes back before the weekend
      I love all your cards that Sandra showed for Sundays. Good luck Michele xx

    2. Sorry ment say I love your stepper card. Today
      Hug's Lynda xx

  2. Lovely cards MICHELE I have never made a stepper card I must give it a try
    What a day you had SANDRA I hope today is calmer and enjoy your trip to get Sophie’s car
    I keep forgetting to congratulate you BRENDA on your anniversary - Happy Belated Anniversary - brain and fingers are not in sync
    Never apologise LILIAN for having a moan We’re all here for you to listen and it sometimes does you good to just write it all down
    MARGARET It was lovely to read that you’ve been able to make a couple of cards Little steps as they say
    I hope you’re feeling better LYNDA and that your arm is less painful after your fall
    It is dry here but doesn’t look very sunny or warm I am just going to relax today after the stresses at work I have a nail appointment later and OH will be going out with his friends this evening So I hope to make a cc then
    Take care all xxx

  3. Margaret Palmer19 June 2019 at 10:44

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a frustrating day you had yesterday, hope everything goes well
    Michele what great stepper cards, I hope you do well on
    Karen pleased you have a few days off, yes it was good to feel like making cards, I definitely feel stronger than I
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  4. Morning ladies.
    Oh what a day you had Sandra, hope today will be better and the trip to London goes well.
    Sending gentle hugs to all who are in pain and wish you better days.
    Michele- Love you cards, have not made a stepper card for ages. Good luck on Saturday, after all the things you also get from your friend you must have lots to sell.
    Karen- hope you can have your relaxing day, take care.
    It's quite muggy here, the windows are open but no air. I decided this morning to sort my clothes out in the wardrobe. I never got anything to wear but the wardrobe is full so something must change. OH has gone to London today so I put it all on the bed. One washing machine is going before it goes to the charity shop. Not sure about you but as my weight has gone up and down I got clothes in many sizes so bags where you can suck out the air are very good to have but really it should go. I got to be more harder on myself. Tea finished so best get cracking on.
    have a nice day everyone, Maria xxx

    1. Ha ha I’m doing exactly the same I keep reminding myself to be ruthless Daughter and I are similar sizes and she gives me a load of clothes but my weight is creeping up and so not a lot of them fit me So I am filling up quite a few bags to go to the charity shop!

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love the stepper cards Michele and I hope everything is fine for you at the weekend and you make lots of money.
    Sounds like you had an eventful day all in all yesterday Sandra. Hope the trip to get Sophie’s car goes ok.
    Belated Anniversary wishes Brenda.
    I know the feeling Maria re clothes my weight is yo yoing at the moment as well.
    Lilian grumble away as much as you like. I think it does you good to have a grumble from time to time. Fingers crossed your feeling better soon.

    Lilian grumble away as much as you like. It helps emensly to get it off your chest.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a stressful day you had yesterday Sandra. We all take our electrical supply for granted, It’s such a pain when it fails. So many things rely on having a continual electricity supply, I am guessing this is how the lambs got out because of a power failure in the fencing. How frustrated you must have felt not being able to use the telephone.I hope Matt was able to get them all back safely into the field and the neighbours roses survived the little visitors!!! I hope Sophie is happy with her first car, it is so exciting having your own car.
    Michele your stepper cards are great. Good luck with the Card Sale Table on Saturday, what a good idea to include your surplus craft stash. I hope event is well attended.

    Margaret it’s great to read you are feeling a bit stronger, keep up the good work. xx

    Lynda sending daily hugs to you, hope you are getting some medication for pain relief. xx

    Lillian, Please, please please use the soapbox at any time if you want to have a moan, we are always here for you, just remember to put it back have finished with it. (I sometimes walk around without my glasses on and would probably end up tripping over it......not a pretty sight !)

    Better go and put the kettle on, I’m starting to feel sleepy, think I need an injection of caffeine!
    Can’t wait to hear how the trip to London went Sandra, also not forgetting the special reason for the journey. xx

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    It's been a funny day this mornig
    It was really sunny OH put washon the lline. then 11 0clock
    The heavens opened so washing got very wet. Last night we had a vilant thunder lightning but no rain.
    I've done a cc not sure about it. So have to wait until I can do another one. I've done ironing. Margaret has just phone & said she's got two more cupboards to sort or as she said it will just go in the bin so she said I could go round & see if I want it.well might as well if she throwing good stuff away.
    Better go got to defrost spag bowl for dinner.
    Hug's & love Lynda xx

    1. Definitely It’s always worth a look
      Hope you enjoyed your spaghetti bol

  8. Hello All, wet this morning but a bit of both this afternoon.

    Michele love your stepper cards, must admit I’ve never made one.

    Hoping the weather is better in London tomorrow, purely selfish as the tennis is on at Queens Club, totally rained off yesterday, and only a couple of matches today, love watches, brings back lovely memories of when we used to go and have a posh meal, then watch the tennis. Much younger and fitter then.

    Don’t feint Sandra have made one c card today, hope to do another tomorrow. Hope you had a better day, with no power cuts.

    I’ll say goodnight and send hugs to all, Lilian

    PS thanks for listening to my moans.
