
Tuesday 18 June 2019

Another Favourite Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I used the Paper Boutique 'Springtime Blooms' Paper kit as the base of today's card, I used a sheet of the 8 x 8 pad as the base, I took a piece of paper lace border and threaded the seam binding ribbon through, finishing with a triple bow at the top that is nested into a Spotted Tulle bow, I thought that the spotty tulle went well with the polka dot paper.
I then chose two toppers for a change and mounted them on a piece of lilac card and then onto the Sue Wilson die cut.  The flowers and embellishments I have used have a hints of the same colour blues in the flowers on the toppers in an attempt to tie everything together. I made the little flowers using some white petals that I had in my stash, I also had the blue silk flower with beaded stamens, I just fiddled about and made little flowers with the silk flowers as the centres, I then added some leaves and little white die cut sprigs that I inked with shaded lilac distress ink, which is what a used around the edges of the paper and the toppers.

I ended up making my card in the evening as I got so carried away practising colouring and 'Picot Cutting' my Groovi flowers, as soon as I have finished a card I will share it with you, I am quite excited about it, it's such a relaxing thing to do, I think I lost a good 2 hours colouring and blending yesterday afternoon, the 'Picot cutting' has highlighted how poor my close up eyesight had become, I am struggling to see where to put the darn scissors in, I have a pair of those cheap 'Ready Readers' that I bought some time ago so I might try those, otherwise it will be a magnifying glass I think.

We have a busy couple of days a head, tomorrow we are all travelling down to London, we are taking Sophie to pick up her first car, luckily the man she has bought it from has kindly agreed to meet us at Ikea (near Wembley) as Sophie was terrified about driving through central London on her first solo drive, which I can totally understand, she has been so sensible about finding the right car, paying for full RAC checks etc, the engineer goes out and does a full inspection and road test, which really put our minds at rest, it is so lovely knowing that they are now all fully independent (well, with driving anyway)!

Margaret I was so happy to read that you felt up to making two cards yesterday, that is a huge step forward my lovely, I can't wait to see them, I think about you every day and have everything crossed that they can rebuild you back to the 'Superwoman'' you were before! (only kidding) I think just having some answers and therapy will be a huge step in the right direction, I am always here if you ever want to come and play, if Alan drops you off Paul will happily take you back home, you can reassure 'Pops' that I will take care of you 😜😉XXX

Lilian It was so lovely to hear from you yesterday, I was also pleased to hear that the Paramedic managed to talk to someone to get you off of those useless tablets, fingers crossed you will feel the benefit in the coming days, they do need to get that GP onto your case sharpish though as you can't be left without any medication for your Heart condition, I wonder if it might be worth giving your Consultants secretary a call.  Either way lets hope that you can now get the correct medication, so that you can start feeling like your old self again.
Please don't ever feel the need to apologise for updating us on your condition etc, first and foremost your are dearly loved by all of us and we all WANT to hear from you, just so that we know that you are ok.  I can't wait to see your Watercoloured cards my lovely, I had pretty much guessed that was the medium that you would choose, either that or your stunning Stamperia papers, so maybe you should do 2 challenge cards this week😉😉.  I really miss not having your cards to add to the list on a Sunday, I end up going back to my emails to check about 10 times just to make sure I haven't missed it. 
Thank you so much for keeping us up to date my lovely XXX

Brenda & John I hope that you both had a lovely weekend celebrating your Anniversary with your family XXX

Thats all for today ladies,

Have a lovely day,

Love and HUGE Hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-another beautiful card, it’s gorgeous. How exciting for Sophie, well all of you all really. What car has she bought?

    Running late so only a quick comment from Me.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Another wonderful card SANDRA. So pretty and gentle.

    I made a start on my CC yesterday. Today it's K&N this afternoon so I'm looking forward to that.

    Lovely to see MARGARET and LILIAN in the CAFE yesterday.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all. today's cake is Lemon Drizzle so help yourselves.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Margaret Palmer18 June 2019 at 12:02

    Hi Sandra & all ladies in café,
    Sandra I love your card, it is so pretty. Thank you for your
    invite, I can promise as soon as I feel stronger I will be across, will photo cards & send to
    Janet I will be in later for my lemon drizzle cake, thank you for the welcome
    Lilian it was lovely to see you in café, I am so pleased you have managed to speak to someone who listened, I am sure that helped you, take care hugs on
    Brenda pleased you enjoyed your get together with family, I bet you feel tired now, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  4. A very pretty card SANDRA
    Great to see you in the cafe LILIAN and MARGARET- one step at a time eh?
    Work was another nightmare today I am so pleased I have the next three days off As OH is off too we will be going out for days but it will depend on the weather
    Take care all xxx

  5. Hi everyone.
    A gorgeous card Sandra, love it.
    Lovely to see you in Lilian, never apologise for moaning. We are happy to listening to anything you want to say. That what friends are for and I too looking forward to see your cards.Hugs.
    Margaret- you take care, slowly does it. Hugs for you and Pop.
    Brenda- glad you had a nice day and all the family around, happy anniversary. Try take it easy now and recharge your batteries. Hugs for you and John.
    Karen- have some nice days off and hope the weather improves so you can go out somewhere with hubby.
    Lynda- hope you ok after your resent fall. Please, take care.
    Val- hope you enjoy some sunshine and having a nice time in the UK. Will you be able to go to a craft show while you here ? Sure you do some shopping tho before going back :>)
    Went into town this morning for hair cut, ww was a bit disappointing for only lost a half a lbs but better then on I guess. Managed to make a bomb go off in the kitchen trying to make a cc and that's all so far Lol Now I can't find my poky tool so will go for a hunt.
    Many hugs to you all, love Maria xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I typed a long message earlier, was distracted and closed the iPad, only to return and my message had disappeared. That never happened before I started using Google. ,!!!
    Sandra your card today is beautiful
    How exciting for Sophie to be getting her own car. The independence and freedom it will give her will be great. Sophie I’m so pleased for you.xx
    Lillian, Lynda and Margaret hope you will all be feeling better soon. xx

    Good night everyone, love Brenda xxx
