
Monday 17 June 2019

My Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all had a lovely relaxing weekend, we had a busy Saturday and quiet Sunday, I was kind of hoping that Paul would choose to go out for Dinner last night, or maybe have a Take-Away, but no he fancied Steak & Ribs and all the trimmings, Onion Rings, Chips, Garlic mushrooms and Tenderstem Broccoli (instead of peas, this has become the new favourite vegetable in our house as the stems are similar to asparagus and the broccoli type top is yummy too),  I wasn't sure that he would have room for dessert but he managed some Lemon Marscapone Cheesecake.

You probably all guessed what my 'Favourite' style of card would be, I made this one on Friday afternoon to go with a 'Stuffed Pocket' swap that I am taking part in over on Our Facebook group.
I kind of get carried away when I start designing these style of cards, this is partly why my desk ends up like mount Everest, as I lay out the flowers, lace and ribbon that I think goes well with the paper I am using, decide on the dies I might use and get them all laid out on my desk, then I get started and decide the lace was too wide, the ribbon wasn't quite the shade I was looking for and the flowers don't match the card after all, so I get another lot out,etc etc, Surely I'm not the only one that crafts like that?!
Anyway the paper I used for this card and the matching pocket (which I will share on Saturday) is called ''In My Garden'', I bought a whole collection for a really good price on Hochanda from a company called ''The Craftbox'', everything comes beautifully packaged too.  The papers themselves are really pretty with layers and layers of detail, including lace detail and script.
I laid the 6x6 piece onto a card base and began to build up my design, starting with a punched border strip that had ribbon threaded through it, I then halved a doily and tucked that underneath the border, I cut the sentiment tag and layered onto white card, placed it on foam pads and then arranged those flowers around the end of the tag, I tied a triple bow with the same Seam Binding Ribbon  as I threaded through the border and backed it with a spotted tulle bow and finished it with a tiny pearl heart.
I needed an embellishment to place on the doily, above the sentiment tag, I tried several things but couldn't decide, in the end I found a Bezel and took out the decoration that was inside it, drew around it over a butterfly on the same paper as I used for the card, fussy cut the circle 'ish', popped it in the Bezel and filled with Glossy Accents, I left it overnight and was really pleased with how it turned out, so I had a matching embellishment to finish the card, I cut a tiny bow with the same seam binding to finish the bezel.
My finishing touches were the pearls, a little bit of lace beneath the sentiment that I finished with a string of pearls too.
I was happy with how it turned out, I hope my swap partner likes it and that it makes it way to Canada in one piece!!

Thats all from me for today ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what an absolutely beautiful card. I’m sure your swap partner will be thrilled when it arrives.

    Yesterday was a fairly busy day-housework, popped to Dobbies for some Top Soil. Hubby decided to cut the grass then it started raining-he continued despite getting soaked. We have s petrol mower as the lawn is too big to use an electric one. My brother arrived (he was in his way home to Glasgow from a weekend reunion in the Cotswolds) once he’d left we put dome grass seed in certain areas of the lawn & planted the bedding plants. The day was almost over & I was shattered! Phone call to my Dad in the evening and that was it.


  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA Ohhhh what a gorgeous card.I love everything you have used on it.

    I'm hoping to start my CC today as Jim is on duty so I shouldn't get any interuptions (well that's the plan).

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting so pop in when you all can. There's also a Coffee cake just waiting to be eaten.
    Have a good day whatever you have planned.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

  3. Morning ladies,

    Such a gorgeous card and 'yes' I did think your card would be such a beauty like this.

    Well what a wash out last week was, today it is very sunny with a brisk breeze making the clouds scud across the sky. Let's hope it holds out like this as washing from yesterday waiting to be hung out.
    Bit of decluttering going on in the kitchen cupboards this morning. We have a lot of festival/cinema drinks containers that never seem to be used so that's the first items in the to go pile.
    Then a baby memento box to be finished this afternoon and a spot of exercising too.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Hi Ladies, how your day going ?
    Had a walk this morning ,then came home hanged the washing out x 2 and done a bit of weeding but will leave the rest for Son to sort out while we are away next week. It's pretty wet in the borders.
    Love your card Sandra and the lady in Canada will too. Flowers, ribbon and lace with some very pretty papers is you. I'm still thinking so my brain is more muddled then norm Lol but you are right Sandra about me....
    Have a good day all and many hugs from me, Maria xxx

  5. A beautiful card SANDRA Your swap partner will love it
    Lovely and sunny here but quite windy So a lot of washing hanging out to dry OH is off all week and so is “cooking” I the garden on his new hammock!
    As I can’t sunbathe I’m in doors and just about to start watching The Handmaids Tale series 2
    Take care all xx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Just finished my ironing now I'm so hot the sun is shining.
    We had our OAP dinner at one o'clock. Very nice steak & kidney pie with mash potatoes peas cabbage
    For the sweet was fresh fruit tart & cream. Very nice it was too.
    I've wanted to go in craft room but just having a look at Lou on Hochanda I like watching her she's funny.
    SANDRA your card is gorgeous & yes it's definitely a Sandra style card
    Love it. Better go & put ironing away.
    So many HUG'S for everyone
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Margaret Palmer17 June 2019 at 17:27

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a beautiful card, just like you used to make. You will be pleased to hear I made 2 cards this morning, the first time for a while. Xxx
    Brenda hope you & John have had a lovely wedding anniversary & celebration with family
    Lynda hope you not in too much pain, hugs to you
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret. Xxx

  8. Hello All very grey and cold here, still managed to dry two loads of washing, R has to peg them out as my hands can’t squeeze the pegs open at the moment.

    Loved all the cards yesterday, sorry not to join in again, will have a try this week, as you might guess it will be a water colour more than likely.

    Brenda , Happy Anniversary to you both.

    To bring you up to date re my ailments ( probably bored stiff by now ). Thursday I phoned surgery and asked to have an appointment to see doctor, was told he would telephone at some time, eventually had appointment with paramedic, told him the tablets which I have been telling them how they were making my arms and legs swell and ache. He really listened , but couldn’t change them, he saw a emergency doctor and I was told to stop taking them immediately! I asked if I needed any thing instead for my heart trouble, but told dr will contact me, nothing as of yet, not much improvement yet, but I suppose it takes a while for the drug to leave your system. Sorry for the ramble, just wiz by.

    Better get some dinner now, hugs to all Lilies

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry to have been missing for the last two days, life has been a bit hectic also a lot of fun. Saturday I was busy preparing for the family coming on Sunday. It was a lovely day, the weather was after a wet start - very good. Grandchildren, all six + 1 girl friend (ages 23 to 12) enjoyed games in the garden. It really was a lovely day.

    Sandra your card today is beautiful, it definitely has your signature on it ( I recognise it as your style!) Thank you for sharing.

    Thank you Margaret and Lillian for your good wishes, we have had a lovely day. John did have an appointment at the Royal Marsden, it was just a check up, all was fine I’m pleased to say. Next appointment in six months time. Really great news.
    Sleep well everyone, Love Brenda xxx
