
Thursday 13 June 2019

Karen's last Background Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Another chilly day yesterday, it's getting boring now, we have wet dogs, wet cats and wet washing hanging around the house, we need the Sunshine!  Val I hope you packed your thermal knickers!!
I swear that this time last year it was glorious weather, it was the village fete last weekend and I always feel sorry for the organisers when the day is a wash out, last year it was absolutely packed with people enjoying the beer garden of the pub, children were playing in the River Thames that runs along the bottom of the pub garden, this year it was rain macs and brollies and barely a soul in sight.
We also spent most days in the garden having tea out there etc, I think we have uncovered the patio table twice this year. Anyway enough moaning...

Today's card is on of Karen's Background cards, she made this card to use up the piece of card that she used to 'smoosh' the back of the 'Caught in Crystal' card (shown below),  I found that if you used a piece of card to squish everything down into place and to make sure that all of the tissue paper is soaked in the crystal lacquer/tints, when you carefully peel this piece of card back you have another fantastic background and that is exactly what Karen did, to finish the card Karen used an Ornate die and placed it over that vibrant green background, it works so well as you can see the colours peeking through the pattern, to finish the card Karen has used a piece of perfectly matched Ribbon and a panel with a die cut sentiment that is coloured to match the background.
Such an amazing card Karen and is basically from a piece of waste, which makes it even more of a bonus, thank you so much for allowing me to share your card. XXX

A quiet day today after two fun days of crafting, Sue came over yesterday and we also had some 'Groovi' fun, we were trying different colouring techniques, shading, snipping, breaking the rules to see what happened, so rebellious!!  We put the world to rights too as always, we talked about Sheena returning to Create and Craft, the fact that we cannot find any evidence of a Craft show at Ally Pally in September this year, which is awful as it is the one time that so many of us get to meet up, maybe have to organise a crafty day at a hotel instead, let me know your thoughts.

Is there anyone amongst us fit enough to do a Sun Dance???  I think that someone she find the person doing the Rain Dance and kick them in the shins!!! 🤯🤯😜

Have a lovely day ladies,

Have a safe and smooth Journey Val, wrap up warm and enjoy every moment with your family and friends xxx

Pat I hope the dentist goes well today my lovely xxx

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-the extra background makes a gorgeous card. Two fantastic cards on show today.

    Thank you all for your lovely comments on my card yesterday, change the colours & sentiment and you have a card suitable for any occasion.

    I managed to clear done emails yesterday but no paperwork. I spent all morning completing the next 2 weeks work schedules. Had an appointment with a Rep straight after lunch then had my One to One with my line manager. By this time it was 4:30pm-doesn’t time fly when you’re busy?! Didn’t get chance to go to my craft room yesterday evening as I was exhausted-I’ve felt very tired the last 3 evenings. Shopping tonight so I doubt I’ll feel up to Crafting but who knows.


  2. Morning Everyone
    YEHHH it's not raining!!!!! It's still very dull and quite chilly but at last it's stopped raining.
    Like everyone I now have had enough of 'winter' and need some SUMMER PLEASE.

    I managed to finish my CCs yesterday so they now need photo and sending off. That's my plan for this morning.

    MICHELE and KAREN- I love your background cards.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in when you can. There's a coffee/walnut cake just waiting to be eaten.
    Oh and the heating is on so it's warm too.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day and take care.xxxx

  3. Thank you for showing my card Quite a simple one really Great idea when using CS tints to create a caught in crystal background to take another print from it This was the first time I actually made a card with a background die too - cut them out a couple of times but never used them in a project
    It’s dry but miserable here
    If AP is not on could we meet at a hotel near AP?
    I am definitely going to Stamperama in Stevenage on 11 th August and I know we’re due a Watford meet up
    Take care all I’m at work now and had forgotten to press publish!

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Two great cards Karen. Must look at my stuff I’ve cut out and not used at some. Sophie’s going to look at my stuff as she wants to make a journal.
    I didn’t realise you’d bought some pricking tools Sandra to do some picot cutting. You are trying to pack a lot of stuff into a short time.
    I’m glad I took my time to master each element before moving onto the next one. I’ve done very small amount of picot cutting. Did something bigger under Maria Moorhouse’s supervision. But it still looks a bit ragged in places. Everyone on the Groovi Workdwide blog says how difficult it is to master, and have been doing it for quite a while and have been to classes.
    Brenda Littlelamb said that she couldn’t find anything regarding Ally Pally this year when she’d messaged me. Let’s hope that they’re just late putting it on the Ally Pally website.

  5. Morning ladies,

    Oh Karen your two cards are so gorgeous.

    It's been a very hectic week, I was called upon by Joshua to collect Milly-May from Chard (after a visit there with Nanny G) as Grumpy's car had broken down. It was not good driving there although the roads are nice and wide as a horrendous downpour happened just before I got onto the M5, so much so that even with the wipers on full I still struggled to see clearly. Just after we got onto the M5 the rain turned into hailstones that lasted a while. After that the sun came so bright we had to put our sunglasses on. Sunday dinner was waiting for us by which time Milly-May had decided she wanted to 'come home your house', a quick phone call to mum and the answer was 'yes'. So a couple of days playing, cooking & shopping was enjoyed by both of us.
    My house looked like a cyclone had it, hahaha. For such a small girl she has to have all the toys out and puts them to sleep before she goes to bed. Tidying up doesn't happen much til she goes.
    I believe that you have to take time out for yourself from others in order to help your get your balance back, and leave others to do the things they should be doing for themselves. Milly-May is my time out, and I love it. She is going to school (Reception class) in September so I am treasuring the time we have before then.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  6. Beautiful backgrounds Karen.
    Arrived safely in A very wet, cold Wirral. Just borrowed some socks as toottsies are freezing.

    Love and hugs to all.

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    I have fingers and everything else tightly crossed that this comment will appear as I am see I am "Me" at the moment!!!
    Here goes.....

  8. Hi everyone from another very wet and raw MK so a little heating is on for I feel soooo cold.
    Beautiful card Karen, love the background and the die you used over is very nice.
    Nooo,please don't tell me it is no AP in Sept.?!! It is one of my highlights of the year when we can meet and shop and have lunch together. I will be depressed if this is true, lets hope like Pat saying ,that it is late put up.
    Going shopping, the cupboards and fridge are getting bare so best get a wiggle on. Hope your day is good as it can be.
    Love and warm hugs to you all. xxx

  9. Yeah, at long last! I have been looking in each day and trying all manner of ways to get my comments to publish. Why it working today is anyone guess but I am just glad it is. all of the cards have been great, so much inspiration from you Sandra and all of you other ladies, and a couple of new "faces" shared their lovely challenge cards too.

    Karen your card is beautiful, I love it. The die cut is lovely on your "waste" card. I am thinking of you having to work with so many ridiculous people. I can't imagine how you must feel every day having to go to work. I do hope the people causing all of the trouble are made to stop as quickly as possible, but until then remember we are all there by your side supporting you dear friend x

    Sandra, it ways great fun yesterday playing with our Groovi things. Barbara Gray's videos are so helpful aren't they. She gives so many really helpful hints and tips and reminds us that we must just relax and have a go at it rather than worrying about wasting a bit of paper/card/parchment. Seeing how well you got on yesterday clearly shows that you are going to be just as talented at Parchment craft as you are with paper card making. Even your very first attempts at pricking and Picot cutting weren't anything to be ashamed of at all, unlike my attempt....well, lets just say the less said mine the better! I'm really looking forward to seeing your first finished parchment card my lovely xx
    I hope that more of you have drier weather today. It is still blooming wet and chilly here. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  10. Margaret Palmer13 June 2019 at 16:41

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Karen what a beautiful background you have made, well
    Sandra it certainly sounds as if you are mastering the art of groovi & it's good to hear Sue joined
    Val I hope you are nice & warm now, hope it warms up for
    Sue pleased to see you in cafe, love you xxx
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  11. Good evening Sandra & ladies
    Sorry late but have been over Margaret & have crafty suff from her. Yesterday Harry's party went well it was held in a ball park. He was so excited when Spider man turned up I can't believe he ran over & cuddled him. Darren got some lovely photos.
    KAREN you cards are lovely.
    Hug's for everyone
    Love Lynda xx
