
Friday 14 June 2019

Your Next Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Well thank goodness it's Friday is all I can say!  We had another day of horrendous 'Stair Rod' rain showers, I really can't believe how much rain we have had this past week, I haven't really seen the news but I am guessing that this must be causing flooding issues to parts of the country.  You have to feel for the poor people that are on holiday in this weather, having said that Becca went to Croatia for 10 days and only saw the sun on the last day, they ended up having to go and buy warmer clothes as they weren't prepared for the cold and wet.  We have definitely camped in June, Sue and I were talking about this on Wednesday, if you were camping this week it would have been miserable, there is nothing worse as literally everything feels cold and damp.

I have to confess that I got too involved in my Groovi addiction yesterday afternoon and didn't manage to finish my card for today's blog post, so I have left you a couple of funny quotes instead, well the first one is a prayer that I would like to bless you all with! xxx

Your Next Challenge

Your next Challenge is something fun and you should Definitely enjoy it...…

I would like to get to know you all even better than I do now, so I would like you all to make a card or Cards using your FAVOURITE Stamp set or Die, you can use your FAVOURITE techniques too,
I just think it would be nice for you all to do something that you really love and to be honest I am so excited to see your favourites.
There are no other rules for this challenge, just have fun using all the things you love !!

I would like to ask for your help for future challenges please ladies, as the last thing I want is for you all to get bored.
I spent a good few hours researching different challenges yesterday morning and there are quite a few, I just don't know how much you would all enjoy taking part in some of them, I will list a few below and would love your opinion or feedback, just letting me know which ones you would enjoy or prefer not to do.

1. Project Half Done challenge (finishing all those things we started but weren't sure of)

2. Triple Stamping Technique Challenge/ To also include CD Rom crafting

3.  Bit Box/Scrap Box Challenge

4.  'Spotlight' Stamp technique challenge, which can also be done with toppers CDRoms etc

5.  Colour themed Challenges

6.  Use Something you have bought but not yet used

7.  Try something you seen on Pinterest/YouTube

8.   C.A.S.E.  a card , I share a card and you make your own version of that card

We also have our old favourites like TICTACTOE/Sketch etc.

I would love to hear any of your ideas too.

Thats all for today my lovelies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great challenge, I’ll be using my faithful old Cuttlebug for this challenge!!!
    I like all the ones you have suggested-least favourites are No 2 & 4.
    Glad you had Crafty fun yesterday-sounds like you’re really enjoying Groovi.

    I’m calling at my Dads tonight with his Father’s Day gift & card do he has it go open on Sunday morning. I’ll be popping round on Sunday as my brother is calling in on his way home (Glasgow) from a Weekend in the Cotswolds. We’ll be visiting my Father in Law tomorrow afternoon. That takes care of my weekend!


  2. Morning Everyone
    Well our dry day didn't last very long yesterday and it's another wet start to the day here.
    I am really looking forward to seeing some sunshine after all we only have six days to go and it's the longest day!!!

    Not a very exciting day for me as it's that 'swear' word day so I must get a wriggle on.

    I like the look of 2/5/8 for CC.
    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting so pop in for a cuppa.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Morning ladies,

    Love the cute, but oh so true, craft quotes.

    Great ideas for the next few challenges. I have a few thoughts on them, all tongue in cheek lol.

    No.1...A before and after photo of the PHF
    N0.2...I do not have cd Roms to use.
    No.3...Photo of the scraps to be used.
    No.4...Don't understand this one, term I have not come across.
    No.5...I've already sent you a water coloured picture.
    No.6...I have SO much I wouldn't know where to start hahaha
    No.7...I'll have a look see
    No.8...Does C.A.S.E mean Came Across Someone Else's?

    Going to pick up Joshua, Grandson no.2, this morning. He has just been made redundant so needs to update his CV to send out for to other job vacancies and does not own a printer so use of my PC/printer is his first priority.
    Mine is to craft. So wet and dreary lately, it's such a good chance to play without worrying about that dreaded word (sssh housework).

    Comfort blanket hugs to all in need of them today.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Thanks for your detailed response my lovely,
      1. great idea to photo before and after

      2 the Triple Stamping' Technique is done using stamps I was just pointing out that you could also use CD Roms, if you weren't a 'Stamper' (hope that helps)

      4. I will send you a photo of 'spotlight stamping' and share on the blog
      8. C.A.S.E. stands for 'Copy and selectively Edit'

      I hope that helps my lovely,

      Have fun crafting today xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I love the Crafter Blessing it could only have been composed by a crafter.
    Lots to think about on your suggestion list. I don’t use CD Roms. Although I have some somewhere!! Quite up for the challenge when you decide.xx
    Will keep this short as we are going to friends funeral service soon. Checked on parking it seems nonexistent so we are going on public transport, the bus and tram stop are 2mins from the church. Nearest car park is 10mins away- that’s if there is space.
    Will look back in later, Love Brenda xxx

  5. I love both of the prayer and saying
    A great challenge for this week
    I like all of the challenge idea Triple stamping and spotlight stamping is exactly that - stamping being the usual way but for those that don’t stamp then CD-ROM’s can be substituted
    Personally I think you should use all of the challenges because I think we can all achieve them (you’re a talented lot ladies)
    I hope the funeral goes as well as they can BRENDA
    It is trying to brighten up here but still cold
    Off to have a nap I woke up at about 4am with the most excruciating cramp and of course I didn’t sleep much after that
    Take care all xx

  6. Afternoon ladies.
    Love the crafters saying and words you posted today Sandra.
    I don't mind what we make for CC, some of them I have not made yet so like to have a go, triple stamping for example. I'm happy when you tell us what colour scheme to follow. Don't get me wrong because I like it but when we do the Tic,tac,toe, I do get a bit flustered and my brain is non functional Lol I must practise more on making box cards and I saw something yesterday that looked amazing and it was a 3D flower vase card. Glad you had a nice productive day with Sue. You seem to take crafting with anything like a duck to water. I love the Groovi works I seen from our groovi queen Pat and Janet but don't think I could afford it with everything else. Looking forward tho to see yours.
    Brenda, hope the day went as well as a funeral can. Sending you both hugs.
    Lynda, hugs to you and CU. Hope you manage to go out and your not in too much pain. Sorry to hear about the long journey for nothing the other day. You would have thought they know what you came over for. Hope you get help soon.
    Val, have a nice holiday in the UK anyway and hopefully the weather will change to the better when you still here. Have fun.
    Karen, hope you not coming down with anything and the nap will have helped you so you can have a nice evening. Take care.
    Felt a bit jittery and stir crazy being indoors today and thankfully we got a break in the rain so had a walk this afternoon, now it pouring again :(
    Big hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I've just pressed publish & my comment has gone to nowhere land. So I'm sorry my arm is really hurting when I fell over yesterday so will just wish you all good night& see you tomorrowxx
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx
