
Wednesday 12 June 2019

Michele's missing Background Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies, 

Well I found out the cause of the torrential rain, not so much storm Miguel, more like Pat having her windows cleaned!! 🤣🤣
I have never seen rain like it, I panicked at one point as our glass patio table cover had sp much water pooled in it I thougt the weoght might crack the glass, so sent one pf the girls out to empty it out, K noticed that Paul had tried to tighten it this morning but it was still collecting.  I wouldn't be surprised to see local flooding. One of the things i have noticed more since living here is that the birds don't sing when it's raining,  it goes eerily quiet and then as soon as it stops they start their happy chirpy chatter once again.

I ended up losing half of my day on Monday as I had the worst headache I have ever had, i felt nauseous with it, I also couldn't get warm either.  That was partly down to the weather though, the temperature is more like Oct/November than flaming June!!  I just couldn't do anything for the rest of the day, I could barely open my eyes as the light made my head hurt worse. I still felt rough yesterday, I ended up alternating paracetamol and ibuprofen to get through the day, by 5/6pm it was returning, I have everything crossed that it isnt the start of something worse.

Today's card is  Michele's missing  Challenge catd from last weekend,  I don't know how I missed it, it's magnificent!
Michele has used different embossing folders for each panel, which gives an amazing effect, something I wouldn't have thought about, so thanks Michele for the inspiration. As with all of Michele's cards the matting and layering is very precise, if you notice there is no expensive die cuts or yoppers on this card,  its making the most of the embossing folders,  making those the main focus of the card.  Very clever design Michele,  thank you so much for taking part and for your inspiration.  XXX 

Pat came over yesterday which was lovely we had a 'Groovi ' time, she kindly let me use some of her 'Zest it' blending solution so that I could have a go at colouring with my Derwent pencils,  i have had those for a couple of years but Sophie had had them on long term loan for her Art work, I actually felt bad asking to use them.  
Pat gave me some great colouring tips which was so helpful. Thanks Pat! XXX

As i am writing this post Paul has just lit the fire and its roaring up the chimney, eveeyone is slowly migrating to join us in the lounge. Great British summer huh?!! 

I am hoping to see Sue today,  which I am really looking forward to as I really missed her last week. 

Have a lovely day ladies, 

Love amd hugs to all of you 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-Thank you for sharing my card. I’d seen something similar on Pinterest and just was playing with some of my rather large collection of Embossing Folders. I thought my Father in Law might be able to appreciate the different textures on it. He can’t read since the stroke we’ll have to tell him what it says on the card.

    I have a “management “ day today so I’m hoping to catch up on a lot of emails & paperwork . I’d like to spend some time in my craft room tonight so fingers crossed!


    1. Lovely card Michele and such a great idea to use EF that might not be used very often. Hope it's ok to use the idea for some future cards ? You take care and hopefully you want be disturb doing the paper work x

    2. Hi Michele
      Love the card and I hope your FIL likes it. I hope the catching up with emails and paperwork happens.

    3. Hi Michele
      your FIL will like all the differant texture of Embossing. It a great design too xx

  2. Lovely card MICHELE I have done something similar for a Christmas card in the past but I much prefer your layout Your FIL will love it
    Sounds like you had a lot of fun Groovi-ing with PAT
    Enjoy your day with SUE I wish I could join you
    Work is still awful I wish people would just get on with their jobs instead of massaging each other’s ego Some are behaving like school children It’s pathetic
    Anyway I hope to craft later today I am ploughing through the first series of The Handmaids Tale - seriously chilling stuff as I missed it first time around
    Take care all xxxx

    1. I have just watched it and S3 is starting so wanted of course find S2 and stupidly we have not got the channel for not paying for it extra,huff. Take care and have fun crafting later x

    2. Hi Karen
      I hope works improves. It sounds like some people need their heads knocking together. I’ve never heard of that series. Sounds quite scary though so might not be my sort of thing.

  3. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card today Michele. I hadn’t thought of doing anything like that. But it’s a great idea. I hope your FIL likes the feel of it. One of our friends wears a VIP badge. A Visually Impaired Person badge so this kind of card would be great for her. I’d never seen these badges before, but what a great idea. Must get my embossing folders out, and see if I can remember what the sandwich is for preferably my Gemini or my Spellbinders machine as I haven’t used them for quite of awhile.
    Fingers crossed Sue comes over today and that your feeling a bit better. Off to the dentist in a minute. Need some treatment so I go again tomorrow as well.

    1. Hope you be all right at the dentist. Sending you big hugs. Tried once again using a electric tooth brush but the noise is too similar with the dentist drill so not sure I will be able to continue with it, how silly am I x

  4. Morning ladies.
    Another wet day here but we are going in to town again for SIL is coming soon and she wanted to go to J.Lewis for a look around. Not her brothers favourite things to do but I don't mind Lol
    Love Michele's card for her FIL, great card for people who can't see very well too.
    Hope your headache is better Sandra and Sue will be able to come around for some crafting or just catching up. Take care.
    Lilian, sorry to see your hands are so bad. Hopefully you get to see the doctors sooner than later. hugs
    Val, you might need to bring a dinghy too. In some areas it is sadly flooded. Can't be any hosepipe ban this summer for sure.
    Lynda- give Harry a big hug and wish him a Happy Birthday!
    Many hugs are sent to you all, xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I’ve had impressions done this morning, and the front tooth out tomorrow. It’s dropped and been pushed forward. I think I look like Nanny McFee. Feels odd without my top plate though.

  5. Margaret Palmer12 June 2019 at 14:42

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Michel what an amazing card, a good way to use embossibg & tactile, well done. Xxx
    Sandra hope you feel better today can enjoy your day with Sue,xxx
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret. Xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Michele what a very inspiring card. Great as others have said for anyone who is VIP, they wouldn’t need anyone to tell them what their card looks looks like and a clever way to use up our off cuts of embossed card. Mine get tossed in the bin.

    Sandra I hope your headache has gone and you are feeling better also hope Sue managed to get over.

    Today has mostly been a damp miserable day, did get out in the garden but it started to drizzle so did a few jobs in the greenhouse. We have now got the heating on as the temperature has really dropped. I really hope the weather picks up before the weekend. The family are all coming to us for Father’s Day and SIL’s birthday and our Wedding Anniversary (both on Monday) it’s a great reason to have a family get together. If it rains we will just have to eat indoors, it’s not a problem but always seems so much more relaxed outside.

    Sending caring hugs to everyone, love Brenda xxx

  7. Hello All, what’s happened to the weather, it’s so cold, feel sorry for the tourists.

    Michele love your card, I seem to crack my papers when I use my embossing folders through my Gemini, shall have to get out my old spellbinder machine.

    Hope you all are ok, hugs to all Lilian

  8. Hi Sandra & ladies
    We have had a lovely day at Harry's birthday party at a ball park he was so excited as Sam book a spider man he came through the Harry ran over & cuddle him. The SM was really good he really interactive with the children doing back flips & going on bouncy castle. I have got lot of pictures.
    Well the pain clinic this morning was a utter waist of time. Took hour n half to get there. Went into see the doctor he asked if the nerve block injections had any effect I said no & said the same thing with the other injection didn't work. Then he asked if I had any other pains so told I have Fibromyalgia he then said that I should see the chronic pain clinic so have to wait for appointment
    What a joke. Terry is Just going to
    Make me a cuppa
    Hug's for everyone
    Love Lynda xx
