
Monday 13 May 2019

Margaret's Sparkle Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Well what a beautiful weekend, we were really blessed with the weather,  which makes such a difference, every one just seems so much happier when the sun is shining . Aldi was absolutely packed with people buying BBQ food though, it always makes us laugh, as soon as there is a hint of sunshine there isn't a sausage or burger to be seen in supermarket!!  I personally am not a huge fan if BBQ's they are too much work in my mind, by the time you have prepared all the meat and salads you may as well have cooked a roast dinner!
We do have them on holiday but that's mainly so that we can cook outside.
Do you ladies enjoy a BBQ?

Todays pretty card is Margaret's 'Sparkle Challenge' card that i totally forgot tp include in yesterday's blog, I have no idea how i forgot, i went back 3 times to check that I hadn't missed Val's or Lilian's cards.
It might have been because we have chatted quite a bit since you sent your card photo,  so I didn't notice it as i was browsing through. 
The bonus if being missed is that your card then gets a whole Blog post to itself. It helps me out too as it's a ready made blog post, so an extra thank you for that my lovely xxx

Margaret has used Stampin'Up Designer Series Paper for the background of her card, it has such a pretty hand stitched Butterfly design all over, so detailed and very delicate.  To add 'Sparkle' Margaret has added a piece of pretty blue glitter card behind the patterned paper, it works beautifully with the colours in the paper.
Margaret has die cut her sentiment and edged the die cut with matching ink.
Such a simple, stylish card Margaret, thank you  so much for taking part in the challenge my lovely. XXX

Paul and I were sitting having a cup of tea on Saturday afternoon in the lounge, I heard a bit of an odd noise  that sounded like tapping on glass, so I turned around to see the tiniest of our lambs dancing about on the GLASS patio table, that was luckily covered over, she must have climbed up the covered chairs to get up there, she is by far the most mischievous one of all of them, she likes to be adventurous bless her, she just happens to be the loudest too!

I hope you all have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning ladies,

    Sorry Is been missing a while but having troubles other arthritis in both hands which are swollen and painful and stopping me doing everything Have an appointment with chiropractor tomorrow so hopefully he can help.

    Lovely cards yesterday and yours today Margaret.x

    What a cute little lamb. He looks so mischievous Sandra.x

    Hugs to all

    1. Take care Val I hope the chiropractor can help

  2. Morning Ladies

    Margaret-what a lovely card.

    Sandra-great photo of one of the lambs!

    The window cleaner just turned up at 7:45 just as I was eating my breakfast-not exactly relaxing start to the morning!

    I have a quick trip planned into Southport then I’m hoping to re-organise my craft room. I’m thinking of buying two more sets of plastic drawers to use instead of the crates I’m using in one area as I’m fed up of keep moving the crates around. Hubby has a funeral to go to at 1:30 so I’ll be able to move things undisturbed!


  3. Yes MARGARET Your card deserves a day of its own It’s lovely
    The lamb looks very cheeky SANDRA Although they are hard work you’ll probably miss their company when they go
    I meant to congratulate CHERYL Such an achievement to raise that amount of money at an event for PETE and cardiomyopathy Well done you
    My head has been buzzing all weekend about using freebies for this week’s challenge Whether the ideas in my head work is another matter
    We went to a BBQ yesterday which was lovely AND as the guy is from Southern Europe we had different food from our bangers and burgers We had kofta marinated lamb and chicken, tasty roasted veg sour dough etc The blueberry muffins went down a treat I should have done a double batch!
    But I agree SANDRA we rarely do BBQ’s at home as it seems a lot of work
    Take care all xx

  4. Margaret Palmer13 May 2019 at 11:01

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Just lost a comment!!!
    Café open, tables outside making the most of sun & fruit cake in cabinet.
    Sandra love the photo, looks full of mischief. Thank you for showing my card & your
    Val sorry you are in so much pain with your hands, hugs on
    Lilian good to see you in, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Margaret your card is beautiful and deserves to have its very own day. xx
    Sandra that lamb looks so cute standing on the table, I should think you have to keep an eye on it checking what it’s up to next. I’m not a great BBQ fan. I would sooner lay out a buffet and sit and relax when we have friends over. Our daughter and family have them frequently, husband or one of her boys will cook, so it’s a joint-venture and she can relax, well to a point - often you hear a call “Mum I need a dish/plate it’s nearly ready” it’s always a family effort which is what it should be.
    It’s a lovely day here, the sky is a beautiful shade of blue, I really should get outside and enjoy the weather while I can, hope it’s the same wherever you are.
    Val sorry you are in such pain with your hands, hope you get some relief soon. xx
    I better get a wiggle on, have a good day everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  6. Hello All, lovely and sunny but a bitterly cold wind.

    Margaret love your card, butterflies always a winner.

    Sandra how much longer are the lambs with you? They look quite large, must be a lot of work.

    Not done much today R away till Wednesday, home for a day then off again.

    Thinking of going private to see if I can get an earlier app to see cardiologist, as 4-5 months seems a long time to wait, although my case is marked urgent.

    I’ll pop in tomorrow, hugs to all Lilian

  7. Hello Sandra & ladies
    We had Sun today but a cold wind
    We had our OAP dinner today. We had chicken stew potatoes peas & carrots with ice-cream & strawberrys it was very nice. Terry had seconds lol.
    Margaret your card is gorgeous I love the paper you used. You know me & butterflies 🦋 haha
    Val sorry you have been in pain with your hands hope you get some help tomorrow.
    LILIAN nice to see you in today. 4_5 months that's a long wait for your cardiologist.hope you get appointment sooner.
    SANDRA love the picture of the little lamb on the glass table she's very cheeky.
    MICHELE hope your craft room has been sorted into your new plastic drawers.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx
