
Sunday 12 May 2019

Your Challenge cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Some absolutely amazing cards for this week's challenge ladies, you have done an amazing job once again, so let's go and have a look..…...


Brenda has made 2 completely different Challenge cards that both work for this weeks challenge,
I absolutely love the bright and beautiful colours of the first card and that Grand Swirls die is now on my shopping list!!
Ciara's Confirmation card is Exquisite Brenda, it is absolutely full of sparkle with the glitter in the background and the tiny sparkles on that Trellis Die cut, Ciara will love it Brenda.

Here is Brenda's description:

I have used Crafters Companion Gemini Create-a-Card dies for both -

For the First one I used Grande Swirls die and put some multi coloured vellum behind.
It has no sentiment yet as I haven’t got an occasion in mind yet!

For the Second one I used Twinkling Trellis die, it is for Ciara’s Confirmation later this month and still needs a sentiment, but will get that done in good time

Brenda thank you so much for two stunning challenge cards XXX


Our Lynda has made two amazing challenge cards for us this week, both cards have absolutely amazing backgrounds. I love both of the dies you have used Lynda, particularly the second one.
Here is Lynda's Description: 

My challenge cards
Added some silk glitter to a piece of double sided sticky sheet rubbing well
Then cut a new die from Wish its lovely to cut & you get a set of free stars.

Next one similar way to do the background using another die from Wish.

Lynda thank you so much, the background on that second card is just beautiful, it looks like a sky scene.  I am so very grateful that you made time to make cards for this weeks challenge as I know that you have been feeling rubbish, struggling with pain and getting used to changes in your medication, you are a true inspiration my lovely XXX


Karen has managed a very respectable 3 cards for a challenge this week, all using different techniques too. 

Here is Karen's Description:

The HAPPY BIRTHDAY one is caught in crystal using CE crystal tints - yellow citrine, pink topaz, pure amethyst with purple haze Pixie Powders and silver glitter It’s ashame the photo doesn’t show the glitter very well It’s quite sparkly

The second is a card inspired by one I saw shown on Hochanda 
Background is aubergine dream PP mixed with water and “flicked” onto card The butterflies are JL cut in shades of Colour Families by Hunkydory - I’d forgotten what a lovely sheen it has plus for the sparkle some gems
Sentiment = Phill Martin

My third card:
 You inspired me to have another go with my ScanNCut foiling kit 
It’s for a work colleague who loves owls The image is from a TL USB

Karen your cards are all stunning, your 'Caught in Crystal' background is just gorgeous, so bright and vibrant and full of detail and texture, I was hoping to do this technique with Danielle but we ran out of time, hopefully next time.  I love the 'flicked' background effect, it gives fantastic detail without being too much, so that JL's Butterflies are the stars of the card. 
Your foiled Owl is stunning Karen, Emma will love it, I am glad that I inspired you to have another go at foiling with your S & C.
Thank you so much for 3 fabulous cards. XXX


Michele made two cards for this weeks challenge, both very different and both fabulous!

Card 1:  Michele used more of the papers from the Making Cards magazine that she used for the other lovely Dog themed cards that I shared on Thursday for the first card, the two strips of 'Bling' down either side of the image give some amazing 'Sparkle' to the card.  

Card 2: Challenge card made using free papers (Making Cards) plus some scraps of gold cards & 4 black gems . 

Thank you so much Michele for two amazing challenge cards, both featuring Making Cards 'Free Papers', you make some amazing cards using 'Magazine Freebies'  which was what inspired next weeks challenge theme! XXX


Cheryl has made a lovely card for this weeks challenge using an amazing background, Cheryl has added narrow silver ribbon down either side of that lovely background. The card is finished with that fabulous 'Celebrate You' sentiment.

Thank you so much Cheryl, it's lovely having one of your cards on our display today, I really appreciate you making time to take part my lovely XXX


Janet has made 3 beautiful cards for this weeks challenge, all incredibly stylish and all very different, I will hand over to Janet for her description:

My Challenge Cards:-
1. My First card base is e Sue Wilson eboss plate. The edge flaps are pre-shaped (a set of different shapes I bought years ago and have never used). The decoupaged . dress is from a Dolly Dimples CD. The ribbon and stones are from my stash.

2.My Second card is made up as follows:-
   The base card is from my stash. The mirror card is Tonic and the die cut edge
  is a Crafter's Companion Edgeable die. The pearls/hat pin/bow are from my stash,

3.  The base of this card is Crafter's Companion Pink floral card. The decoupage is La Blanche and the flowerspearls/hearts and stones are all from my stash.
This set of decoupage from La Blanche is just beautful to work with.

Thank you so much Janet for 3 stunning cards, you managed to fit so much into those two weeks so I am extra grateful that you made time to make 3 challenge cards, I love them all, especially the third one with those gorgeous Crafters Companion papers! XXX

Ladies thank you all so much for another amazing display of cards, you are such an inspirational group of girls, you make these incredible cards for my crazy challenges EVERY WEEK!!! 
I am so very grateful to you all X

Enjoy your Sunday my lovelies,

Love and huge hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning ladies,

    The sun is shining and I'm feeling fine.

    It never ceases to amaze me how there is such a wealth of stupendous craft on display for Sunday mornings challenge cards. Not one is ever the same and everyone has different aspects to their creations.

    My card was quite simple and quick to make. I sat there for ages all week trying to think what would be best under the category of shiny/sparkly but in a subtle way, and I have a few unfinished ones that did not make it to the end. The background is actually an insert from a Next perfume box that my sister had brought with her on her visit for me. And the silver ribbon was from the Craft Stash that I won on Sue Wilson's page all those years ago. The sentiment is from Stamps By Me..Shine Bright. They finally arrived yesterday morning and were the perfect choice to use.

    Pete's Memorial Darts Match was held last night and the lads raised £130 for Cardiomyopathy UK, a very generous amount to add to my stalls takings.
    Jamie was going to attend but he sent me a text 'Don't be alarmed' which I promptly was saying he was in A&E having crushed his left hand whilst helping his car mechanic friend replace a switch for the back lights on Jamie's car. Although the engine was on a hoist it titled and slid forwards to Jamie and automatically he put his hands up to push it away forgetting how heavy it was and it caught his hand against the hoist. Several hours spent in A&E with all the drunkards pushed to the front of the queue before he was seen by a medic. Apparently not all the drunkards get charged for their treatment yet the Government and NHS says they should be as they put themselves at risk by drinking. What a sorry state of affairs.

    Now that all the Bumblebees are out of hibernation they can forage on other plants and I can tackle the dandelions. I leave them to the last as they are Bumblebees favourite nectar. They have such a pretty flower and clock if you look up close but can be bothersome one too.

    Enjoy your Sunday
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Well done for everyone who raised the money for the cardiomyopathy in Pete's honour. ouch, I hope Jamie be alright. Have a nice Sunday x

  2. Morning Ladies

    What an amazing selection of challenge cards today. I’m very much looking forward to next weeks challenge!

    Thank you Ladies for my birthday card & Birthday wishes yesterday I had a lovely relaxing day & a delicious meal last night with hubby.

    Cheryl-unfortunately the public don’t use A&E departments correctly in my opinion. If they were screened when they walked in and asked if they’d been involved in an Accident or it was a medical emergency and turned away if they couldn’t truthfully answer those two simple questions then the genuine users wouldn’t be kept waiting. I’m proud of the NHS but there’s a lot wrong with it!

    Sorry-rant over.


    1. Hi Michele, Agree with you there but the problem we have is that they closed our Bridgwater Hospital (3 miles away)and instead we have a private one with a Minor Injuries Unit (not 24 hours + 6miles away) which is next to useless as all the immigrants who have been pushed in our direction, the South West, use it as a doctor's surgery. The delays if you do have a MI are horrendous as it is mainly staffed by nurses and the doctors come in set hour shifts. Hence a backlog. For A&E we now have to travel 12 miles to Taunton and their policy at weekend and evenings is get the drunks out first because the ambulances are called to bring them in, so Jamie was not seen for 2 hours waiting for the Triage nurse to assess before he was sent to X-ray and he waited there for 1 and half hours to have it done, then back to A&E depot to wait again yet more hours for the doctor to see him. He had an injury so should have been seen when he first came in.

      I had to take Fiona in as an emergency (no ambulance available) and we were there for over 10 hours in A&E,
      Soapbox back in the corner. lol

  3. I love seeing everyone’s cards All so very different
    I enjoyed using my ScanNCut but I think the old foiling kit is much more faffy than this new quill idea If I hadn’t already got a foiling kit that’s the one I would have gone for
    I adore Ciara’s Confirmation card It ticks all of the boxes for this week’s challenge but is so subtle and understated - truly elegant
    You have given me lots of ideas to try - like ribbon down the edges of cards, glitter as backgrounds etc
    We’re off to a BBQ this afternoon OH is not keen but it means we get to see Oscar and I won’t have to cook but I am making some blueberry muffins to take with us!
    Have a lovely day ladies and hopefully this sunny weather will ease pain and lift our moods
    Take care all
    Thanks again for your lovely comments re Bradlee and Sophie It lifts my heart xx

  4. Morning everyone.
    Love, love all the cards this Sunday blog. New ideas to try and many fabulous backgrounds. Sorry didn't get the time to make any, hoping tho to make something this week.
    Woke to a beautiful sunny morning but the clouds have come over. Have some big weeds to take care of so hope to have energy to take them out.
    Have a lovely day everyone. Many hugs ,Maria xxx

  5. Margaret Palmer12 May 2019 at 11:41

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Café is open with tables set outside as it is sunny, there is roast beef on menu with all trimmings so orders please.
    Sandra thank you for suggesting the challenge, lovely lot of cards, I did send you one on Tues or Wed. but don't worry. Have a lovely Sunday in the
    Janet hope you have a good journey
    Hope you all have a good day sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    It’s Sunday again, and what a fantastic display of challenge cards, I love them all, Cheryl what a clever use of the packaging it really looks quite expensive. I have often saved parts of packaging the quality is very good and the colours are always eye-catching. xx
    Lynda Lovely cards, I especially like your second card. xx
    Karen three lovely cards, like how you have used your edger happy birthday die at an angle, very eye catching. xx Enjoy seeing Oscar, Oh and the the BBQ.
    Janet, you really are a star, three lovely cards from you. Hope the journey is going well. xx
    Michele, Lovely cards, you have made brilliant use of your free papers xx
    Hope I haven’t missed anyone out, if I have I apologise. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and have a good week everyone. Love Brenda XXX

  7. Hello All, lovely sunny weather here, but a chilly wind.
    Gosh what a super lot of cards today, love them all,so inspiring.

    Sorry can’t do any at the moment, for some unknown reason my fingers are very swollen and painful. Such a bind not being able to undo anything, even open the milk bottle is a task.

    Hope you are all having a lovely weekend, hugs to all. Lilian
