
Tuesday 14 May 2019

Another Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all enjoyed another lovely sunny day yesterday, it was beautiful here, lovely warm and sunny all day.
It was a bittersweet day yesterday as after a lovely day in the garden with the lambs it was our last day as they are now ready to move onto the Big Barn with the other lambs and sheep.  It will be a relief in that there will be no clearing up after them but as I have cared for them since they were tiny newborns fighting for their lives, I handed them back strong, healthy lambs, I shed a few tears as they left and again later that night, Paul went over a couple of times to check on them to reassure me and him that they were settled and safe.

I did get time to go and make a card though, something very different for me and something that I haven't really tried with stamping before.
I wanted to use a Magazine Freebie to fit in with this weeks challenge, so I used the free stamp set that came with Issue 71 of Creative Stamping Magazine,

The stamp set is called Love & laughter and has been designed by Helen Griffin of Simply Made Crafts.
I used three different stamps from this set to create a design on the side of my card, the first thing I did was to make Masks for the stamps so that I could create depth in my design, I think I have tried masking maybe once before, I have some Inkyliscious Mask paper and stamped my stamps onto the paper and fussy cut them.  I stamped the first image onto my card covered it with the mask and then stamped the other stamps around it. 
I used my Stampin Blends to colour the images, and then stamped the sentiment from another Magazine freebie.
I coloured some faceted gems with the Blends and popped them into the centre of the flowers, I put the topper onto an Old Olive card base,  I added some green pearls to finish the card.
I really enjoyed trying something completely different for this card.
I hope you like it too.

Val it was lovely to see you in yesterday I am so sorry that you are in so much pain my lovely, have you been to GP to see if there is anything that you can offer to help by way of treatment rather than more medication, which I think is probably the last thing you want right now.
Sending you huge hugs my sweet friend xxx

Lilian I would definitely think about seeing a private cardiologist as 4-5 months for an urgent appointment is ridiculous, especially as you have been suffering a lot of symptoms and side effects, I think that you have been messed about enough my lovely, fingers crossed you can get an earlier appointment. xxx

Pat, hope you are ok my lovely xxx

The girls and I are having our hair cut this morning at 9am, there was me thinking that maybe I could lie in as I didn't have to get up to see to lambs!! There's always something isn't there?!

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card today. It’s really lovely, the colours look great.

    Another early start as I can’t seem to sleep-guess my body is still on work time.

    We have a lovely sunny day today & we’re off out somewhere-no ideas on location yet but at least we’re going out.


  2. Morning everyone
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday but I just could not get going at all.

    Now a couple of things .
    A very Happy Birthday Michele. Belated though they are.

    A big Thank You Margaret for looking after things while I was away. Everything looks lovely in the Cafe.

    Sorry no cakes today but I will try tomorrow.

    Sandra beautiful card. I love those stamps and colours are gorgeous.

    Huge Hugs to everyone. Stay safe xxxx

  3. Beautiful card Being a bit of a newbie at stamping I have never tried masking
    I expect it was a little sad seeing the lambs go but you did a grand job
    LILIAN Have you been in touch with GP to see if he can chase it up and/or the cardiologist secretary to ensure you haven’t got “lost” I the system
    I hope the pain eases for all of you It is so draining isn’t it to be in pain
    I had to go to local B&Q yesterday so picked up some paint and wallpaper samples - maybe I will do a challenge card with them But then I have free stamps and dies I have barely used too ...and dies...and...
    Have a good day all Hope you’re enjoying your holiday SUE and weather has cheered up xx

  4. Morning all,
    Gorgeous card Sandra and I have tried masking before but not very good at it Lol
    Yesterday's card from our Margaret was lovely and well deserved a day of it's own, lovely papers.
    Pat- thinking of you and sending many hugs. Take care xx
    Anyone in pain I wish you a better day, if it's possible :(
    Sure you will miss the lambs Sandra but no more mucky business. She is looking so cute on top of the table there.
    WW this morning so got to get a wiggle on. Sure must have put on while my sis was here but today is a new day and the sun is shining . Love to all, Maria xxx

  5. Margaret Palmer14 May 2019 at 11:54

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra beautiful card I have never tried masking. I bet you will miss the lambs but not the feeding or mess. Enjoy your
    Janet good to see you back hope you are not too
    Val hope the chiropractor can
    Lilian go private for an opinion it will help you, you have waited long
    Pat hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Beautiful card Sandra, so bright and cheerful. Thank you for the inspiration, I haven’t done any masking for a while, we all need a jolt from time to time just to remind us of different ways we can get a certain look. xx

    PAT Sending you very gentle and caring hugs. xx

    VAL Hope the chiropractor managed to give you som relief xx

    LILLIAN Your consultants secretary is a great person to help you, I have always found them to be so very helpful. Just explain how difficult each day is for you, She/He maybe able to bring your appointment forward. - it’s really worth a phone call. Take care xx

    SUE hope your weather has improved xx

    We were up and out early today, I had to have a blood test in Croydon (results good) did some shopping in M&S went to Weatherspoon's and had a breakfast, we were home just after midday. Not bad going. Think I might just get out into the garden.

    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xx

  7. Hi ladies,

    Very pretty card Sandra. Really cheerful. I bet you're relieved but sad that the little lambs have gone but I'm sure you'll miss them. You've given them a really good start in life though.x

    Just got back from chiropractor. Very impressed. Had x-rays, a ultrasound and then laser treatment and shockwaves. Feeling less painful but it's early days. He wanted to see me again on Thursday but I'm in Valencia for a few days so I'm going back on Monday.

    SANDRA I have no faith in my GP sadly. He gives the impression if you're over 70 you're written off.

    LYNDA and LILIAN hope you have a better day today.x

    SUE don't know which part of the world you're holidaying in but hope you're having a good time and the weather is being kind to you.x

    JANET hope youre settling back home ok.x

    PAT Sending you hugs.

    Enjoy the rest of your day ladies.

    Love Val x

  8. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I had a bad night last night my left knee was so painful & my feet was aching felt like someone was cutting them felt a knife cutting or scraping down my feet so so tired. I just done all my ironing & CU is out gardening.
    SANDRA I love your card it's gorgeous love the flowers. I'm not so good at masking but should practice more.
    Awww I'm betting your sad about the little lamb's going back home. But it will be better not to get up early to feed them. & the mess 😢
    Val glad your hands feel better today. Take care.
    LILIAN sending you some Hug's xx
    Pat hope your OK sending some gentle Hug's take care My friend xx
    Love Lynda xx
