
Wednesday 29 May 2019

I forgot I had this die.....

Good Morning Ladies,

Well I will get straight into telling you how adventurous my day was yesterday, I wasn't looking forward to it as I was home alone after a busy house at the weekend, nothing worse that a quiet house!!  Well ladies I needn't have worried, it all started at around 6.45am, Harley was howling like a wolf, proper high pitched howling like you see on films, I have never heard him make such a noise, I went out and called him in and he still continued so I fussed him a bit and then he was at the back door again so I let him out, I gave him some treats in a ball puzzle toy thing and went and laid back on my bed, he was quiet at last, just like a normal day, so I thought 'Oh he was just missing having everyone around, he's fine now''!  10 minutes later Matt came in with Harley, he had apparently escaped, I have no idea how as the gates were tightly in place, he was at the Farm, they had called Matt and he came back to get him, so in he came, Matt went off and he started again, this time Matt had but big planters etc along the bottom of the gates so that there was no way he could move them, so I left the back door open, he was laid in his bed, I made myself a cup of tea and went into my craft room.  All was quiet for about an hour, then I heard him howling again, I searched the garden and called in house but her wasn't coming to me, so I looked out the front porch to see him tied to the post on the porch with someone elses dog lead.  Matt called me 5 minutes later and it was Tom from the farm, he had found his way put again, however this time we had our answer, their little dog was 'In Season' , Harley usually plays with her at the farm, in fact on Saturday she had followed Paul home and was trying to 'encourage' Harley in our back garden, Paul rounded her up and took her back, I am guessing he can 'smell' her and it is clearly driving him crazy, I allowed him to have the run of the house (which we don't usually do) to try and take his mind off things, it didn't work, he was trying to climb out of the windows, when the postman came I had to get him to pass parcel through the window in case he escaped, there is no way I have the strength to hold him on a normal day, let alone when he is desperate!!  So my day was anything but quiet, I am hoping he has calmed down, I can't cope with another day with a Frisky Colley!!

While I was in and out of my craft room I came across one of the dies that I bought last minute from Ally Pally, It is one of Creative Expressions 'Papercuts' dies, called 'With Love', I havent used anything like it before so this card is a bit of a trial, I decided the other day that I am going to use up some of the old card and paper that I have hoarded before buying any new, this particular paper is a  Stampin Up one that I like and just 'kept for best', I wanted to use Berry Burst card as I hadn't used it for so long and this particular patterned paper has Berry Burst in it.  I die cut the 'With Love' twice, once in Berry Burst and one in Silver (as that is also featured in that background paper).  I offset them slightly and stuck them together.  I then punched two border strips in silver and adhered them to the front of the card and topped them with a piece of silver foil edged Berry Burst ribbon. I layered the background paper onto a tiny mat of silver card and then on the berry burst card base.  I tied a double bow in the ribbon and added to the piece on the border, I topped that with a contrasting coloured rose.
I'm not too sure whether I like it or not yet, it is growing on me though!

I hope that you all have a lovely day my lovelies

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I hope your day is much less eventful today!! Your card is beautiful, I have those Dies (bought them as soon as they were released) and I’m ashamed to say I haven’t used them! Your lovely card has inspired me to use those Dies.

    Yesterday work was crazy busy and today looks like it’s going to be another busy one, hopefully the end of the week will calm down.


  2. Your day did sound crazy and noisy Perhaps we should go on dragons den after inventing some sort of spray or something to mask the”smell”
    It’s funny how we make a card and it grows on us over time
    I love these dies (my recent cc being one of them) They make a really quick effective card I do hope they bring out a Merry Christmas one
    Visit to Hygenist went OK I am determined to keep on top of things and then blow me down I’m eating glucose chocolate and biscuits at 3am to bring my really low sugars back up Sorry but after sn “incident” the last thing I want to do is brush my teeth!
    I am home alone tonight so I will be crafting and catching up on s couple of tv shows
    Take care all xxx

  3. Morning Everyone
    A lovely card SANDRA but the colour is a little too bright for me.

    Yesterday was one of those days that I didn't want to do anything but kept trying things as I cannot stay sat down too long before my joints start hurting well you all know the drill so I didn't get much done at all. I hope today will be a better one.

    The CAFE isOPEN so pop in for a cuppa and a chat.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe xxxx

  4. Morning ladies,

    I kind of like the card Sandra but I feel it's a bit too flowery on top and Berry Burst on the bottom if that make sense?

    On Monday I bit the bullet and treated myself to a GTech K9 bundle (£70 saving) plus the car accessories half price at £25. Bit more than I was going to pay but the savings did sway me. As it was Monday the lovely young lady from GTech did say it would be probably Tuesday before it would sent out and to expect it to arrive on Wednesday. I had only just come back in from hanging out washing and there was a knock on the door at 10.45am and there was my lovely new vacuum! Brilliant service! With excitement I put it all together and am totally in lurrrrve with it! So lightweight compared to my old Dyson which will now be used sparingly as a spare. Jamie used the stick and I used the hand one with the extension tube for ceilings and skirting boards. His room was done literally in *4 minutes* (with the Dyson it would have been much, much longer with the little excuse of a crevice tool that keeps falling off and being attached to a plug), and the suction is so powerful not even a speck stayed on the carpet.
    With family coming later today after a visit to my parents for lunch, I shall whizz through the whole house, have some lunch myself then prepare a quiche for tea along with my famous Date & Walnut tea loaf.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Margaret Palmer29 May 2019 at 10:23

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card, I hope you have a quieter day
    Maria hope tomorrow goes as well as these occasions can, my thoughts are with
    Lilian loved your card yesterday. Xxx
    Sorry my comment seems to have disappeared …
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret. Xxx

  6. Morning everyone.
    Like your card Sandra, whoever the berry burst is a tad too strong for me.
    Hopefully today will be a bit quieter and less eventful with Harley understanding that he won't have any "roll in the hay" Lol
    Michele- hope your FIL is doing alright. Have a good day at work.
    Cheryl- sound like you got yourself a wonder machine. Just be careful it won't take off with you somewhere Lol take care.
    Brenda- hope your sister is getting better for each day. have a nice day.
    Karen- do look after yourself and no more incidents hopefully. Take care.
    Margaret- wish you better and do take care. Hugs
    Lilian- hope you doing alright and can do some crafting.
    Thank you for my beautiful card.
    I'm still getting them popping through the letter box :>)
    I guess because of the bank holiday the post is a bit different then normal. Had a nice walk around our lake this morning. The water was so still and it was very peaceful. made me feel good seeing the swans with their little ones. Shame the rain is coming as had liked to hang the washing out but nope, not today.
    Have a nice day everyone. Love and many hugs, Maria xxx

  7. He Sandra & ladies
    We have just had a big downpour. Terry's lung function test took over two hours today. Then had to go post two parcels & put repeat prescription in the doctors. By this time CU was as he put it he was starving so we went pie & mash not me I had jacket potato so no. Cooking tonight yay.
    Darren Sam & Harry have stayed in the pool allday as it's over 40 today & supposed to be getting even hotter as the days go on.. Iisa said its 25where they are & said it's hot enough for her.
    Well I hope you all have a good evening
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Sorry Sandra I meant to say that your card was lovely the die is a nice one but as others have said the plain card is a bit bright. Love Lynda xx
