
Tuesday 28 May 2019

Buried Treasure!!

Good Morning Ladies,

Well that weekend was soon over wasn't it?!!  To be honest the weather wasn't really that bad here, we had a couple of hours of drizzle but we managed to get 2 loads of washing dry.  

I rediscovered today's card while sorting through a box of cards for a swap that I am doing, I have a 'Special' cards box, this along with a few others were at the bottom.  
This is the card that Lilian designed for us when we moved into this house last year, I had it on the mantelpiece for a while with the others and then put it away but I am pretty sure that I didn't share it with all of you at the time.
I will say that the photo doesn't do it justice, the flowers are so bright and vibrant in real life, it looks very much like the whole piece is a painting. As with all of Lilian's cards it is a miniature work of art.
Adding those delicate border stamps is a really clever way of making that painted piece blend seamlessly onto the card base.
I will thank you again Lilian for such a lovely card xxx

I love looking back at the lovely hand made gifts I have received from you ladies, it really fills my heart with joy.

The swap that I have just been involved in was a card swap, we had to swap four handmade cards, I had our lovely Lynda as a partner and another lady called Toni, who's cards I shared on Saturday.
One thing I have learnt from doing this swap is that I should really think more about the size of the cards that I make when I am making them as it took me 3 times longer to sort/make envelopes for the cards I made than it did to make the cards.  I don't usually add sentiments and inserts until I send them out as I never really know who I am sending them to or for what occasion. I think that apart from 1 or 2 cards out of the 8/9 I swapped I needed to make envelopes for the rest, most of them were only a couple of centimetres over the standard size, a couple of the cards needed deep envelopes, so I had to get out my 'Envelobox Creator', I think that this may have been the first time I have used it, I usually send cards with flowers on in a jiffy bag wrapped in tissue paper but when you are giving them to someone else to send you kind of have to provide an envelope, although even when made of 300gsm card the 'Envelobox' envelopes are strong enough to send in the post.  So lessons learned with this challenge!

I hope that you all have a lovely day ladies, mine will be spent re-tidying my craft room...honestly why do I bother!!!

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-that’s a really lovely card you received from Lilian and as you say-a work of art.

    We had heavy rain first thing yesterday thenit brightened up so we made the most of the decent weather and did some gardening. In fact we did too much as I’m aching a lot this morning.

    Just been watching a Red Squirrel eating the peanuts in the bird feeder (daft creature as we have squirrel feeders but this one is ignoring them)! I need to phone the Vets on my tea break to find out what’s happening with my Hedgehog-hope he’s survived.


  2. Pretty card LILIAN I love the idea of using a beehive for a New Home card
    I had a really relaxing day pottering around in my craft room I have another three to make for work colleagues and at mo can’t fit them into this week’s challenge
    I hope you slept better LYNDA and that you’re recovering from your fall MARGARET
    Good to have you back SUE
    I hope ANN is still on the mend BRENDA
    HUGS to everyone and extra ones to those I’ve missed out xxx

  3. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I love this card Lillian made for you Sandra, what a clever idea Lillian to use the beehive for a new home card, I really like that idea.
    My comment from yesterday seems to have done a disappearing act, Like so many in the past probably floating around in cyberspace! Ciara had a lovely day on Sunday, thank you everyone for all your good wishes. It was lovely spending time with all of the family and SIL’s family, everyone gets on so well, lots of chatting and the children (big and small) were able to play out in the garden. Yesterday we had a very relaxed day at home pottering a bit in the house but mostly in the garden.
    My sister is improving slowly, she is frustrated as she feels tired most of the time.
    MARGARET hope you are taking life a day at a time, don’t push yourself to hard.xx
    LYNDA I hope you had a good nights sleep, take care. xx
    VAL How are you coping, Are your hands still painful? xx
    LILLIAN Hope you are alright. xx
    PAT Thinking of you. xx
    Also anyone else for whatever reason who needs an extra Hug, I’ve left a box full just inside the cafe door, please help yourself. xxx
    Coffee break over, need to get a wiggle on, Love Brenda xxx

  4. Hi ladies, hope you all have a good day as possible. I'm so cold and tired and don't want to do anything at all so just catching up with some friends by facebook etc.
    Love the card you got from our Lilian. It is gorgeous and a clever idea to use a beehive. I like that idea.
    Need a hot drink and the fleecy on, hope to do some ironing later. OH new shirt for Thursday look dreadful out of it's packet.
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    It's been rather chilly today & over cast.
    I've done a big pile of ironing I have to do it sitting down now as I can't stand to do it now but it takes me longer not sure where it all comes from.
    I've just had a video call from Harry they are on holiday they have just come back to their room for shower before dinner. They have all got a nice colour already. Darren said it was 40 today & the rep said it was going to be 49 the rest of the week. So I think they will spend lot of time in the pool.
    Too hot for me.
    LILIAN a lovely new home card you sent to Sandra it's gorgeous.
    BRENDA I did have a better night's sleep last night, but I was so tired. It's Strange as soon as I wake up to go toilet all the pains starts straight away.
    I'm just watching Hochanda while CU is cutting the grass out the back
    Tomorrow he has hospital appointment tomorrow morning for lung function.
    Well I have got to get something out freezer for dinner so better see get a move on.
    So many Hug's for you all
    Love Lynda xx

  6. Hello All, wet this morning but not enough to wet the garden which is very dry.
    Sunny this afternoon, so managed to dry the towels.

    When I saw the card this morning I thought oh someone has the same stamps as me, then I realised it was mine.

    Hope this will publish as have been having terrible trouble getting it to work.

    Hugs to all, hope All with aches and pains soon feel better, Lilian
